157 research outputs found


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    The global financial crisis has now moved from containing the contagion to coping with the global recession. This paper identifies some special characteristics of the current recession. First, it began as a crisis of debt and of asset price inflation. Second, it represents a regulatory crisis. The explosion of complex (and unregulated) financial instruments in a high debt environment exacerbated the crisis of debt. Following immediately from this and, third, it represents a massive imbalance in the global economy and a credit crunch. Forth, it represents a collapse of demand and, following from that rising unemployment. Finally, the rising unemployment exacerbates the debt crisis. This completes a vicious cycle. This paper, also, explains the crisis in the view of Kondratieff cycle. It identifies also some possible response to the financial crisis.global financial crisis, debt crisis, Kondratieff wave cycle


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    Promotion and protection of European identity rights of persons belonging to nationalminorities are part of human rights protection system developed universally under the UnitedNations and, respectively, in the Regional Council of Europe, Organization for Security andCooperation in Europe and other European institutions. International instruments adopted bythe OSCE human dimension that is circumscribed, and are political in nature (so there are nottreated) contributed to a great extent, the development of catalog rights identity for peoplewho belong to national minorities, the evidence of evolution ordination mechanisms andregulations and safeguarding the rights of the category listed and, last but not least, to outlinea programmatic directions and certain standards in this field. Documents to be examined, aswell as other regulatory and industry (universal or regional) that aim at protecting minorities"does not authorize any activity that is contrary to fundamental principles of internationallaw, or other obligations under international law or provisions of the Helsinki Final Act, inparticular the principle of sovereignty and territorial integrity of states"

    Ecocene Politics

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    Anchored in the diverse ecological practices of communities in southern Italy and Aotearoa/New Zealand, this book devises a unique and considered theoretical response to the shortcomings of global politics in the Ecocene—a new temporal epoch characterised by the increasingly frequent intrusion of ecological processes into political life. Dismantling the use of the term ‘Anthropocene’ as a descriptor for our current ecological and political paradigm, this bold and resolutely original contribution proposes a restorative ethics of mutualism. An emancipatory theory intended to re-invigorate human agency in the face of contemporary ecological challenges, it posits an effective means to combat the environmental destruction engendered by modernity. Using ecology alongside European moral and Māori philosophies to re-conceptualise the ecological remit of politics, this book’s granular approach questions the role played by contemporary political ontologies in the separation of humans and environments, offering an in-depth view of their renewed interrelation under mutualism. Ecocene Politics will be essential to researchers and students in the fields of politics, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, and geography. It will be of further interest to those working in the fields of political ecology, environmental humanities, and Anthropocene studies, as well as to general readers seeking a theoretical approach to the political issues posed by current ecological crises


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    European protection of national minorities and the rights of persons belonging totheir identity is part of human rights protection system developed at the universal level underthe United Nation respectively regionally in the Council of Europe and other Europeaninstitutions. Examined the international legal framework (adopted in the Council of Europe),as in the field and others with official regulations (universal or regional) that concernprotection of minorities, “does not authorize any activity that is contrary to fundamentalprinciples of international law, especially that of sovereignty, territorial integrity andpolitical independence of states”

    Knowledge Sharing: A bibliographic Report on the Research Developed during 2008 – 2019

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    This article aims to provide a bibliographic report on the research developed during 2008 – 2019 regarding knowledge sharing. To achieve this goal, a multi-stage methodology is developed. First of all, a documentary study is employed; this focuses on 3820 articles published on SCOPUS and Web of Science, during 2008 – 2019. Secondly, a quantitative analysis is developed to emphasize the chronological evolution of the research topic and the main journals that served as a vehicle for propagating the research regarding knowledge sharing. Last but not least, a qualitative analysis is performed to create a knowledge map. The results prove that: (i) the analyzed articles regarding knowledge sharing are published in 461 different journals but more than a quarter can be found in 19 journals; (ii) the number of studies increased considerably, especially in the last five years; (iii) 75% of the research production is concentrated in 16 countries and the main research polls are represented by the United States of America (18.34%), United Kingdom (9.47%), and China (6.48%); (iv) the knowledge sharing research concentrates on topics, such as moderation, mediation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, environmental management, innovation, absorptive capacity, and community; and (v) the research gaps that should be filled by the future studies focus on: supply chain management, crisis management, corporate venturing, and human resource management. The results have both theoretical and practical implications. On the one hand, they extend the literature on knowledge sharing by providing a bibliographic report on how the research regarding knowledge sharing evolved during 2008 – 2019, and they also bring forward the main research gaps. On the other hand, they provide a knowledge map for the policy-makers which can help them decide how to foster knowledge sharing inside and outside the organization

