232 research outputs found

    Asymptotics from scaling for nonlinear wave equations

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    We present a scaling technique which transforms the evolution problem for a nonlinear wave equation with small initial data to a linear wave equation with a distributional source. The exact solution of the latter uniformly approximates the late-time behavior of solutions of the nonlinear problem in timelike and null directions.Comment: 14 pages; minor changes (notation, typos

    Comment on "Late-time tails of a self-gravitating massless scalar field revisited" by Bizon et al: The leading order asymptotics

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    In Class. Quantum Grav. 26 (2009) 175006 (arXiv:0812.4333v3) Bizon et al discuss the power-law tail in the long-time evolution of a spherically symmetric self-gravitating massless scalar field in odd spatial dimensions. They derive explicit expressions for the leading order asymptotics for solutions with small initial data by using formal series expansions. Unfortunately, this approach misses an interesting observation that the actual decay rate is a product of asymptotic cancellations occurring due to a special structure of the nonlinear terms. Here, we show that one can calculate the leading asymptotics more directly by recognizing the special structure and cancellations already on the level of the wave equation.Comment: 7 pages; minor simplifications in the notation; some comments withdrawn or rewritten after improvements in the new version (v3) of the commented paper; 1 reference adde

    Linear and nonlinear tails I: general results and perturbation theory

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    For nonlinear wave equations with a potential term, we prove pointwise space-time decay estimates and develop a perturbation theory for small initial data. We show that the perturbation series has a positive convergence radius by a method which reduces the wave equation to an algebraic one. We demonstrate that already first and second perturbation orders, satisfying linear equations, can provide precise information about the decay of the full solution to the nonlinear wave equation

    Spontaneous particle creation in time-dependent overcritical fields

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    It is believed that in presence of some strong electromagnetic fields, called overcritical, the (Dirac) vacuum becomes unstable and decays leading to a spontaneous production of an electron-positron pair. Yet, the arguments are based mainly on the analysis of static fields and are insufficient to explain this phenomenon completely. Therefore, we consider time-dependent overcritical fields and show, within the external field formulation, how spontaneous particle creation can be defined and measured in physical processes. We prove that the effect exists always when a strongly overcritical field is switched on, but it becomes unstable and hence generically only approximate and non-unique when the field is switched on and off. In the latter case, it becomes unique and stable only in the adiabatic limit

    Simple proof of a useful pointwise estimate for the wave equation

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    We give a simple proof of a pointwise decay estimate stated in two versions, making advantage of a particular simplicity of inverting the spherically symmetric wave operator and of the comparison theorem. We briefly explain the role of this estimate in proving decay estimates for nonlinear wave equations or wave equations with potential terms

    Quasinormal mode expansion and the exact solution of the Cauchy problem for wave equations

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    Solutions for a class of wave equations with effective potentials are obtained by a method of a Laplace-transform. Quasinormal modes appear naturally in the solutions only in a spatially truncated form; their coefficients are uniquely determined by the initial data and are constant only in some region of spacetime -- in contrast to normal modes. This solves the problem of divergence of the usual expansion into spatially unbounded quasinormal modes and a contradiction with the causal propagation of signals. It also partially answers the question about the region of validity of the expansion. Results of numerical simulations are presented. They fully support the theoretical predictions

    Optical lattice quantum simulator for QED in strong external fields: spontaneous pair creation and the Sauter-Schwinger effect

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    Spontaneous creation of electron-positron pairs out of the vacuum due to a strong electric field is a spectacular manifestation of the relativistic energy-momentum relation for the Dirac fermions. This fundamental prediction of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) has not yet been confirmed experimentally as the generation of a sufficiently strong electric field extending over a large enough space-time volume still presents a challenge. Surprisingly, distant areas of physics may help us to circumvent this difficulty. In condensed matter and solid state physics (areas commonly considered as low energy physics), one usually deals with quasi-particles instead of real electrons and positrons. Since their mass gap can often be freely tuned, it is much easier to create these light quasi-particles by an analogue of the Sauter-Schwinger effect. This motivates our proposal of a quantum simulator in which excitations of ultra-cold atoms moving in a bichromatic optical lattice represent particles and antiparticles (holes) satisfying a discretized version of the Dirac equation together with fermionic anti-commutation relations. Using the language of second quantization, we are able to construct an analogue of the spontaneous pair creation which can be realized in an (almost) table-top experiment.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Large data pointwise decay for defocusing semilinear wave equations

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    We generalize the pointwise decay estimates for large data solutions of the defocusing semilinear wave equations which we obtained earlier under restriction to spherical symmetry. Without the symmetry the conformal transformation we use provides only a weak decay. This can, however, in the next step be improved to the optimal decay estimate suggested by the radial case and small data results. This is the first result of that kind

    Tails for the Einstein-Yang-Mills system

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    We study numerically the late-time behaviour of the coupled Einstein Yang-Mills system. We restrict ourselves to spherical symmetry and employ Bondi-like coordinates with radial compactification. Numerical results exhibit tails with exponents close to -4 at timelike infinity i+i^+ and -2 at future null infinity \Scri.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Quantum simulator for the Schwinger effect with atoms in bi-chromatic optical lattices

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    Ultra-cold atoms in specifically designed optical lattices can be used to mimic the many-particle Hamiltonian describing electrons and positrons in an external electric field. This facilitates the experimental simulation of (so far unobserved) fundamental quantum phenomena such as the Schwinger effect, i.e., spontaneous electron-positron pair creation out of the vacuum by a strong electric field.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; minor corrections and improvements in text and in figures; references adde