53 research outputs found

    Otolaryngology consultations requested by palliative care services: a five-year analysis

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    Introduction: Otolaryngologists are required to possess the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to manage consultations requested by palliative care services. However, the inclusion of palliative care needs in otolaryngology residency training is limited. The goal of this study was to enhance awareness of otolaryngologists' palliative care knowledge and skills by evaluating otolaryngology consultations requested by tertiary palliative care services between 2016 and 2021. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study included patients who consulted the otolaryngology department from the palliative care service of Kutahya Health Sciences University between January 1, 2016 and September 31, 2021. A total of 80 otolaryngology consultations were requested between 2016 and 2021. Patients were evaluated for age, gender, diagnosis of palliative admission, reason for consultation, date of consultation, interventions, and additional investigations. Results: There were 27 female patients (33.7%) and 53 male patients (66.2%). The mean age was 65.0 (range: 22-97) years. It was found that the volume of consultations did not increase significantly over a five-year period (p=0.502) and 78.8 % of consultations were requested during working hours (08:00-16:00). In addition, the response time (minutes) for consultations during working hours (08:00-16:00) was significantly lower than outside working hours (16:01-07:59) (p lt;0.001). The reasons for requesting a consultation and the procedures performed were significantly different between patients under and over 65 years of age (p=0.019 and p=0.008, respectively). Conclusions: This is the first study to evaluate otolaryngology consultations requested by a tertiary palliative care service. Awareness of these consultations may provide guidance for the assessment and management of patients in palliative care services. Keywords: consultation, otolaryngology, tracheotomy, palliative car

    Endotrakeal Entübasyon Sonrası Aritenoid Dislokasyonu Ve Disfoni: Olgu Sunumu

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    NDOTRAKEAL ENTÜBASYON SONRASI ARİTENOİD DİSLOKASYONU VE DİSFONİ: OLGU SUNUMUNURULLAH TÜRE&nbsp;&nbsp;11- KÜTAHYA SAĞLIK BİLİMLERİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ KBB ANABİLİM DALI, KÜTAHYA&nbsp;Özet:&nbsp;Endotrakeal Entübasyon Sonrası Aritenoid Dislokasyonu ve Disfoni: Olgu SunumuAmaçBu çalışmada amaç, endotrakeal entübasyon sonrası disfoni ile seyreden bir aritenoid dislokasyon olgusunu sunmaktır.OlguKırk altı yaş erkek hasta yeni gelişen ses kısıklığı nedeni ile kulak burun boğaz polikliniğine konsülte edildi. Ses kısıklığının genel cerrahide pankreas ameliyatı sonrasında geliştiği ve ameliyat sonrasında kesintisiz devam ettiği öğrenildi. Hastada nefes darlığı ve disfaji izlenmedi. Öyküsünde kafa travması, ek nörolojik semptom saptanmadı. Endolarengeal endoskopik muayenesinde glottal kapanma defektine neden olan sol aritenoid kartilaj dislokasyonu izlendi (Şekil 1).&nbsp;Diğer kulak burun boğaz muayeneleri olağan idi. Ayrıca tam kan sayımı, tiroid fonksiyon testleri, böbrek ve karaciğer fonksiyonları normal izlendi.&nbsp;Şekil 1:&nbsp;Aritenoid Dislokasyonu&nbsp;QR kodlu görüntü kaydı&nbsp;TedaviEntübasyon sonrası izlenen aritenoid dislokasyonunda genellikle disfoni ön plandadır. Hastanın aritenoid dislokasyonuna yönelik olarak genel anestezi altında kapalı düzeltme tedavisi önerildi. Ancak hasta onkoloji tedavisinin başlayacağını söyleyerek düzeltme işlemini kabul etmedi.SonuçAritenoid dislokasyonu, sıklıkla endotrakeal entbasyona ikincil olarak ortaya çıkan bir durumdur. Hastalar genellikle ses kısıklığı ve disfaji ile başvurur. Erken teşhis ve etkili eklem redüksiyonu aritenoid dislokasyon tedavisinde kilit öneme sahiptir.&nbsp;&nbsp;Anahtar sözcükler:&nbsp;Aritenoid dislokasyonu; redüksiyon; disfoni, disfaji</table


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    BIBLIOMETRIC ANALYSIS OF OTOLOGY-NEUROTOLOGY BOOKS IN TURKEY&nbsp;1Kütahya Health Science University, Evliya Çelebi Research And Training Hospital&nbsp;Nurullah Ture1, Ali Güvey1&nbsp;Objective: We aimed to conduct a descriptive bibliometric research, in which the quantitative analysis of otology-neurootology books in Turkey between 1892-2021 was carried out.&nbsp;Materials and Methods:&nbsp;The National library explorer automation system, the database available on the official website of the electronic booksellers and publishing houses selling books in Turkey, and the Turkish Otorhinolaryngology Bibliography book were used to determine the books published between 1892 and 2021 in the field of otology-neurotology. The year and the city in which the books were published, the evaluation of the subject, the features of translation and copyrighted works were evaluated.&nbsp;Results:&nbsp;It was shown that the number of books found in the field of otology-neurootology between 1892 and 2021 was 43. It has been determined that the first otology book identified was translated by Mehmet Neşet in 1892 and published in Istanbul. It has been detect- ed that the most up-to-date book in our research was published in Ankara in 2021 on audiology as a copyrighted work by Fuat Bulut. It was observed that the city in which the books were published the most was Istanbul (19), followed by Ankara (13) and seven of the books were translated works and thirty-six were copyright. In the evaluation of the publication date, 8 books were published in the 1892-1940 time period, 11 books in the 1940-1980 time period and 22 books in the 1980-2020 time period. In the last 10 years, it has been observed that 18 books have been published in the field of otology-neurootology.&nbsp;Conclusion: The NLR and ferritin levels were significantly higher in patients with BP. NLR and ferritin can be used as auxiliary parameters in the diagnosis of Bell’s palsy.A positive and significant relationship was found between the degree of facial paralysis and the folate level. Vitamin D level in the patient group was found to be lower than the control group. As far as we know, there is no study in the literature examining the relationship between Bell’s palsy and folate and vita- min D levels.Further studies with larger patient groups are needed to determine the etiology of Bell’s palsy and contribute to its treatment.&nbsp;Keywords:&nbsp;bibliometrics, autology-neurotology, book&nbsp;</p