19 research outputs found

    Quantification of white matter fibre pathways disruption in frontal transcortical approach to the lateral ventricle or the interventricular foramen in diffusion tensor tractography

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    Pathologies occupying the interventricular foramen (foramen of Monro — FM) or the anterior part of lateral ventricle (LV) are accessed by the transcortical or transcallosal route. As severing of rostral corpus callosum has been deemed inferior to cortical incision, the approaches through various points of frontal lobe have been developed. Superior (F1), middle (F2) frontal gyrus or occasionally superior frontal sulcus are used as an entry of neurosurgical corridor. In spite of the fact that every approach to LV or FM causes its characteristic irreversible damage to white matter, to date all of transcortical routes are regarded as equivalent. The current study compared the damage of main neural bundles between virtualtrans-F1 and trans-F2 corridors by means of diffusion tensor tractography method (DTT) in 11 magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams from clinical series (22 hemispheres, regardless of dominance). Corpus callosum, cingulum, subdivisions I and II of superior longitudinal fasciculus (SLF I and SLF II), corticoreticular as well as pyramidal tracts crossing both approaches were subjected to surgical violation. Both approaches served a similar total number of fibres (0.94 to 1.78 [× 103]).Trans-F1 route caused significantly greater damage of total white matter volume(F1: 8.26 vs. F2: 7.16 mL), percentage of SLF I fibres (F1: 78.6% vs. F2: 28.6%)and cingulum (F1: 49.4% vs. F2: 10.6%), whereas trans-F2 route interrupted morecorticoreticular fibres (F1: 4.5% vs. F2: 30.7%). Pyramidal tract (F1: 0.6% vs. F2:1.3%) and SLF II (F1: 15.9% vs. F2: 26.2%) were marginally more vulnerable incase of the access via middle frontal gyrus. Both approaches destroyed 7% of callosal fibres. Summarising the above DTT findings, trans-F2 route disrupted a greater number of fibres from eloquent neural bundles (SLF II, pyramidal and corticoreticular tracts), therefore is regarded as inferior to trans-F1 one. Due to lack of up-to-date guidelines with recommendations of the approaches to LV or FM, an individual preoperative planning based on DTT should precede a surgery

    Future of the nerve fibres imaging: tractography application and development directions

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    Tractography is a tool available in a growing number of centres, to enable planning of neurosurgical interventions. This method has some drawbacks and due to its increasing availability is causing a growing controversy over the possibility of an anatomical mapping of the nerve fibres. This article aims at summarising the application of the diffusion magnetic resonance in contemporary neurosurgery method, showing the usefulness and merits of its performance before surgical procedures, limitation of its application and recommendations for its improvement and more effective use for diagnostic purposes

    Frontal aslant tract projections to the inferior frontal gyrus

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    Background: Frontal aslant tract (FAT) is a white matter bundle connecting the pre-supplementary motor area (pre-SMA) and the supplementary motor area (SMA) with the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG). The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the anatomical variability of FAT. Materials and methods: Total number of fibres and the lateralisation index (LI) were calculated. We attempted to find factors contributing to the diversity of FAT regarding IFG terminations to the pars opercularis (IFG-Op) and to the pars triangularis (IFG-Tr). Magnetic resonance imaging of adult patients with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) with total number of 98 hemispheres composed a cohort. V-shaped operculum was the most common (60.5%). Results: Total number of FAT fibres had widespread and unimodal distribution (6 to 1765; median: 160). Left lateralisation was noted in 64.3% of cases and was positively correlated with total number of FAT fibres and the bundle projecting to IFG-Op (p < 0.01). LI correlated with total number of FAT fibres (r = 0.43, p < 0.01). FAT projected predominantly to IFG-Op (88.9%; 88 of 99). Only in 3 (3.1%) cases more fibres terminated in IFG-Tr than in IFG-Op. Total number of FAT fibres and number of fibres terminating at IFG-Op did not correlate with the ratio of fibre numbers: FAT/IFG-Op, FAT/IFG-Tr and IFG-Op/IFG-Tr (p > 0.05). The greater total number of fibres to IFG-Tr was, the higher were the ratios of IFG-Tr/ /FAT (r = 0.57, p < 0.01) and IFG-Tr/IFG-Op (r = 0.32, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Among the IFG, the major termination of FAT is IFG-Op. Whereas the IFG-Tr projection seems to be related to the expansion of the entire FAT bundle regardless of side, domination and handedness. Nevertheless, FAT features a significant anatomical variability which cannot be explained in terms of DTI findings

