3 research outputs found

    Reengineering the Core Grid Ontology

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    http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-918/111110298.pdfInternational audienceOntology engineering is a relatively new and immature science. With new pos- sible applications and often non-normative standard proposals emerging rapidly it is hard to nd one universal formalization of ontology engineering rules. This causes many authors to fall into a trap of focusing on the application of an ontology and not giving enough attention to the ontology itself. Such approach results in ontologies that are hardly reusable, overcomplicated and di cult to understand which is the exact opposite of what a good ontology should be. While many problems are very speci c we attempt to bring the attention to a set of common ones with the intention of instructing how to x or avoid them. Here, we explain how we improved an existing ontology, Core Grid Ontology (CGO), that we use as an example. It is not our intention to focus on the quality of this ontology, which otherwise ts our needs well. Indeed, CGO was reused in the project Agents in Grid (AiG), where it was slightly modi ed then extended [1]. We build on that experience, starting with the reengineering of CGO that we will later extend with the improvements of the AiG ontology

    Towards IoT platforms’ integration:Semantic Translations between W3C SSN and ETSI SAREF

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    Several IoT ontologies have been developed lately to improve the semantic interoperability of IoT solutions. The most popular of these ontologies, the W3C Semantic Sensor Network (SSN), is considered an ontological foundation for diverse IoT initiatives, particularly OpenIoT. With characteristics similar to SSN, the ETSI Smart Appliances REFerence (SAREF) ontology evolved from the needs of smart home solutions to common requirements of IoT. Some IoT solutions rely on platform-specific ontologies and their integration requires mechanisms to align these ontologies. In this paper we discuss the ontology alignment between SSN and SAREF, identifying mapping alternatives and proposing basic mappings that can be re-used to define more complex ones. We introduce here an initial specification of the semantic translations from the main elements of SSN to SAREF, which includes classes, object properties and data properties. The alignment will be used in a semantic matching process leveraging the semantic mediator component of the INTER-IoT project. An initial evaluation of the translation was executed by translating the wind sensor (Vaisala WM30), an example provided by the W3C, from SSN to SAREF. This initial evaluation demonstrates the coherence and feasibility of the proposed mappings

    Advancing IoT Platforms Interoperability

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    The IoT European Platforms Initiative (IoT-EPI) projects are addressing the topic of Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects and aim to deliver an IoT extended into a web of platforms for connected devices and objects that supports smart environments, businesses, services and persons with dynamic and adaptive configuration capabilities. The specific areas of focus of the research activities are architectures and semantic interoperability, which reliably cover multiple use cases. The goal is to deliver dynamically-configured infrastructure and integration platforms for connected smart objects covering multiple technologies and multiple intelligent artefacts. The IoT-EPI ecosystem has been created with the objective of increasing the impact of the IoT-related European research and innovation, including seven European promising projects on IoT platforms: AGILE, BIG IoT, INTER-IoT, VICINITY, SymbIoTe, bIoTope, and TagItSmart. This white paper provides an insight regarding interoperability in the IoT platforms and ecosystems created and used by IoT-EPI. The scope of this document covers the interoperability aspects, challenges and approaches that cope with interoperability in the current existing IoT platforms and presents some insights regarding the future of interoperability in this context. It presents possible solutions, and a possible IoT interoperability platform architecture