144 research outputs found


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    With the development of technology, education activities also get their share from the rapid transformation. With social media platforms, it is now possible to access information from anywhere at any time. While the accuracy of every information in the virtual world is discussed, the information provided on platforms such as YouTube also has results related to the channel that transmits the information. Many videos are shared on YouTube in various fields (education, music, sports, comedy etc.). Education-based YouTube channels are also highly preferred among these channels. This study aims to identify and prioritize possible alternatives to identify how YouTube-based users decide on the YouTubers (Youtube channel owner) that they select and in order to be constantly improved. Comparison with a Delphi-AHP-TOPSIS based methodology is divided into 3 stages. The first stage is the Delphi Method, where basic performance factors and sub-factors are defined, synthesized and prioritized. The second stage is the use of AHP method to obtain the general performance index of the main factors and sub-factors. The third stage is the ranking of possible alternatives between TOPSIS technique and 10 YouTubers for continuous improvement of YouTube channels. As a result of the analyzes, the most important criteria in choosing YouTuber were tried to be determined and ideal solutions were presented in decision making

    An overview of minority rights in the joint stock company under the provisions of the new Turkish commercial code

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    Turkish Commercial Code (TCC) no. 6102 was accepted on January 07, 2011 and put into practice on July 01 that year with the exclusion of few exceptional clauses. It has been only five years since its exercise; however, it is relatively a short period of time for an essential code like this to be fully comprehended and practiced. Therefore, TCC no. 6102 may still be qualified as a ‘new’ one. Concerning the company law, this new commercial code has brought about a number of improvements and alterations some of which are related to the minority rights which caused many faults during the period the previous code was in use. The profitability, efficiency and investment strategies of companies do not only concern the shareholders but also the countries whose nationality these companies belong to [1]. Following limited liability companies, joint-stock companies are the second most preferred type of company structure in Turkey. This type of companies, which are favoured for sizeable investments on account of their capital and operational structures, has a key role in Turkish Law. Besides, foreign investors who opt for doing business in Turkey choose either to start a joint-stock company or to partner up with an already existing one. For such an actuality, it is of paramount importance to provide proper operations of these companies that hold the majority of the total capital

    Effect of microstructure on mechanical properties and abrasive wear behavior of low carbon dual-phase steels

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    The mechanical properties and wear behavior of Dual Phase (DP) steels have been investigated and compared with those observed in normalized (N) steel that has the same chemical composition. The DP steels having different content and morphology of martensite were produced by varying intercritical annealing temperature and initial microstructures. Mechanical properties of four different DP steels and N steel have been investigated by carrying out tensile and macrohardness tests. Dry sliding wear tests have been conducted on four different the DP steels and the N steel using pin-on-plate to investigate their wear characteristics. It has been found that the yield and tensile strengths and macrohardness increase with increasing martensite content and decreasing martensite size. The yield and tensile strengths and macrohardness of the N steel were significantly lower than the DP steels whereas percentage of total elongation was higher. Wear properties are improved by increasing martensite volume fraction and size in the DP steels. The N steel specimen showed the highest wear rate

    Does the Consumer Want to Be Greened? The Place of Green Packaging Applications with Green Supply Chain Function in Consumer Perception

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    The aim of this research is to measure the effects of the packages that are presented as a result of the green packaging applications in food products and to the consumers, taking into consideration the environmental, health, quality, reusability and recycling benefits of consumers. For this purpose, a face to face questionnaire was applied to 371 consumers in Giresun province and the data obtained by using SPSS software, frequency analysis, descriptive factor analysis, independent two sample t-test and one-way analysis of variance were applied. Research results show that consumers at the lowest level of education and income group are more concerned with what the product is more about than packaging and they are more price-oriented than packaging. It has been determined that consumers with higher education and income levels have more meaning to packaging and have more environmental sensitivities. In the research, two groups of groups emerged at the point of packaging. Those who define their jobs as unemployed, housewives, retired and without a regular job, and those who define their profession as workers, civil servants, private sector employees and teachers. It was determined that the first group treated the environment and packaging properties by acting as price-benefit oriented, while the second group decided on the opposite direction and shaped the purchasing behaviors

    A Solution Proposal to Vehicle Routing Problem with Integer Linear Programming: A Distributor Company Sample

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    It was aimed to minimize the total distance of the routes under the capacity constraint of the routes that a distributor company has drawn in the direction of the demands. To this end, a route to Gebze-based steel production and distribution was drawn up to meet all the demands of a fabrication plant. In order to determine the minimum total distance routes, the solution recommendation by adapting the Capacity Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) which is one of the basic route problems using Branch and Cut algorithm of 0-1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) was introduced. Distances between the nodes that make up the route are measured via Google Maps. Optimal solutions were obtained by using LINDO computer software to solve the problem.

