11 research outputs found

    Etude de l'action du mebendazole et du hexachloro p. xylene sur les trematodes chez les ovins

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    Bu çalışmada, doğal enfekte koyunlarda trematodlara mebendazol ue hexachloro p. xylenin etkisi araştırılmıştır. Araştırma 25 koyunda yapılmış, bunlar 5'er hayvanlık 5 gruba ayrılmıştır. Üç grup mebendazolun 30, 40 ue 50 mg./kg., bir grup hexachloro p. xylenin 300 mg./kg. dozlarıyla sağıtılmış beşinci grup ise kontrol tutulmuştur. İlaçların etkisi, sağıtımdan 11-13 gün sonra yapılan otopsilerde, sağıtı lan gruplar ile kontrol grubundan toplanan parazit sayılarının karşılaştırılmasıyla saptanmıştır. Mebendazol 30, 40 ue 50 mg./kg. dozlarda Dicrocoelium dendriticum 'a sırasıyla % 33.5, 78.2 ue 90.6, Fasciola hepatica'ya % 65.3, 72.9 ue 79.4, hekzachloro p. xylen ise 300 mg./kg. dozda D. dendriticum'a % 53.6, F. hepatica'ya % 97.0 etkili bulunmuştur. Her iki antelmentik de kullanıldıkları dozlarda Paramphistomum spp. ye kayda değer bir etki göstermemiştir.Dans ce travail on a etudie l'action du mebendazole et du hexachloro p. xylene sur les tremotodes du mouton enfeste naturellement. L 'experience a ete effectue sur 25 moutons qui sont ete divises en cinq groupes de nombre e'gal. Trois groupes ont ete traites aux doses de 30, 40, 50 mg/kg du mebendazole et un autre groupe a la dose de 300 mg/kg. du hexachloro p. xylene. Un groupe est garde comme temoin. L 'efficacite des produits a ete estime par numeration des douves trouves dans L 'autopsie effectue au 11e a 13e jours apres le traitement. Les doses de 30, 40 et 50 mg/kg du mebendazole ont ete efficace respectivement de 33.5, 78.2 et 90.6% sur Dicrocoelium dendriticum, et 65.3, 72.9, 79.4 % sur Fasciola hepatica. La dose de 300 mg/kg du hexachloro p. xylene a ete efficace 53.6 % sur D. dendriticum et 97.0 % sur F. Hepatica. Ni mebendazole ni hexachloro p. xylene n 'a ete efficace sur Paramphistomum spp

    Effectiveness of eprinomectin 0.5% pour-on against gastrointestinal nematodes in naturally infected cattle

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    Effectiveness of eprinomectin, which until now has not been assessed in Turkey, was tested against gastrointestinal nematodes of naturally infected cattle under field conditions in Adapazari, Sakarya. Out of 25 cattle used in trial, 17 were treated with eprinomectin and 8 were kept as untreated controls. To determine gastrointestinal nematode fauna, a fecal culture was prepared from the mixed fecal samples of 25 trial cattle at 26-27 degrees C for 3 weeks. Eprinomectin 0.5% pour-on (Eprinomec 0.5% Dokme Cozelti (R), TOPKIM) at the recommended dose of 1 mL/10 kg bw (0.5 mg active ingredient/kg bw) was applied along the backline of each animal (day 0). It was determined that the gastrointestinal nematode fauna of 25 trial cows comprised Nematodirus (17%), Strongyloides (9%), Trichostrongylus (24%), Ostertagia (20%), Haemonchus (12%), Cooperia (10%), Oesophagostomum (6%), and Bunostomum (2%) genera. A t-test for independent samples showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the log (EPG + 1) values of control and treatment groups on the treatment day (day 0), whereas the differences were significant (P 99.5% according to geometric means and > 97.3% according to arithmetic means. However, effectiveness against individual nematode species may differ somewhat from these percentages. No adverse reactions were observed in cattle treated with eprinomectin

    Tapeworm Infections in Stray Dogs and Cats in Istanbul, Turkey

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    This study was performed to determine the tapeworm infections of stray dogs and cats in Istanbul, Turkey. Stool samples were obtained from animals in a temporary animal rehabilitation center in Istanbul. Stools were examined microscopically for tapeworm eggs by saturated salt water flotation and by Teleman's sedimentation (for fatty stools) method and macroscopically for proglottids. Infected animals were treated with praziquantel (Cestacit Injectable Solution (R) Topkim, Turkey) at a dose of 5.68 active ingredient/kg bw and stools were re-examined daily until no parasite was seen for two consecutive days in terms of proglottids and scolices macroscopically and eggs microscopically. Out of 250 dogs, 26 (10.4%) were found to be infected with tapeworms, 16 (6.4%) with Dipylidium caninum, 10 (4%) with Taenia spp., and 2 (0.8%) with Echinococcus granulosus and, 2 (4.65%) of 43 cats had Joyeuxiella pasqualei infection

    Efficacy of Fipronil Spot on Against Fleas on Cats and Dogs and Ticks on Dogs

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    Efficacy of fipronil, which until now has not been assessed in Turkey, was tested against fleas (Ctenocephalides felis, Ct. canis) on cats and fleas (Ct. canis, Ct. felis, Pulex irritans) and ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus) on dogs. Fipronil spot-on (Spotline (R), TOPKIM Ilac Sanayi AS, Turkey) was applied directly on to the two different skin points between the shoulder blades of animals at recommended practical doses based on the dose of 0.067 ml/kg (6.7 mg active ingredient/kg). Animals were examined for the presence of parasites several days (3-5 days) after treatment. Drug efficacy was calculated from the percentages of animals becoming free of parasites after treatment. Fipronil was 100% effective to remove and/or kill fleas on both dogs (16 dogs) and cats (15 cats) and ticks on dogs (12 dogs). Live and death parasites in decreasing numbers as a result of re-infestation and after dying were seen on a dog for 9 days after treatment, which was put together with heavy flea infested puppies. No adverse reactions were observed in both dogs and cats treated