    Die Phasentheorie. Franz Brentano und Auguste Comte

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    Die Abhandlung entwickelt und vertritt folgende Thesen: (1) Brentanos Vier-Phasen-Theorie wurde unabhängig von Comtes Drei-Stadien-Gesetz entworfen . (2) Aber Brentano legte großen Wert darauf, die Übereinstim- mung beider Theorien zu unterstreichen . (3) Beide Theorien gehen von verschiedenen Geschichtsauffassungen aus: Comtes Theorie schließt die Geschichte der fundamentalen positiven Wissenschaften ein, die geradli- nig verläuft, stets aufwärts führt und durch keine gesetzmäßig auftretenden Verfallsphasen belastet wird, aber dennoch Stagnationen kennt . Dagegen bezieht sich Brentanos Theorie vorwiegend auf die Geschichte der Philo- sophie, allerdings indirekt auch auf die schönen Künste . Dabei verlaufen die historischen Entwicklungen zyklisch und kennen Perioden des wissen- schaftlichen Auf- und Niederganges, die sich wiederholen . (4) Beide The- orien enthalten verschiedene Strategien, die auf eine grundlegende Erneu- erung der Philosophie abzielen . Für Comte gilt, dass die neue Philosophie positiv und unabhängig von der philosophischen Tradition arbeiten müsse . Dagegen vertritt Brentano die Auffassung, nach der die Philosophie von ihrer Methode her der Naturwissenschaft analog empirisch forscht und da- bei der philosophischen Tradition prinzipiell verpflichtet bleibt

    An Ontological-based Model for Competences in Sustainable Development Projects: a Case Study for Project’s Commercial Activities

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    The paper presents a project management competencies model, using an ontological approach. The ontology, named PMCatalog, was developed in the framework of the project CONTO, financed by Romanian through the grant 91-037/2007. PMCatalog is consistent with the competence definition and PM competence elements included in the International Competence Baseline, the competency standard of the International Project Management Association. The main PMCatalog’s use cases for commercial activities in sustainable development projects are described. Ontology was developed using the Protégé editor.competence, project management, sustainable development, commercial activities

    The Intentionality of Sensation and the Problem of Classification of Philosophical Sciences in Brentano's empirical Psychology

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    In the well-known intentionality quote of his Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint, Brentano characterises the mental phenomena through the following features: (i) the intentional inexistence of an object, (ii) the relation to a content, and (iii) the direction toward an object. The text argues that this characterisation is not general because the direction toward an object does not apply to the mental phenomena of sensation. The second part of the paper analyses the consequences that ensue from here for the Brentanian classification of mental phenomena: in Brentano’s psychology one can distinguish two concepts of mental phenomena − the mental phenomenon in a broad sense and the mental phenomenon in a narrow sense; the former concept allows the separation of the mental from the physical, while the narrow concept allows the distinguishing of the main classes of mental phenomena. The third part of the paper shows that, with respect to sensation, the absence of a direction toward an object is compatible with both Brentano’s early taxonomies of philosophical sciences, and his early program for the establishment of a new, empirical and non-speculative philosophy. For this reason, I hold that intentionality is important for the foundation of both psychology, and empirical philosophy

    The two Theories of Intentionality in Brentano and the Program of Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint

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    The paper defends the following thesis: the intentionality passage from Brentano’s Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint (1874) can be interpre- ted from two perspectives: intentionality as the most salient distinguishing feature separating the mental from the physical, and intentionality as a the- ory of the way in which mental acts, with their contents, are related to ex- tra-mental objects. Fundamentally, the theory of intentionality from 1874 is an example of the former. Its role is that of allowing the establishment of psychology as a science. However, it can also be understood as a theory of intentionality in the second sense through a clarification of the relations it entails between the content and the object of the act. For this reason, it could be said that the act–content–extra-mental object distinction was already achieved in the 1874 work, at least at the level of sensory acts. The distinction between the psychical act, the content, and the object presen- ted through this content was already made in the EL 80 Logik manuscript from 1869/70 at the level of nominal presentation, which provides a fur- ther argument for the above thesis