45 research outputs found

    Human IRF1 governs macrophagic IFN-γ immunity to mycobacteria

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    Inborn errors of human IFN-γ-dependent macrophagic immunity underlie mycobacterial diseases, whereas inborn errors of IFN-α/β-dependent intrinsic immunity underlie viral diseases. Both types of IFNs induce the transcription factor IRF1. We describe unrelated children with inherited complete IRF1 deficiency and early-onset, multiple, life-threatening diseases caused by weakly virulent mycobacteria and related intramacrophagic pathogens. These children have no history of severe viral disease, despite exposure to many viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, which is life-threatening in individuals with impaired IFN-α/β immunity. In leukocytes or fibroblasts stimulated in vitro, IRF1-dependent responses to IFN-γ are, both quantitatively and qualitatively, much stronger than those to IFN-α/β. Moreover, IRF1-deficient mononuclear phagocytes do not control mycobacteria and related pathogens normally when stimulated with IFN-γ. By contrast, IFN-α/β-dependent intrinsic immunity to nine viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, is almost normal in IRF1-deficient fibroblasts. Human IRF1 is essential for IFN-γ-dependent macrophagic immunity to mycobacteria, but largely redundant for IFN-α/β-dependent antiviral immunity

    Comparison of growth performance, gonadal structure and erythrocyte size in triploid and diploid brown trout (salmo trutta fario L, 1758) [Triploit ve diploit dere alabai{dotless}klari{dotless}nda (Salmo trutta fario L, 1758) büyüme performansi{dotless}, gonat yapi{dotless}si{dotless} ve eritrosit boyutunun karşi{dotless}laşti{dotless}ri{dotless}lmasi{dotless}]

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    The aim of this study was to compare growth, gonadal structure and red blood cell sizes of triploid and diploid brown trout (Salmo trutta fario). Triploidy was induced by providing a heat shock treatment to the fertilized eggs. From the 18th month post-fertilization triploid (TBT) and control diploid (CBT) brown trout groups were investigated up to 32nd month. Survival, specific growth rate, feed conversion ratio, condition factor, relative growth rate, absolute growth rate, gonadosomatic index, hepatosomatic index and carcass yield were determined in both groups. It has been determined that the triploid fish showed greater live weight than diploid fish despite the difference was not significant (P>0.05). In triploid group triploidisation success was obtained as 95% and male/female ratio was found as 44.4-55.6%. The red blood cells were significantly larger in triploids than diploid ones (P<0.05). Regarding histological section of gonads, triploidy resulted in reduced gonadal development in female, while triploid males seem to exhibit normal gonadal development. Our results suggest that since triploid females could grow more than males, the growth performance studies on triploid brown trout should be performed with all-female stocks under fish farming practices especially for the production of large size trout. © Published by Central Fisheries Research Institute (CFRI) Trabzon, Turkey


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    Orta Anadolu kristalen kütlesinin batı kesiminde çok sayıda granitoyid sokulumundan oluşan bir kuşak yer almaktadır. Bu kuşaktaki sokulanlardan bir tanesi de masifin güneybatı ucunda Aksaray ile Ortaköy arasında yüzeyleyen Ekecikdağı granitoyididir. Metamorfik ve ofiyolıtik yan kayaçlara sokulum yapmış olan Ekecikdağ granitoyidi, monzogranit ve granodiyorit bileşimindedir. Ekecikdağ granitoyidi, petrografik ve kimyasal bileşimlerine göre Borucu granodiyorıt-monzogranıti, Sınandı mıkrograniti, Hisarkaya porfirik graniti, Kalebalta lökogranıti ve aplitık granitler olmak üzere alt birimlere ayrılmıştır. Tüm bu birimler birbiriyle kökensel olarak ilişkilidir Borucu granodıyorıt-monzograniti ana magmatik fazı, aplit granit ise son fazı temsil etmektedir Ekecikdağ granitoyidi kalkalkalın karakterli olup alümıno-kafemık eğilim göstermektedir Granitoyid hem l, hemde S tipi granitlere uyan özelliklere sahiptir Granitoyidlerde gözlenen anklavların, granit magmasının yerleşimi sırasında, daha önceden var olan gabroyik bir kayaçtan gelen ksenolıtler olduğu düşünülmektedir Jeokimyasal analız sonuçlan, Ekecikdağ granitoyidi için, kıtasal kabuk kökeni ve çarpışma sonrası tektonik ortamını öngörmektedir. Bölgesel veriler dikkate alınarak Orta Anadolu kristalen kütlesi kuzeyinde, Geç Kretase sırasında ensımatik bir ada yayının varlığı savunulmaktadır. Bu yayın, Orta Anadolu kıtasal kabuk parçası ile çarpışması ve onun üzerine itilmesi, bölgede kıtasal kabuğun kalınlaşması ve jeotermal gradyanın artmasına neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle bölgede var olan kıtasal kabuk kayaçları kısmi ergimeye uğramış ve granitik magmanın oluşumuna yol açmıştır

    Potential cost-effectiveness of pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) in Turkey

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    ABSTRACTBackgroundPneumococcal infection is an important and preventable cause of morbidity and mortality. The Turkish government introduced 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) into the national immunization program in 2009. This suggests that replacing 7-valent PCV with a higher-valent version could at least maintain “standard of care” if not improve it, and that it could be affordable.Objectives and MethodsThe aim of this analysis was to assess the potential direct cost-effectiveness of 13-valent PCV in Turkey, a country with a birth cohort of 1.4 million, against a “no vaccine” state, against the default 7-valent PCV state, and against a 10-valent PCV state, using a published cohort model with a 5-year horizon.Results and ConclusionsThe cost per life-year gained is below the 1 × per-capita gross domestic product threshold across large changes in key input parameters, indicating that the model is stable and suggesting that any PCV would be very cost-effective in a Turkish national pediatric immunization schedule