5 research outputs found

    Seed quality improvement with fruit extracts in blackgram

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    The present study was conducted to know the effect of extracts from parts of papaya and pomegranate fruits containing enormous amount of antioxidants on the seed quality parameters of blackgram (Vigna mungo L.). Blackgram seeds were soaked in papaya peel, pulp, seeds and pomegranate peel, seeds extracts viz., 2.5 %, 5 %, 7.5 % and 10 % concentration for 1 hour. The physiological parameters were evaluated under laboratory conditions. The results revealed that seeds treated with 2.5 % papaya seed extract recorded high physiological and biochemical changes in terms of field emergence, germination percentage, seedling length, dry matter production, vigour index and ?- amylase activity when compared to rest of treatments and control

    Seed priming with endophytes on physiological, biochemical and antioxidant activity of hybrid maize (Zea mays l.) COH (M) 8 seeds

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    Endophytes are important microorganisms that enhance the plant's stability through a symbiotic relationship, without any harmful effects and symptoms in the host plant. To study the effect of endophytes on overall performance of COH(M)8 hybrid maize seeds, the present study was conducted with different endophytic seed priming for  12 hrs duration with Beauveria bassiana @ 5% (T2), Metarhizium anisopliae @ 5% (T3) and Bacillus subtilis @ 8% (T4) along with hydro priming (T1) and untreated control (T0).  The seed priming treatments with all the above three endophytes enhanced the seed quality parameters, among which M. anisopliae @ 5% (T3) registered maximum increase of germination (4.34%), shoot length (20.73%), root length (15.04%), dry matter production (15.22%) and vigour index (22.68%) over control. Similarly, the seeds primed with M. anisopliae @ 5% (T3) recorded the highest value of dehydrogenase activity (0.441 OD value), α- amylase activity (2.06 mg maltose min-1) and antioxidant activity viz., catalase (1.55 μmol H2O2 min-1 g-1 protein) and peroxidase  (0.87 U mg-1protein min-1). Results of this study revealed that the endophytes can enhance overall the seed quality in maize

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    Not AvailableA total of eight actinomycetes were isolated from Glomus mosseae spores predominant in the rhizosphere of guava (Psidium guajava L. cv Arka Mridula) orchards in Karnataka State, southern India. Five isolates were identified using RNA polymerase β-subunit gene primers as Streptomyces fradiae, S. avermitilis, S. cinnamonensis, Leifsonia poae and Streptomyces canus. All the isolates were tested for beneficial attributes like growth promotion, production of growth hormones like IAA and GA3, phosphate solubilization, siderophore production and antagonistic activity against pathogens including chitinase activity. S. canus recorded increase in guava height and plant dry matter (25.58%, 30.89%) over control followed by S. avermitilis (20.75%, 30%) and S. cinnamonensis (14.05%, 22%) and L. poae (11.09%, 20%) in 10 month-old P. guajava seedlings grown with actinomycetes cultures mixed in coco peat growth medium at 10−8 cfu g−1 substrate. All the isolates produced growth hormones at varying levels. S. canus produced 10.1 μg ml−1 of IAA and 12.0 μg ml−1 of GA3, the highest, compared to others. S. avermitilis, S. canus and L. poae exhibited higher activity of phosphate solubilization, siderophore production and chitin degrading activity out of the five isolates. All the isolates tested in dual culture possessed strong antifungal activity against Fusarium oxysporum and Alternaria solani. The findings from this current study clearly indicated the possibilities of using mycorrhizae associated actinomycetes as bioinoculant for growth promotion, nutrient mobilization and biocontrol agent in guava seedling production.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableIn the present study, Loop – mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was used as a novel tool fordiagnosis of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. punicae (Xap), a gram negative host specific bacterium causingbacterial blight of pomegranate (Punica granatum). LAMP assay based on the amplification of the Gyrase â (gyrâ)gene showed the detection limit of 1fg/μl of purified Xap DNA when compared with conventional PCR showingamplification only upto 1pg/μl concentration of DNA. The time limit of detection was found to be 45 and 60 minof incubation. The sensitivity of this LAMP assay was determined to be 10 copies per reaction mixture as againstsingle copy detection using real time PCR.The LAMP assay was able to detect Xap from crude extract of theinfected samples collected from different locations without isolating the pathogen or purified genomic DNA.Pathogenic extract from infected leaf was visualized as increase in turbidity as well as color change from violet tosky blue by pre addition of HNB. LAMP assay showed a great potential for monitoring the disease incidence andit could prove to be a powerful supplemental tool for current diagnostic methodsNot Availabl