101 research outputs found

    Fusion of morphological data obtained by coronary computed tomography angiography with quantitative echocardiographic data on regional myocardial function

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    Background: Three-dimensional (3D) fusion of morphological data obtained by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA) with functional data from resting and stress echocardiography could potentially provide additional information compared to examination results analyzed separately and increase the diagnostic and prognostic value of non-invasive imaging in patients with suspected coronary artery disease (CAD). Using vendor-independent software developed in our institution, we aimed to assess the feasibility and reproducibility of 3D fusion of morphological CCTA data with echocardiographic data regarding regional myocardial function. Methods: Thirty patients with suspected CAD underwent CCTA and resting transthoracic echocardiography. From CCTA we obtained 3D reconstructions of coronary arteries and left ventricle (LV). Offline speckle-tracking analysis of the echocardiographic images provided parametric maps depicting myocardial longitudinal strain in 17 segments of the LV. Using our software, 3 independent investigators fused echocardiographic maps with CCTA reconstruc­tions in all patients. Based on the obtained fused models, each segment of the LV was assigned to one of the major coronary artery branches. Results: Mean time necessary for data fusion was 65 ± 7 s. Complete agreement between independent investigators in assignment of LV segments to coronary branches was obtained in 94% of the segments. The average coefficient of agreement (kappa) between the investigators was 0.950 and the intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.9329 (95% CI 0.9227–0.9420). Conclusions: Three-dimensional fusion of morphological CCTA data with quantitative echocardiographic data on regional myocardial function is feasible and allows highly repro­ducible assignment of myocardial segments to coronary artery branches

    Ginsenoside content in suspension cultures of Panax quinquefolium L. cultivated in shake flasksand stirred-tank bioreactor

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    Plant suspension cultures are described as a source for the acquisition of medicinal secondary metabolites which in the future may become an alternative to traditional raw materials. This study demonstrates that the cell cultures of one of the ginseng species – Panax quinquefolium L. synthesize ginsenosides, which are triterpene saponins having a multidirectional pharmacological effects. Tested suspension cultures were run on a small scale in the shake flasksand in scale up of the process in a 10-liter stirred tank. In the shake flasks,the highest biomass yield (2.28 gl-1 for dry and 33.99 gl-1 for fresh weight) was reached on day 30 of culture, and the highest content of saponins (2.66 mg g -1 dw) was determined on day 28 of culture. In the bioreactor, nearly 2.67 and 3-fold increase of respectively dry and fresh biomass was recorded in relation to the inoculum. Large-scale cultures synthesized protopanaxatriol derivatives such as Rg1 and Re ginsenosides, however, no saponins belonging to the protopanaxadiol derivatives were reported

    Isolation and characterization of a copalyl diphosphate synthase gene promoter from Salvia miltiorrhiza

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    The promoter, 5' UTR, and 34-nt 5' fragments of protein encoding region of the Salvia miltiorrhiza copalyl diphosphate synthase gene were cloned and characterized. No tandem repeats, miRNA binding sites, or CpNpG islands were observed in the promoter, 5' UTR, or protein encoding fragments. The entire isolated promoter and 5' UTR is 2235 bp long and contains repetitions of many cis-active elements, recognized by homologous transcription factors, found in Arabidopsis thaliana and other plant species. A pyrimidine-rich fragment with only 6 non-pyrimidine bases was localized in the 33-nt stretch from nt 2185 to 2217 in the 5' UTR. The observed cis-active sequences are potential binding sites for trans-factors that could regulate spatio-temporal CPS gene expression in response to biotic and abiotic stress conditions. Obtained results are initially verified by in silico and co-expression studies based on A. thaliana microarray data.The quantitative RT-PCR analysis confirmed that the entire 2269-bp copalyl diphosphate synthase gene fragment has the promoter activity.Quantitative RT-PCR analysis was used to study changes in CPS promoter activity occurring in response to the application of four selected biotic and abiotic regulatory factors; auxin, gibberellin, salicylic acid, and high-salt concentration

    Zorganizowana skrzeplina w lewej komorze powstała po zabiegu przezskórnej angioplastyki wieńcowej mimo stosowanej podwójnej terapii przeciwpłytkowej

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    Myocardial infarction is an acute condition which can lead to many complications in a postinfarct period (MI, myocardial infarction). Left ventricular thrombus formation after successful primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stenting and treating with dual antiplatelet therapy nowadays is a less common finding especially in absence of severe left ventricular dysfunction associated with MI. Case of 70-year-old male who was admitted to the Emergency Department with severe MI treating with successful primary PCI with stenting and dual antiplatelet therapy with a new unexpected finding of thrombus in the left ventricular apex observed in control of the echocardiography examination during hospitalisation despite dual antiplatelet therapy.Zawał serca jest stanem ostrym, który może prowadzić do licznych powikłań we wczesnym okresie pozawałowym.Występowanie skrzepliny w lewej komorze u pacjentów po skutecznej pierwotnej przezskórnej angioplastyce (PCI) z implantacją stentu i zastosowaniu podwójnej terapii przeciwpłytkowej (DAPT) w obecnych czasach jest mniej powszechnym zjawiskiem, zwłaszcza u osób bez ciężkiej pozawałowej dysfunkcji mięśnia lewej komory. Zaprezentowano przypadek 70-letniego mężczyzny, przyjętego do kliniki z prezentacją ostrego zespołu wieńcowego leczonego skuteczną pierwotną PCI z implantacją stentu i zastosowaniem DAPT, u którego, mimo zastosowanej terapii, w kolejnych badaniach echokardiograficznych podczas hospitalizacji obserwowano skrzeplinę w koniuszku lewej komory

    Intraventricular treatment of secondary central nervous system lymphoma – Case study and literature overview

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    Secondary nervous system lymphoma (SCNSL) is a rare extranodal form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). This applies to a particular form of lymphoma that does not originally derive from the central nervous system (CNS); it can be both an isolated form of relapse or a systemic part of disease progression. Due to poor prognosis and a lack of established algorithms of therapeutic procedures, it is a big challenge for physicians from many specializations. In our study, we present an interesting case of a patient with a relapsed form of SCNSL for whom a unique form of treatment was used – intraventricular administration of rituximab and methotrexate

    Central nervous involvement by chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

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    Inclusion of the central nervous system (CNS) in the course of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is rare. At the moment no risk factors or proven treatment methods are known. The disease is described both in its early phase and during its acceleration period, thus it has been suggested that there might be independent mechanisms influencing the development of this condition. As there are no unified diagnostic procedure algorithms each patient needs to be assessed individually. CLL can manifest mostly in elderly people, for whom a possibility of development of neurological disorders with their aetiology different from leukaemia, should also be taken into consideration. The thesis presents a group of seven patients with CLL with CNS infiltration. Patients with prolymphocytic leukaemia, Richter's transformation and the original location of leukemic infiltration within the eye socket constitute an especially interesting case