42 research outputs found
First Report of Chryseobacterium sp. from Koi (Cyprinus carpio) in Turkey
In this study, we isolated Chryseobacterium sp. from koi in Turkey. The disease outbreak occurred in fish weighing 10-300g (water temperature 9-10°C) in November 2011- February 2012. The cumulative mortality rate was approximately 55% over 4 months. Infected koi exhibited anorexia, weakness, emaciation, damage to dorsal and caudal fins, grey-white skin discoloration (1-1.5cm) in the head area, large open wounds in skin with disease progression, necropsy findings, paleness of the liver, enlarged spleen and kidney, acidic fluid in the body cavity. Samples for bacteriological examinations were collected from the kidney, liver, and spleen using sterile swabs; these samples were streaked onto Anacker ordal Agar and incubated at 18°C for 48 h. Five bacterial isolates were obtained from diseased fish. Phenotypic characteristics of the isolates were determined by conventional methods and rapid identification kits, API 20NE, and API ZYM. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis demonstrated that isolate Sin57 belonged to the genus Chryseobacterium, with highest sequence similarity (98.5 %) to C. aahli T68T and C. limigenitum SUR2
Low oxygen saturation following total correction in a patient with tetralogy of fallot and persistant left superior caval vein - How did we diagnose and manage?
Association of tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) with the other intracardiac pathologies such as atrial septal defect (ASD), atrioventricular canal defect or persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), absent pulmonary valve are well known pathologies. The associated pathologies require specifi c attention during surgical treatment. In this manuscript, we present management of a four-month-old girl who was diagnosed with TOF and PLSVC but the diagnosis of unroofed coronary sinus was missed in her. Association of unroofed coronary sinus with TOF is a very rare variant of TOF pathology.Souvislost mezi Fallotovou tetralogií (tetralogy of Fallot, TOF) a jinými intrakardiálními patologiemi, jako jsou defekt septa síní (atrial septal defect, ASD), defekt síňokomorového kanálu nebo perzistentní levostranná horní dutá žíla (persistent left superior vena cava, PLSVC) i absence plicní chlopně, je dobře známa. Během chirurgického výkonu vyžadují přidružená onemocnění obzvláštní pozornost. V tomto článku popisujeme léčbu čtyřměsíční dívky s diagnózou TOF a PLSVC, u níž však byl přehlédnut nezastřešený koronární sinus. Nezastřešený koronární sinus se vyskytuje současně s TOF velmi vzácně
Doğu Akdeniz Bölgesi’nde Örtü Altı Organik Domates Üretiminde Hastalık, Zararlı ve Yabancı Otların Mücadelesinin Yönetimi
Bu çalışma, 2004-2007 yılları arasında Alata Bahçe Kültürleri Araştırma Enstitüsü’ne ait organik-topraklı, topraksız kültür (organik-inorganik yetiştirme ortamları) ve kontrol seralarında yürütülmüş olup, örtü altı organik domates yetiştiriciliğinde karşılaşılan hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı otlara karşı organik tarıma uygun mücadele yöntemlerinin uygulanabilirliği, en uygun sulama programı araştırılmıştır. Organik-topraklı sera ve organik-inorganik kökenli dört farklı yetiştirme ortamlarından oluşan topraksız kültür seralarında her türlü girdiler ve yapılacak işlemler Tarım Bakanlığınca yayımlanan organik tarım yönetmeliğe uygun olarak seçilmiştir. Organik-topraklı seradan elde edilen ürüne ‘organik ürün’ sertifikası alımına yönelik gerekli denetlemeler danışman kuruluş tarafından yapılarak ürün sertifikalandırılmıştır. Örtü altı organik domates yetiştiriciliğinde kültürel önlemlerden solarizasyonun yanı sıra yararlı mikrorganizmalardan da yararlanılması ile hastalık, zararlı ve yabancı ot kontrollerinde mücadele sayısının azaltıldığı ve verimde geleneksel yetiştiriciliğe oranla ekonomik anlamda bir azalma görülmediği sonucuna varılmıştır. Organik topraklı, kontrol serası ve farklı yetiştirme ortamlarında organik domates yetiştiriciliğinde su kullanım etkinliği değerleri her üç deneme yılında da artan sulama suyuna bağlı olarak azalma göstermiştir. Organik-inorganik kökenli farklı yetiştirme ortamlarından oluşan topraksız kültür yetiştiriciliğinin ise gerek topraktan kaynaklanan hastalık, nematod ve yabancı ot çıkışının olmaması gerekse erkenci olması açısından dolayı özellikle toprağın bulaşık olduğu alanlarda organik-topraklı tarıma alternatif bir yetiştiricilik olabileceği kanısına varılmıştır
