54 research outputs found

    Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Antioxidant and Anti-amyloid Features of Synthetic Resveratrol Mimics

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    Diaryl hydrazones, possessing similar structure to the popular red wine antioxidant resveratrol, have been previously identified as multitarget compounds interfering with several processes associated with the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). These compounds exhibited particularly strong inhibition of the amyloid beta (A) peptide self-assembly, including blocking the formation of fibrils and oligomers, species that are widely accepted to be neurotoxic. The molecules were also powerful free radical scavengers and thus have a potential to defend against oxidative stress. In order to learn more about the mode of action of the compounds, theoretical and experimental studies have been carried out. First, the structural, energetic and electronic features of the core structure have been elucidated by density funtional theory (DFT) calculations. The DFT results identified the most likely form of the compounds, which was applied to a broad range of calculations using substituted derivates. Based on the structural information several characteristics such as logP, H-binding energy, HOMO-LUMO energies and band gap and electron densities were calculated. The compounds were subjected to three different antioxidant assays (DPPH, ABTS and ORAC). The % radical scavenging has been analyzed as a function of the above determined structural parameters in order to identify the role of the energetic and electronic features in the antioxidant activity. The analysis of the same parameters as potential markers to the anti-amyloid activity has also been carried out. Isotope labeling via H-D exchange and in situ hydrazone-radicals as well as hydrazone-A complex formation, applying 1H-NMR and HRMS, have also been used to experimentally observe the potential role of various tautomeric forms and the partially delocalized electron structure of the hydrazones

    NGO Sustainability in Central Europe: Helping Civil Society Survive

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    This anthology of studies includes chapters with information on NGOs resource centres in Romania, rural NGOs in Ukraine, and cultural associations in Estonia. It also provided examples of sustainability mechanisms, such as the one percent philanthropic tax system and endowments in Poland, and the one percent tax system in Hungary

    Assessment of the Impact of the Percentage Tax Designations: Past, Present, Future

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    The subject of this study is the percentage tax designation system as a phenomenon in the nexus of public finance allocation, public benefit/civil society realm and taxation. Its focus is Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), where the system has remained to be a popular policy instrument over twenty years.This research had been prepared in 2014 and was conducted during 2015 in five CEE countries that use the percentage tax designation system: Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia. It focused on four areas: 1) What the percentage tax designation system actually is and what it is not, 2) What is its role in funding of the non-profit sector, 3) What are its side effects and 4) What is the connection between the policy making and the results? The research had a form of expert panel through country research associates that worked according to the unified methodology, using secondary quantitative and qualitative data. The data including the expert opinion were organized into the project's database

    4,5-Dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzohydrazides and 1-(1-Benzylpiperidin-4-yl)ethan-1-ones as Potential Antioxidant/Cholinergic Endowed Small Molecule Leads

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    The objective of this research is to generate leads for developing our ultimate poly-active molecules with utility in central nervous system (CNS) diseases. Indeed, poly-active molecules capable of mitigating brain free radical damage while enhancing acetylcholine signaling (via cholinesterase inhibition) are still being sought for combating Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We differentiate “poly-active” agents from “multi-target” ones by defining them as single molecular entities designed to target only specific contributory synergistic pharmacologies in a disease. For instance, in AD, free radicals either initiate or act in synergy with other pharmacologies, leading to disease worsening. For this preliminary report, a total of 14 (i.e., 4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzohydrazide plus 1-(1-benzylpiperidin-4-yl)ethan-1-one) derivatives were synthesized and screened, in silico and in vitro, for their ability to scavenge free radicals and inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE)/butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) enzymes. Overall, six derivatives (4a, 4d, 4e, 4f, 4g, 9b) exhibited potent (\u3e30%) antioxidant properties in the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay. The antioxidant values were either comparable or more potent than the comparator molecules (ascorbic acid, resveratrol, and trolox). Only three compounds (4d, 9a, 9c) yielded modest AChE/BuChE inhibitions (\u3e10%). Please note that a SciFinder substance data base search confirmed that most of the compounds reported herein are new, except 9a and 9c which are also commercially available

