23 research outputs found

    An investigation into customer loyalty and relationship marketing : case UK grocery retailing and telecommunication sectors

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    This research investigates customer loyalty and relationship marketing theories into two different commercial sectors in the UK, namely grocery retailing and telecommunication. The study is divided into two major parts. The first part examines consumer perceptions of customer loyalty schemes and explores the nature and extent of relationship development in the UK retail grocery sector. Aspects of the Interaction Approach, historically developed and confined to organisational contexts, were used as a conceptual framework for assessing the level of these relationships

    Transform your human resources processes to improve your patient’s care, quality, and results

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    The purpose of this article is to identify what are the human resources processes to be implemented in orthodontic practices to both improve the management of patients, but also the profitability of the structure in terms of both organization and financial. The work on the cohesion of the teams will create a collective commitment which depends on the one hand on the quality of the recruitment of the employees, and then on the motivation levers set up within the teams and maintained over time. In the teams the intergenerational collaboration must be managed and optimized. On the other hand, the orthodontist leader must have a clear strategy and clear objectives to be able to communicate effectively. He must also know the communication tools according to the circumstances to convey the messages he needs

    Transformer vos processus ressources humaines pour améliorer votre prise en charge du patient, votre qualité et vos résultats

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    L’objectif de cet article est d’identifier quels sont les processus ressources humaines à mettre en place au sein des cabinets d’orthodontie pour à la fois améliorer la prise en charge des patients, mais aussi la rentabilité de la structure tant en termes d’organisation que financièrement. Le travail sur la cohésion des équipes va créer un engagement collectif qui dépend d’une part de la qualité du recrutement des collaborateurs, et ensuite des leviers de motivation mis en place au sein des équipes et entretenus dans le temps. Dans les équipes la collaboration intergénérationnelle doit être gérée et optimisée. D’autre part l’orthodontiste dirigeant doit avoir une stratégie et des objectifs clairs pour pouvoir communiquer efficacement. Il doit par ailleurs connaître les outils de communication selon les circonstances pour faire passer les messages dont il a besoin

    systems in

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    Observability analysis and sensor location study for structured linea

    The COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Impact on Knowledge, Perception and Attitudes of Dentistry Students in Austria: A Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Sarra Boukhobza,1 Valentin Ritschl,2 Tanja Stamm,2 Katrin Bekes1 1Department of Pediatric Dentistry, University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria; 2Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems, Section for Outcomes Research, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, AustriaCorrespondence: Katrin BekesDepartment of Pediatric Dentistry, University Clinic of Dentistry, Medical University Vienna, Sensengasse 2a, Vienna, 1090, AustriaTel +43-1-400702801Fax +43-1-400702809Email [email protected]: Universities with dental schools are faced with complex problems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dentistry students are at a higher risk of contracting infections, specifically COVID-19, due to direct contact with patients. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge, perception and attitude regarding COVID-19 among dentistry students in Austria.Methods: During the first lockdown in Austria, an online survey was distributed among 165 dentistry students in their clinical term at the Medical University of Vienna. The survey contained elaborative questions on the general knowledge and attitude towards COVID-19. A special focus of the questionnaire was set on the modification of the student’s curriculum regarding infection control.Results: In total, 77 (47%) students replied; 68 questionnaires were included in the analysis. Dentistry students were found to have good general knowledge of COVID-19 during the early phase of the pandemic. Most students (89.6%) got their information regarding the COVID-19 infection from official sources; however, 58% would like to attend further lectures on COVID-19 to expand their knowledge.Discussion: The current study finds good general knowledge on COVID-19 among dental students, but some gaps regarding hygienic protocols and infection control. Students’ preferences regarding modification in the curriculum suggest practical courses and lectures as a way to close COVID-19 related knowledge gaps.Keywords: COVID-19, pandemic, infection, dentistry students, infection contro


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