10 research outputs found
Kontrakt socjalny jako narz臋dzie realizacji zada艅 pomocy spo艂ecznej (aspekty prawne)
Praca recenzowana / peer-reviewed pape
Administracyjne warunki formalnoprawne podejmowania dzia艂alno艣ci gospodarczej i zawodowej w zakresie 艣wiadczenia us艂ug turystycznych
Artyku艂 recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleThe article discusses the administrative formal and legal conditions (administrative
procedures) required when starting a business in order to offer services in the tourism industry. The formal and legal administrative conditions are not uniform in this respect, which can be attributed to both the lack of a common legal basis specifying the conditions for providing particular types of services in tourism, as well as to differences in the procedure of undertaking business activity. The formal and legal conditions have
been specifi ed by regulations in the Act of 2 July 2004 about the freedom of business activity and in the Act of 29 August 1997 about services in the tourism industry. Assuming
the criterion of the legal basis as the foundation of the division, the article discusses four
different legal situations, which can occur under the current legal condition that applies to
undertaking business activity in providing services for tourism. In relation to the required
administrative procedure three types of business activity have been specifi ed: activity
which does not require an administrative decision, activity which can be commenced after issuing an administrative decision and activity which can be undertaken on conditions other than those mentioned above
Forms of local government in relation to foster care
Artyku艂 recenzowany / peer-reviewed articleLocal government units are legally obliged to carry out a number of tasks in the foster care system for children. These tasks generally referred to the Family and Guardianship Code specifi es support for families and foster care system. The proper execution of these tasks requires appropriate forms of action. The paper presents: the type and form of tasks as well as and the legal action and actual actions taken in the field by the various local government units
The tasks of local governments to the crisis of the family
Artyku艂 recenzowany / peer-reviewed paperThe need to support the family by the state is considered as one of the fundamental
principles, both by international standards, as well as national regulations. Article
refers here both on the European Social Charter and the Constitution of the Republic of
Poland, which occupies a prominent place art. 18 which states that the family is under
the protection and care of the Polish Republic. In this article the author discusses the
tasks of local government units and its administration in cases of family emergencies, administrative aspects of the position control, basically the limits set by the rules of bodily material and formal administrative law. The purpose of these tasks indicates that they are undertaken primarily in order to allow families to overcome diffi cult situations arising or resulting from the crisis in the family. Mark also be that these tasks are undertaken when the family alone, without the support given to her not being able to restore indicated above intrafamilial stability and balance. These tasks are undertaken within the social assistance as an instrument of social policy. Among the possible solutions I found it useful overview of the tasks to be performed legally entrusted to municipalities, counties and local government voivodship. This choice is justifi ed by the position, which in the exercise of public functions account for local self-government. Applies here, the constitutional principle of the presumption set of tasks and responsibilities of local government. Local government shall perform all public functions except those that have not been reserved by the Constitution or statutes to the organs of other public authorities. scope of the discussion has been limited to discussion of local government tasks undertaken in a crisis of relations and relations between parents and child. These tasks primarily linked with, that in emergency situations to help ensure proper care of the family and children. However, the State had expressed in these cases, especially in the judicial function of the courts in family matters and juvenile justice, law enforcement bodies actions and judicial probation service. The activities carried out in the fi eld of institutional support can be analyzed from different points of view. The items made here considerations, it seems reasonable to draw attention to three issues, namely: the nature and type of tasks assigned to local governments, form and operation of these units and their organizations and procedure
W poszukiwaniu jako艣ci 偶ycia wsp贸艂czesnej rodziny polskiej
Praca recenzowana / peer-reveiwed pape
Pa艅stwo i Spo艂ecze艅stwo nr 4, 2012 : Szanse i wyzwania spo艂eczne w okresie wychodzenia z kryzysu
Problematyka zamieszczonych w niniejszym numerze tekst贸w obejmuje trzy
grupy zagadnie艅:
1) dobrostan i jako艣膰 偶ycia,
2) zarz膮dzanie w obszarze kreatywnym,
3) uwarunkowania spo艂eczne, kulturowe i prawne wsp贸艂czesnej rodziny oraz
zagro偶enia jej funkcjonowania
Pa艅stwo i Spo艂ecze艅stwo nr 1, 2011 : Wsp贸艂czesna turystyka. Zagadnienia prawne, spo艂eczno-ekonomiczne i przestrzenne
Prezentowane w niniejszym tomie artyku艂y podejmuj膮 zaledwie niewielki wycinek zagadnie艅 i problem贸w, kt贸re dotycz膮 funkcjonowania i znaczenia turystyki w obszarze formalnoprawnym, spo艂ecznym, ekonomicznym, przestrzennym, politycznym itd. Nie obejmuj膮 zatem i nie wyczerpuj膮 og贸艂u kwestii towarzysz膮cych rozwojowi wsp贸艂czesnej turystyki w wymiarze krajowym i mi臋dzynarodowym