    A Szépművészeti Múzeum Antik Gyűjteményének szakkatalógusai VI = Catalogues of the Classical Collection of the Museum of Fine Arts, VI

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    Az OTKA által immáron hatodik ciklusban támogatott pályázat során három szakkatalógus elkészítését tűztük ki célul (kilenc megkezdett kutatás közül). Megjelent a CVA Hongrie 2 kötete (Szilágyi János György, etruszk és és campaniai vázák; a kézirat még az előző ciklusban készült el). Közvetlenül a leadás előtti fázisig jutott a CVA Hongrie 3 kötet a bronzkori, geometrikus és korinthosi kerámia feldolgozása (Márton András, Lebegyev Judit). Lényegében elkészült a CVA Hongrie 4 kötet a délitáliai kerámiáról (Vandlik Katalin) és a délitáliai terrakották feldolgozása (Bencze Ágnes). Mindkettő közvetlenül kapcsolódik a két kutató doktori dolgozatához (Bencze Ágnesé sajtó alatt van a nápolyi Centre Jean Bérard gondozásában, Vandlik Katalinét pedig már kitűzték védésre). Az előzőkhöz hasonlóan ezek a kötetek is a római L'Erma di Brettschneider kiadónál fognak megjelenni. Valamennyi szerző a klasszika archaeológia fiatal nemzedékéhez tartozik. A projekt lehetővé tette egy új anyagcsoport, a daktyliothékák rendezését és internetes publikációjuk megalapozását. Az OTKA támogatásnak ebben a ciklusban is döntő szerepe volt abban, hogy fenn tudott maradni a magyarországi klasszika archaeológia múzeumi bázisa. | Through the grant provided by OTKA now for the sixth project cycle, we aimed at preparing three reference catalogues (out of nine ongoing research projects). The volume of CVA 2 has been published (János György Szilágyi: Etruscan and Campanian Vases; the manuscript was completed in the previous project cycle). The volume of CVA 3 treating Bronze Age, Geometric and Corinthian pottery (András Márton, Judit Lebegyev) is ready to be laid out for publication. The volume of CVA 4 on Southern Italian pottery (Katalin Vandlik) and the treatment of Southern Italian terracottas (Ágnes Bencze) is practically also finished. Both works are directly connected with the PhD dissertations of the two researchers. Similarly to previous catalogues these volumes will also be published by L’Erma di Brettschneider in Rome. All authors belong to the younger generation of classical archaeologists. The project has also facilitated the classification of a new group of objects, that of dactyliotheques, and has also provided a basis for their publication through the internet. As in the previous projects cycles, the OTKa support has played a crucial role in the survival of the museological basis of classical archaeology in Hungary

    Molaterhesség postmenopausában

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    A molaterhesség a terhességi trophoblastbetegségek közé sorolt, rendkívül ritka kórkép. A kórkép patogenezise egye- dülálló, hiszen az anyai daganat eredete maga a terhességi szövet. Előfordulását tekintve főleg a reproduktív korú nőket érinti. Esetbemutatásunkban egy 53 éves nőbeteg postmenopausalis vérzési rendellenességet okozó panaszai- nak hátterében igazolódott molaterhesség. A molaterhesség fokozott kockázattal járó veszélyállapot, mely esetén a mihamarabbi befejezés alapját a megfelelő diagnosztika adja. Kezdeti tünetei megtévesztőek lehetnek, ectopiás ter- hességet vagy inkomplett abortuszt, anovulációs vérzési rendellenességet utánozhatnak. Esetismertetésünk célja, hogy felhívja a figyelmet a molaterhesség atipikus megjelenésére; postmenopausalis nőbetegünk kapcsán áttekintjük a molaterhesség kezelésének alapelveit, és bemutatjuk egy sikeresen kezelt eset diagnosztikus és terápiás lépéseit