3,066 research outputs found

    Analisis Data Panel : Pengaruh Rasio Fundamental Terhadap Capital Gain Saham (Studi Pada Saham-saham Sektor Industri Barang Konsumsi Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2007-2011)

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    Pasar modal merupakan media yang menjembatani antara masyarakat dan Perusahaan untuk mengoptimalkan dana untuk mendapatkan kentungan di kedua belah pihak. Ketika Perusahaan mengaplikasikan strateginya dengan baik dan Perusahaan mempunyai kinerja yang positif, hal tersebut dapat menjadi pertimbangan bagi investor untuk mempercayakan uang mereka ke Perusahaan, menginvestasikan uang mereka dan mengambil segala risiko. Investor menyukai meminimalkan risiko yang mereka tempuh, salah satunya lewat analisa laporan Perusahaan yang berkaitan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh rasio fundamental yaitu price to earning ratio, net profit margin, debt to equity ratio, dan return on equity ratio terhadap capital gain Perusahaan. Sebagai tambahan, terdapat satu variabel independen yaitu capital gain pada periode satu tahun sebelumnya dianalisis untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap besarnya capital gain oeriode selanjutnya, hal ini disebut autoregresi. Sampel yang digunakan adalah saham Perusahaan yang dikategorikan dalam industri sektor barang konsumsi yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia sepanjang periode 2007 – 2011. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah data panel yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data berupa data time series dan data cross sectional. Lebih jauh lagi, metode efek tetap digunakan dalam penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh yang lebih lanjut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya pengaruh signifikan antara price to earning ratio dan return on equity ratio terhadap capital gain, sedangkan variabel lainnya menunjukkan hasil yang tidak signifikan. Dalam penelitian ini, didapatkan 19 model regresi untuk 19 Perusahaan sampe yang disebabkan karena adanya perbedaan gaya manajerial dan filosofi Perusahaan. Variabel price to earning ratio dan return on equity ratio adalah satu-satunya referensi yang dapat menentukan strategi investasi untuk investor di pasar modal. Oleh karena itu, masih diperlukannya penelitian lebih lanjut untuk mendapatkan hasil lebih baik dan lebih luas

    Spatial opinion dynamics and the effects of two types of mixing

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    Spatially situated opinions that can be held with different degrees of conviction lead to spatiotemporal patterns such as clustering (homophily), polarization, and deadlock. Our goal is to understand how sensitive these patterns are to changes in the local nature of interactions. We introduce two different mixing mechanisms, spatial relocation and nonlocal interaction (“telephoning”), to an earlier fully spatial model (no mixing). Interestingly, the mechanisms that create deadlock in the fully spatial model have the opposite effect when there is a sufficient amount of mixing. With telephoning, not only is polarization and deadlock broken up, but consensus is hastened. The effects of mixing by relocation are even more pronounced. Further insight into these dynamics is obtained for selected parameter regimes via comparison to the mean-field differential equations

    Spin-Coupled Local Distortions in Multiferroic Hexagonal HoMnO3

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    Local structural measurements have been performed on hexagonal HoMnO3 in order to ascertain the specific changes in bond distances which accompany magnetic ordering transitions. The transition from paramagnetic to the antiferromagetic (noncollinear) phase near ~70 K is dominated by changes in the a-b plane Mn-Mn bond distances. The spin rotation transition near ~40 K involves both Mn-Mn and nearest neighbor Ho-Mn interactions while the low temperature transition below 10 K involves all interactions, Mn-Mn, Ho-Mn (nearest and next nearest) and Ho-Ho correlations. These changes in bond distances reveal strong spin-lattice coupling. The similarity in magnitude of the change in J(Mn-Mn) and J(Ho-Mn) enhances the system frustration. The structural changes are interpreted in terms of a model of competing spin order and local structural distortions. Density functional calculations are used to estimate the energies associated with ionic displacements. The calculations also reveal asymmetric polarization of the charge density of Ho, O3 and O4 sites along the z-axis in the ferroelectric phase. This polarization facilitates coupling between Ho atoms on neighboring planes normal to the z-axis.Comment: 8 figure

    Pressure effects on charge, spin, and metal-insulator transitions in narrow bandwidth manganite Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_{3}

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    Pressure effects on the charge and spin states and the relation between the ferromagnetic and metallic states were explored on the small bandwidth manganite Pr1x_{1-x}Cax_{x}MnO3_{3} (x = 0.25, 0.3, 0.35). Under pressure, the charge ordering state is suppressed and a ferromagnetic metallic state is induced in all three samples. The metal-insulator transition temperature (TMI_{MI}) increases with pressure below a critical point P*, above which TMI_{MI} decreases and the material becomes insulating as at the ambient pressure. The eg_{g} electron bandwidth and/or band-filling mediate the pressure effects on the metal-insulator transition and the magnetic transition. In the small bandwidth and low doping concentration compound (x = 0.25), the TMI_{MI} and Curie temperature (TC_{C}) change with pressure in a reverse way and do not couple under pressure. In the x = 0.3 compound, the relation of TMI_{MI} and TC_{C} shows a critical behavior: They are coupled in the range of \sim0.8-5 GPa and decoupled outside of this range. In the x = 0.35 compound, TMI_{MI} and TC_{C} are coupled in the measured pressure range where a ferromagnetic state is present

    X-ray absorption study of Ti-activated sodium aluminum hydride

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    Ti K-edge x-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy (XANES) was used to explore the Ti valence and coordination in Ti-activated sodium alanate. An empirical relationship was established between the Ti valence and the Ti K-edge onset based on a set of standards. This relationship was used to estimate oxidation states of the titanium catalyst in 2 mol% and 4 mol% Ti-doped NaAlH4. These results demonstrate that the formal titanium valence is zero in doped sodium alanate and nearly invariant during hydrogen cycling. A qualitative comparison of the edge fine structure suggests that the Ti is present on the surface in the form of amorphous TiAl3.Comment: 3 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    Observation of Ferromagnetic Clusters in Bi0.125Ca0.875MnO3

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    The electron doped manganite system, Bi0.125Ca0.875MnO3, exhibits large bulk magnetization of unknown origin. To select amongst possible magnetic ordering models, we have conducted temperature and magnetic field dependent small-angle neutron scattering measurements. Nontrivial spin structure has been revealed. Ferromagnetic spin clusters form in the antiferromagnetic background when temperature is decreased to Tc~108K. With a further reduction in temperature or the application of external magnetic field, the clusters begin to form in larger numbers, which gives an overall enhancement of magnetization below Tc.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figue