53 research outputs found

    Substitusi Tepung Bungkil Kedelai Dengan Tepung Daun Lamtoro Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Efisiensi Pakan Dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Nila [Effect of Soybean Meal Replacement with Leucaena Leucocephala Meal in Pelleted Feed on Feed Efficiency and the Growth of Nile Tilapia]

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    The high cost of fish feed is a main problem in aquaculture industries, and the effort to improve the cost efficiency of feed is the main focus for nutritional research program all over the world. Research is needed to identify less expensive and more sustainable ingredients within fish feeds, while maintaining nutritional quality equal to those based mainly on fish meal and soybean meal. Leucaena leaf meal (LLM) is a potential alternative plant protein source because of its high protein content and low cost compared to soybean meal. The Leucaena leaf was soaked in freshwater for 3 days prior to use. This study was a 60-day trial and aimed to examine the replacement of soybean meal with LLM at various level in practical feed for Nile tilapia. This trial used a Completely Randomized Design which was carried out in 15 aquarias sized of 60 x 60 x 50 cm. Triplicate group of nile tilapia (initial body weight 12,04 ± 0,38 g fish-1 ) were fed five isonitrogenous and isocaloric feeds. The control feed was containing soybean meal, whereas in other four feeds, LLM directly replaced soybean meal with the inclusion level of 8, 16, 24 dan 31 % within the feed formulation. Result showed that the growth performance and feed efficiencies of feed containing 8, 16, 24 and 31 % LLM on the formulation were significantly lower compared to control feed. LLM was able to consumed by nile tilapia although there was a tendency of decrease of the feed consumption with the increase of LLM inclusion. It suggested that the additional treatment is needed to improve the quality of LLM, and to increase the inclusion level of LLM in feed

    Penurunan Kecemasan Berbicara di Depan Kelas melalui Berpidato pada Siswa Kelas XI Mia 3 Man 2 Model Pekanbaru

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    The background of this study was the number of students who did not dare to appear and speak in front of the class when it comes to perform various activities that require speaking in front of people like presentation, speech, and speech. The study also aims to reduce anxiety speak to the class to students through speech techniques. The method in this research is action counseling carried out in two cycles. with qualitative data analysis techniques. and the subjects in the study were students of class XI MIA 3 MAN 2 Model Pekanbaru amounting to 23 students. With research procedures and discussion shows the results of the first cycle there are six (21%) of students are at very high category, 12 (43%) of students at the high category, 9 (32%) of students are in the low category, and 1 (4% ) students are at very low category. In Cycle II results showed that there is a decrease in the level of anxiety to speak to the class experienced by students that there are two (7%) of students who are at very high category, seven (25%) of students at the high category, 15 (54%) students are in the low category, and 4 (14%) of students who are in the very low category. This shows that the speech exercises can reduce the level of anxiety to speak to the class

    Pengembangan Materi Keberfungsian Keluarga Bagi Siswa SMA

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    The purpose ofthis research is the complete of family function material of class XI senior high school and determine the quality of family function material is resulted, in terms of aspects of clarity, systematics, image support, freshness, completeness of material, and support for video and games. The method of material are research method and the development (R & D). This material is valid by the first and second counselor, the teacher of counseling guidance, as well as 31student of class XI senior high school 12 Pekanbaru. This material tried to students along 3 hours lesson in class( 3x 45\u27). The result of this research is the compiled material about family function, with the material quality in category “good” with the score aspect 4,09

    Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Kecerdasan Sosial Siswa SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru Tahun Pelajaran 2015/2016

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of group guidance onimprovement of social intelligence IA class XI student of SMAN 5 Pekanbaru academicyear 2015/2016. This research was conducted in SMA Negeri 5 Pekanbaru from March2016 to May 2016. The method used is a method of real-experimental with patternspretest-posttest control group design. Research subjects in this study is a class XIstudent of SMAN 5 Pekanbaru with a low level of social intelligence. Data collectioninstrument was a questionnaire using Likert scale is modified. Data analysis techniqueused is the technique of nonparametric statistical correlation. Based on the results ofWilcoxon test is apparently a difference of social intelligence level of students beforeand after the implementation of the guidance of the group amounted to 38.2%.Furthermore, after the comparison between the experimental group and the controlgroup by Mann-Whitney test results there are significant differences of socialintelligence level of students in the experimental group with the level of socialintelligence of students in the control group

