222 research outputs found

    Neutralization of chemokines RANTES and MIG increases virus antigen expression and spinal cord pathology during Theiler's virus infection.

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    The role of chemokines during some viral infections is unpredictable because the inflammatory response regulated by these molecules can have two, contrasting effects-viral immunity and immunopathologic injury to host tissues. Using Theiler's virus infection of SJL mice as a model of this type of disease, we have investigated the roles of two chemokines-regulated on activation, normal T cell-expressed and secreted (RANTES) chemokine and monokine induced by IFN-gamma (MIG)-by treating mice with antisera that block lymphocyte migration. Control, infected mice showed virus persistence, mild inflammation and a small degree of demyelination in the white matter of the spinal cord at 6 weeks post-infection. Treatment of mice with RANTES antiserum starting at 2 weeks post-infection increased both viral antigen expression and the severity of inflammatory demyelination at 6 weeks post-infection. MIG antiserum increased the spread of virus and the proportion of spinal cord white matter with demyelination. Overall, viral antigen levels correlated strongly with the extent of pathology. At the RNA level, high virus expression was associated with low IL-2 and high IL-10 levels, and RANTES antiserum decreased the IL-2/IL-10 ratio. Our results suggest that RANTES and MIG participate in an immune response that attempts to restrict viral expression while limiting immunopathology and that anti-chemokine treatment poses the risk of exacerbating both conditions in the long term

    Foliar Fungicide Study on Soybean

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    The study was designed to document the efficacy of fungicides in disease control and yield protection at various application timings and frequencies on soybeans

    Soybean Planting Dates in Northeast Iowa

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    Soybean planting date studies of various types have been conducted at this site since 1976. Earlier tests included later planting dates (May through mid-June), differing variety maturities, and comparisons with starter fertilizer and Ridomil fungicide soil treatments. Research reports on these studies can be found in previous annual progress reports with the last summary in the 2001 and 2009 reports

    Effect of Fungicides and Plant Populations on Soybean Disease and Yield

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    Fungicides on soybeans provide growers an effective management strategy for foliar diseases, especially soybean rust. However, many questions about fungicides and how common practices affect fungicide efficacy are still unresolved. One possible cultural practice that may affect fungicide efficacy is plant population. Higher plant populations may provide a more conducive microenvironment for certain plant diseases and may reduce the penetration of fungicides to the lower canopy. The objective of these studies was to evaluate the efficacy of fungicides in different soybean plant populations

    Effect of Fungicide on Disease and Yield of Low Lin/Food Grade Soybeans

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    Use of foliar fungicides by soybean producers has gained increased interest since 2004, with the potential threat of soybean rust. Although yield responses have not consistently recouped the cost of the applications, foliar fungicides may provide benefits in a different economic situation (i.e., specialty soybean crop). In addition, there may be a possibility of fungicide-treated soybeans producing higher quality seed

    Effect of Fungicides and Plant Populations on Soybean Disease and Yield

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    Applications of foliar fungicides on soybean have been shown to reduce disease pressure and protect yield under the right conditions, especially in environments that have very wet or humid conditions. In the past decade, fungicide use in Iowa has increased. Initially, growers were concerned with the potential threat of soybean rust, which is controlled effectively by foliar fungicides. In Iowa, however, there has not been any case of yield reduction due to soybean rust. New potential purposes for foliar fungicides include “plant health” benefits and the reduction of foliar diseases endemic in Iowa such as Septoria brown spot, Cercospora leaf blight, and frogeye leaf spot. Currently what is not known is how the efficacy of fungicides is affected when agricultural practices change. Our question: How does plant population affect the efficacy of fungicides

    MEMS practice, from the lab to the telescope

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    Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology can provide for deformable mirrors (DMs) with excellent performance within a favorable economy of scale. Large MEMS-based astronomical adaptive optics (AO) systems such as the Gemini Planet Imager are coming on-line soon. As MEMS DM end-users, we discuss our decade of practice with the micromirrors, from inspecting and characterizing devices to evaluating their performance in the lab. We also show MEMS wavefront correction on-sky with the "Villages" AO system on a 1-m telescope, including open-loop control and visible-light imaging. Our work demonstrates the maturity of MEMS technology for astronomical adaptive optics.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures, Invited Paper, SPIE Photonics West 201

    Performance of MEMS-based visible-light adaptive optics at Lick Observatory: Closed- and open-loop control

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    At the University of California's Lick Observatory, we have implemented an on-sky testbed for next-generation adaptive optics (AO) technologies. The Visible-Light Laser Guidestar Experiments instrument (ViLLaGEs) includes visible-light AO, a micro-electro-mechanical-systems (MEMS) deformable mirror, and open-loop control of said MEMS on the 1-meter Nickel telescope at Mt. Hamilton. In this paper we evaluate the performance of ViLLaGEs in open- and closed-loop control, finding that both control methods give equivalent Strehl ratios of up to ~ 7% in I-band and similar rejection of temporal power. Therefore, we find that open-loop control of MEMS on-sky is as effective as closed-loop control. Furthermore, after operating the system for three years, we find MEMS technology to function well in the observatory environment. We construct an error budget for the system, accounting for 130 nm of wavefront error out of 190 nm error in the science-camera PSFs. We find that the dominant known term is internal static error, and that the known contributions to the error budget from open-loop control (MEMS model, position repeatability, hysteresis, and WFS linearity) are negligible.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, to appear in Proc. SPIE 2010 Vol. 7736 Adaptive Optics Systems II, high-resolution full-color version available at http://spiedl.org