56 research outputs found

    Prise en charge des traumatismes fermes du thorax chez l’adulte au c.h.u. Tokoin de Lome.

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    We performed a retrospective study on 348 files of patients hospitalised for closed thoracic trauma during 10 years (1990-1999). The objective was the evaluation of its management. 278 men (79.9%) and 70 women (20.1%) were concerned (sex ratio = 4) and the mean age was 35.7 years. Road accidents were the first etiology (73.56%). Pulmonary contusion in 170 patients (48.85%) was the most frequent thoracic injury followed by 154 (44.25%) cases of rib fractures, 72 (20.70%) cases ofhemothorax and 49 (14.08%) cases of pneumothorax. 53 (15.23%) chest tube were placed. 4 thoracotomy and one sternotomy were performed. Death occurred in 27 (7.76%) cases and was mainly related to the presence of associated injuries. X ray remains useful. An improvement of survival needs creation of a department of thoracic surgery. Nous avons rĂ©trospectivement analysĂ© 348 dossiers de traumatismes fermĂ©s du thorax recensĂ©s sur 10 ans (1990 -1999). Le but de notre travail Ă©tait d’en analyser la prise en charge. Les 348 patients serĂ©partissaient en 278 hommes (79,9%) et 70 femmes (20,1%) avec une sex-ratio de 4. L'Ăąge moyen Ă©tait de 35,7 ans. Les accidents de la voie publique ont constituĂ© la premiĂšre Ă©tiologie (73,56%). LeslĂ©sions thoraciques Ă©taient dominĂ©es par les contusions pulmonaires (48,85%), suivies des fractures de cĂŽtes (44,25%), puis de 72 cas (20,70%) d'hĂ©mothorax et de 49 cas (14,08%) de pneumothorax ; 53drains (15,23%) ont Ă©tĂ© placĂ©s. Quatre thoracotomies et une sternotomie ont Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©es. 27 dĂ©cĂšs furent enregistrĂ©s (7,76%), en rapport surtout avec les lĂ©sions associĂ©es extrathoraciques. Laradiographie standard reste utile. Une amĂ©lioration de la survie passe par l’installation d’un service de chirurgie thoracique

    Bidirectional optical transcutaneous telemetric link for brain machine interface

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