    The pneumatisation of anterior clinoid process is not associated with any predictors that might be recognised preoperatively

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    The anterior clinoid process (ACP) is usually removed during surgeries of proximalinternal carotid artery (ICA) aneurysms. However, some ACPs presentwith air cells originating from the sphenoid or/and ethmoid sinus. In surgeriescontaining a clinoidectomy of a pneumatised process, up to 40% of patients experience cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rhinorrhoea. The aim of this study wasto explore the potential predictors of pneumatisation of the ACP, as well asto compare the occurrence of CSF rhinorrhoea between total and partialanterior clinoidectomies. This study comprised 2 different groups, with 2 differentanalyses. Firstly, the pneumatisation of the ACP was evaluated in 496 ACPs and was based on 248 computer tomography exams (CT). The c2 testand ROC curve comparisons were utilised in conjunction, to explore possiblepredictors of air cell accumulation in the ACP. The overall pneumatisation ratewas 9.7%, unilateral and bilateral aerial ACP was found in 4.4% and 2.6% of all patients respectively, while at least one pneumatised ACP was found in 14.1% of examined patients. The route of pneumatisation was establishedin 87.5% of cases. The side of the ACP, gender, and patient age were notsignificantly associated with both pneumatisation of ACP or route of pneumatisation.Secondly, a clinical group of 23 patients after operative securingof an ICA aneurysm were retrospectively assessed with regards to the extentof anterior clinoidectomy and the occurrence of CSF rhinorrhoea. A total of23 ACPs were removed, 17 ACPs were totally resected, and 6 underwent partialresection. CSF rhinorrhoea was not noted in any patients, thus the comparison between clinical groups was not valid. Moreover, we described a novelmethod of partial removal of the lateral aspect of ACP, which was applied in6 patients treated for an ICA — ophthalmic artery junction aneurysm

    The posterior communicating artery: morphometric study in 3D angio-computed tomography reconstruction. The proof of the mathematical definition of the hypoplasia

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    Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the morphometry of the posterior communicating artery (PCoA), on the basis of angio-computed tomography (CT), and to give proof of the mathematical definition of the term “hypopal sia of the PCoA“.Materials and methods: One hundred 3-dimensional (3D) angio-CT images, performed in adult patients with bilateral reconstruction of the PCoA (200 results) were used tocalculate the morphometry of the vessel.Results: The average length of the vessel on the right side was 14.48 ± 3.47 mm, andon the left side 14.98 ± 4.77 mm (in women 14.75 mm, in men 14.70 mm). The mean of the diameter at the “proximal” point (the junction with P1) on the right side was 1.49 ± 0.51 mm, and on the left 1.46 ± 0.47 mm (in women 1.44 mm and in men 1.51 mm). The mean of the diameter in the “distal” part (the connection with ICA) on the right side was 1.4 ± 0.49 mm, and on the left 1.37 ± 0.41 mm (in women 1.38 mm, and in men 1.39 mm). No statistical correlation between the length and the diameter of the PCoA in relation to the sex and side was shown. On the basis of our measurements, we defined the hypoplasia of the artery as the estimated value less than the average diameter minus the standard deviation. The percentage distribution was as follows: the left artery 15.5%, the right artery 24%, women 11.5%, and the men 9%. Similarly to the above parameters, we have not found any statistical differences. The presence of the foetal origin was noted in 25% of the radiological examinations. The infundibular widening was visualised in 11.5% of cases of 3D reconstructions. The agenesis of PCoA was found in 9% (never bilaterally), and in 1 case the unilateral duplication of the artery was observed. No statistical differences between those parameters in relation to sex and the examined side were revealed.Conclusions: Morphological calculation of the PCoA on the basis of angio-CT from adult patients did not show any statistical differences depending on sex or the investigated side. The presented method of the calculations proved to be useful for the mathematical definition of the term “hypoplasia of the PCoA”

    Tractography-guided surgery of brain tumours: what is the best method to outline the corticospinal tract?

