6 research outputs found


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    The author presents the features of axiomatized theories, and - as a keen supporter of a view that sociological theories can be axiomatized - suggests that informal axiomatization is most suitable for sociological theories. Departing from the rules for statement proving presented by Karl Popper the author analyses three interrelated values describing a theoretical statement: universality, precision and value of information. In this perspective theoretical statement is a statement which possesses high value of information, which has not been falsified. In the last part of the article the author undertakes a set of deductive procedures in order to axiomatize the conflict within a role and conflict of roles theory. He concludes that axiomatization leads to higher accuracy of theoretical apparatus, makes theories more valuable in explanatory and heuristic terms and allows undertaking methodological operations new to sociological theories such as theoretical reduction

    Positivism and Types of Theories in Sociology

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