Discovery of a small molecule that selectively destabilizes Cryptochrome 1 and enhances life span in p53 knockout mice
Cryptochromes are negative transcriptional regulators of the circadian clock in mammals. It is not clear how reducing the level of endogenous CRY1 in mammals will affect circadian rhythm and the relation of such a decrease with apoptosis. Here, we discovered a molecule (M47) that destabilizes Cryptochrome 1 (CRY1) both in vitro and in vivo. The M47 selectively enhanced the degradation rate of CRY1 by increasing its ubiquitination and resulted in increasing the circadian period length of U2OS Bmal1-dLuc cells. In addition, subcellular fractionation studies from mice liver indicated that M47 increased degradation of the CRY1 in the nucleus. Furthermore, M47-mediated CRY1 reduction enhanced oxaliplatin-induced apoptosis in Ras-transformed p53 null fibroblast cells. Systemic repetitive administration of M47 increased the median lifespan of p53−/− mice by ~25%. Collectively our data suggest that M47 is a promising molecule to treat forms of cancer depending on the p53 mutation
Modeling and simulation of metabolic networks for estimation of biomass accumulation parameters
Metabolic networks are defined as the collection of biochemical reactions within a cell that define the functions of that cell. Due to the growing need to understand the functions of biological organisms for industrial and medical purposes, modeling and simulation of metabolic networks has attracted a lot of attention recently. Traditionally, metabolic networks are modeled such as flux-balance analysis that considers the steady state nature of the cell. However, it is important to consider the dynamic behavior of a cell since the environmental conditions change continuously. Sometimes due to the critical changes in the environment some of the reactions exhibit completely different behavior leading to discrete changes in the metabolic network. Therefore, a cell exhibits discrete-continuous behavior in continuous time. Since hybrid systems exhibit the same characteristics modeling a cell as a hybrid system gives an accurate representation. The aim of this paper is to develop a simulation framework to model the evolving structure of the cell metabolism under changes in the environment. The metabolic responses that cell gives, against multiple changes in the environment are not fully understood. Therefore, in this study, a cell is modeled as a hybrid system that is composed of a system of differential and algebraic equations. The changes in the concentration of metabolites in the environment are represented by Ordinary Differential Equations and the intracellular cell metabolism is represented by a set of algebraic equations. TO understand the feedback relationship between intracellular and extracellular changes, the system is solved considering the effects of extracellular stresses on the metabolic responses
Optimization of Supply Chain Systems with Price Elasticity of Demand
A centralized multiechelon, multiproduct supply chain network is presented in a multiperiod setting with products that show varying demand against price. An important consideration in such complex supply chains is to maintain system performance at high levels for varying demands that may be sensitive to product price. To examine the price-centric behavior of the customers, the concept of price elasticity of demand is addressed. The proposed approach includes many realistic features of typical supply chain systems such as production planning and scheduling, inventory management, transportation delay, transportation cost, and transportation limits. In addition, the proposed system can be extended to meet unsatisfied demand in future periods by backordering. Effects of the elasticity in price demand in production and inventory decisions are also examined. The supply chain model is formulated as a convex mixed-integer nonlinear programming problem. Reformulations are presented to make the problem tractable. The differential equations are reformulated as difference equations, and unbounded derivatives in the nonlinear objective function are handled with an approximation, with guaranteed bounds on the loss of optimality. The approach is illustrated on a multiechelon, multiproduct supply chain network