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    Background: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is the imaging technique used in vivo to visualise white matter pathways. The cortico-spinal tract (CST) belongs to one of the most often delineated tracts preoperatively, although the optimal DTI method has not been established yet. Considering that various regions of interests (ROIs) could be selected, the reproducibility of CST tracking among different centres is low. We aimed to select the most reliable tractography method for outlining the CST for neurosurgeons. Materials and methods: Our prospective study consisted of 32 patients (11 males, 21 females) with a brain tumour of various locations. DTI and T1-weighed image series were acquired prior to the surgery. To draw the CST, the posterior limb of the internal capsule (PLIC) and the cerebral peduncle (CP) were defined as two main ROIs. Together with these main ROIs, another four cortical endpoints were selected: the frontal lobe (FL), the supplementary motor area (SMA), the precentral gyrus (PCG) and the postcentral gyrus (POCG). Based on these ROIs, we composed ten virtual CSTs in DSI Studio. The fractional anisotropy, the mean diffusivity, the tracts’ volume, the length and the number were compared between all the CSTs. The degree of the CST infiltration, tumour size, the patients’ sex and age were examined. Results: Significant differences in the number of tracts and their volume were observed when the PLIC or the CP stood as a single ROI comparing with the two- ROI method (all p < 0.05). The mean CST volume was 40054U (SD ± 12874) and the number of fibres was 259.3 (SD ± 87.3) when the PLIC was a single ROI. When the CP was a single ROI, almost a half of fibres (147.6; SD ± 64.0) and half of the CST volume (26664U; SD ± 10059U) was obtained (all p < 0.05). There were no differences between the various CSTs in terms of fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, the apparent diffusion coefficient, radial diffusivity and the tract length (p > 0.05). The CST was infiltrated by a growing tumour or oedema in 17 of 32 patients; in these cases, the mean and apparent diffusion of the infiltrated CST was significantly higher than in uncompromised CSTs (p = 0.04). CST infiltration did not alter the other analysed parameters (all p > 0.05). Conclusions: A universal method of DTI of the CST was not developed. However, we found that the CP or the PLIC (with or without FL as the second ROI) should be used to outline the CST

    Romantic Name for a Deadly Condition: Kissing Aneurysms of the Pericallosal Artery – A Case Report

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    Background: Kissing aneurysms are two independent but adjacent aneurysms protruding from two contralateral arterial locations. This report describes a successfully treated case of kissing aneurysms at the Department of Neurosurgery, Medical University of Gdansk. Case: A 45-year-old asymptomatic woman was diagnosed with unruptured bilateral aneurysms located in the pericallosal-callosomarginal division. Her medical history included a previous intracranial aneurysm and arterial hypertension. The patient underwent a successful treatment by surgical clipping and was discharged in good condition; neither disability nor neurologic deficit was noticed upon discharge. Surgical wound healing was complicated by an infection and resulted in a reoperation for the patient. Conclusion: The etiology of kissing aneurysms is still unknown and the best treatment method stills remains unclear. Thus, every case has to be carefully and individually assessed by an interdisciplinaryteam. As a result, patient transfer to an experienced neurosurgical center could be beneficial

    The challenges of hypervolemic therapy in patients after subarachnoid haemorrhage