    Disordered structures in ultracold spin-imbalanced Fermi gas

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    We investigate the properties of spin-imbalanced ultracold Fermi gas in a large range of spin polarizations at low temperatures. We present the results of microscopic calculations based on mean-field and density functional theory approaches, with no symmetry constraints. At low polarization values we predict the structure of the system as consisting of several spin-polarized droplets. As the polarization increases, the system self-organizes into a disordered structure similar to liquid crystals, and energetically they can compete with ordered structures such as grid-like domain walls. At higher polarizations the system starts to develop regularities that, in principle, can be called supersolid, where periodic density modulation and pairing correlations coexist. The robustness of the results has been checked with respect to temperature effects, dimensionality, and the presence of a trapping potential. Dynamical stability has also been investigated.Comment: Ancillary files contain reproducibility packs of numerical calculation

    Design and analysis of lightweight automotive component for turbocharger units

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    Nowadays global warming in parallel with air pollution is a significant problem. One of the major causes is the conventional fuel-powered automobile. This study focuses on reducing global warming caused by automobiles. This paper presents the results of redesign and analysis of piping component of a turbocharger unit from a new material in order to reduce the weight and unify the component from only one material. The existing component is composed of three different parts and materials. With the new design, in addition to the lightweight property, the component is designed in such a way that two separate parts of existing design are unified in a single part which simplifies the assembly of the component to the turbocharger unit. The design starts with choosing the convenient material to satisfy the necessary service conditions such as high temperature and pressure. Two different materials are considered for the analyses which are aluminium alloy and PA66+PA6-HI glass fiber reinforced plastic matrix composite material. Firstly, finite element analyses were performed by using a commercial software. The results of the finite element analyses showed that both materials showed resistance to tensile load of 4000 N and pressure of 0.4 MPa at 22°C. However, if two separate parts were unified with a single part made of aluminium alloy, this component would fail under pressure of 0.4 MPa at 150°C and 210°C, while the component made of PA66+PA6-HI glass fiber reinforced plastic matrix composite material resisted the pressure at higher temperatures. Tensile tests under 4000 N and pressure tests under 0.4 MPa at temperatures of 22°C, 150°C and 210°C were carried out on the component produced by PA66+PA6-HI glass fiber reinforced plastic matrix composite material. The same results were observed with those obtained by the finite element analyses. The design with the composite material satisfies both the mechanical and lightweight considerations.This work is supported by TUBITAK-Turkish Scientific and Technological Research Council under the project number: 7130723

    HCT116 ve HT29 Kolon Kanseri Hücrelerinde 5-Florourasil Kaynaklı Hücre Ölümünün Fourier Dönüşümlü Kızılötesi Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi

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    Kolon kanseri, tüm dünyada yaygın olan ve yüksek oranda ölümcül bir kanser tipidir. Tüm kanserlerde olduğu gibi kolon kanserinin seyrinin izlenmesi kritik bir öneme sahiptir. 5-Florourasil (5-FU) kolon kanserlerinde sıklıkla kullanılan bir antikanser ilaçtır ve hücre ölümü esnasında hücrelerde bir takım biyokimyasal ve moleküler farklılıklara neden olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada HCT116 ve HT29 kolon kanseri hücreleri 5-FU kemoterapi ilacı ile inkübe edildikten sonra, 5FU’nun hücreler üzerinde oluşturduğu biyokimyasal değişikliğin tespiti için Fourier transform kızılötesi (FTIR) spektroskopisi kullanılmıştır. 5-FU'nun inhibisyon yüzdesinin 50'ye eşit olduğu konsantrasyonu (IC50), MTT yöntemi kullanılarak belirlendi. IC50 değeri saptandıktan sonra FTIR ölçümleri alındı. Buna göre, 5-FU IC50 değeri sırasıyla HCT116 hücreleri için 12,69 µg/ml, HT29 hücreleri için 10,10 µg/ml bulunmuştur. 5-FU’nun sebep olduğu hücre ölümünün göstergeleri olduğu söylenen lipit içeriğindeki artış ile nükleik asit oranı, total hücresel proteinlerin α-sarmal ve β-yaprak ikincil yapıları ve aminoasit kalıntılarının azalması, kollajen konformasyonundaki değişiklikler gibi IR biyobelirteçlerindeki değişiklikler FTIR spektroskopisi ile gösterilmiştir. Sonuç olarak hem ucuz ve hem de hızlı bir yöntem olan FTIR ile kanser hücre ölümünün incelenmesi alternatif bir yöntem olarak kullanılabilir