    Uji Validitas dan Realibilitas Skala Tugas Perkembangan Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu

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    The aims of this study are; 1) to know the level of duty validity scale development on students of SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu in Academic Year 2012/2013. 2) To know the level of duty reliability scale development on students of SMA Negeri 2 Siak Hulu in academic Year 2012/2013. The population in this study was also used as saturated sample, it meant that all members of populationas well as a member of as many as 204 samples. The method of study was a descriptive analytic method. The data collection tool was using the adjustment level developed by the writer. Technique analysis data was using to search for the validity of the formula used by the Product Moment Pearson SPSS 18 for windows with correlate bivariate, while the techniques used for reliability Cronbachal phausing SPSS 18 for windows. based on results of data analysis, the writer concluded that 1) Of the 60 items level adjustment there were 38 items that could besaid to be valid and invalid item 22, item-item valid ranged from -0,158 until 0,404. 2) The scale of the task of reliability developments with the formula Cronbachal phausing SPSS 18 for windows was obtained 0.672 reliable level

    Pengembangan Materi Peningkatan Daya Ingat Siswa dalam Belajar

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    Unoptimal student achievement caused by poor ability of students toremember the lesson. In that regard the school have an important role in improvingmemory in learning, especially for students in school. But so far the school has notshown efforts to deal with such matters. Therefore, the researchers felt the need todevelop a material on Memory Improvement in Learning is expected to be used by theteacher guidance and counseling to be delivered to students. This material is preparedusing methods of research and development (R & D). The purpose of this research is 1)Establishment of the material in Learning Memory Improvement in terms of clarity,systematics, image support, freshness and completeness of the materials and supportgames / video 2) To determine the quality of material produced. This material isvalidated by the supervisor 1 & 2 teachers and 35 students Counseling SMAN 4Pekanbaru. This material is tested to the student with the allocation of a 3-hour lessons(3 x 45 '). This material consists of the brain and memory, storage system information inmemory, the way the brain stores information, sense memory, the stages of themechanism of memory, the factors that affect memory, activity triggers the effectivenessof memory, and a method to sharpen memory. The results of the development of thismaterial indicates the quality of the material produced is in the category of "VeryGood", with the acquisition of a score of 4.27 for the entire aspect of the assessment

    Masalah yang Dihadapi Siswa Sekolah Dasar Negeri 005 Desa Baru Kecamatan Siak Hulu Kabupatenkampar

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    The study is aimed at 1) finding out the description of students\u27 personal problems including both male and female. 2) finding out the description of students\u27 emotional problems including both male and female 3) finding out the description of students\u27 learning problems including both male and female. 4) finding out the description of students\u27 familial problems including both male and female. 5) finding out the description of students\u27 social problems including both male and female. 6) finding out the description of overall students\u27 problems. 7) finding out the category of students\u27 problems in general. The data dealing with student problem preferences based on personal, emotional, learning, familial, and social aspects were collected by using questionnaire. The subjects of the research are 200 students of State Elementary School 005 Baru Village, Siak Hulu Sub district whose choise were based on sex. The sampling technique is the total one. The research results showed that: 1) 60 moderate category male students (59%) and 55 moderate category female students (56%) experienced personal problems. 2) 97 moderate category male students (96%) and 91 moderate category female students (92%) experienced emotional problems. 3) 69 moderate category male students (68%) and 71 moderate category female students (72%) experienced learning problems. 4) 70 moderate category male students (69%) and 69 moderate category female students (70%) experienced familial problems. 5) 53 moderate category male students (52%) and 50 moderate category female students (51%) experienced social problems. 6) 97% male students and 91% female students experienced emotional problems, 70% male and 69% female students experienced familial problems, and 69% and 71% male and female students experienced learning problems. 7) In general, the problems experienced by male students and female students are emotional, familial and social in moderate category