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    Purpose The triple-H therapy is widely used for cerebral vasospasm (CV) prevention and treatment in patients after subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). However, this practice is based on low level evidence. Aim of this study was to evaluate errors in fluid administration, fluid balance monitoring and bedside charts completeness during a trial of triple-H therapy. Materials and methods An audit of the SAH patient charts was performed. A total of 508 fluid measurements were performed in 41 patients (6 with delayed cerebral ischaemia; DCI) during 14 days of observation. Results Underestimating for intravenous drugs was the most frequent error (80.6%; 112), resulting in a false positive fluid balance in 2.4% of estimations. In 38.6% of the negative fluid balance cases, the physicians did not order additional fluids for the next 24h. In spite of that, the fluid intake was significantly increased after DCI diagnosis. The mean and median intake values were 3.5 and 3.8l/24h respectively, although 40% of the fluid balances were negative. The positive to negative fluid balance ratio was decreasing in the course of the 14 day observation. Conclusions This study revealed inconsistencies in the fluid orders as well as mistakes in the fluid monitoring, which illustrates the difficulties of fluid therapy and reinforces the need for strong evidence-based guidelines for hypervolemic therapy in SAH

    Intracranial region of the vertebral artery: morphometric study in the context of clinical usefulness

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    Background: The aim of this study was to analyse the morphometry of the intracranial segment of the vertebral artery in the context of clinical usefulness. The results were compared with published data available in full-text archived medical journals. Materials and methods: More than 100 digital subtraction angiography (DSA) and 3-dimensional (3D) angio-computed tomography (CT) examinations were used to measure the following parameters: the whole and partial length of V4 in characteristic anatomical points, the diameter in three places (on the level of foramen magnum, in point of exit to the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, and in the vertebro-basilar junction), the angle of connection to the vertebral arteries, and all anatomical variations including fenestration, duplication, dolichoectasia or absent artery. Results: The left V4 section was predominant over the right artery, which is manifested by length, width, cases of ectasia and fewer cases of hypoplasia. The incidences of V4 ectasia were identified more often than those documented in the accessible literature, and they were found in the natural location of formation of saccular aneurysms. Conclusions: The presented knowledge of anatomical variation and abnormali­ties of vertebral circulation can improve the accuracy and “safety” of the surgical procedures in this region, help to determine the range of surgical approach and avoid associated complications. The radiological examinations using 3D CT, DSA reveal unlimited observation of anatomical structures in contrast to studies based on cadavers, and can complement the morphometry in anatomical preparations

    Convulsive status epilepticus management in adults and children: Report of the Working Group of the Polish Society of Epileptology

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    Introduction The Working Group was established at the initiative of the General Board of the Polish Society of Epileptology (PSE) to develop an expert position on the treatment of convulsive status epilepticus (SE) in adults and children in Poland. Generalized convulsive SE is the most common form and also represents the greatest threat to life, highlighting the importance of the choice of appropriate therapeutic treatment. Aim of guideline We present the therapeutic options separately for treatment during the early preclinical (>5–30min), established (30–60min), and refractory (>60min) SE phases. This division is based on time and response to AEDs, and indicates a practical approach based on pathophysiological data. Results Benzodiazepines (BZD) are the first-line drugs. In cases of ineffective first-line treatment and persistence of the seizure, the use of second-line treatment: phenytoin, valproic acid or phenobarbital is required. SE that persists after the administration of benzodiazepines and phenytoin or another second-line AED at appropriate doses is defined as refractory and drug resistant and requires treatment in the intensive care unit (ICU). EEG monitoring is essential during therapy at this stage. Anesthesia is typically continued for an initial period of 24h followed by a slow reversal and is re-established if seizures recur. Anesthesia is usually administered either to the level of the “burst suppression pattern” or to obtain the “EEG suppression” pattern. Conclusions Experts agree that close and early cooperation with a neurologist and anesthetist aiming to reduce the risk of pharmacoresistant cases is an extremely important factor in the treatment of patients with SE. This report has educational, practical and organizational aspects, outlining a standard plan for SE management in Poland that will improve therapeutic efficacy