139 research outputs found

    Cztery swobody wspólnego rynku Euroazjatyckiej Unii Gospodarczej

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    The establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union in 2015 is a yet another step in the process of forming a common market on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic. The statutory objective of the Eurasian Union is an economic integration of the member states, and, in particular, the establishment of a common market of goods, services, capital, and workforce. The Eurasian Economic Union is not a brand new integration project, but more of a continuation of activities undertaken in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and also in the framework of – no longer existing – the Eurasian Economic Community. It should be noted that in 2016 the Eurasian Economic Union is prognosticated to include the Republic of Tajikistan, which will result in expansion of the common market of goods, services, capital and workforce.The establishment of the Eurasian Economic Union in 2015 is a yet another step in the process of forming a common market on the territory of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Republic of Armenia and the Kyrgyz Republic. The statutory objective of the Eurasian Union is an economic integration of the member states, and, in particular, the establishment of a common market of goods, services, capital, and workforce. The Eurasian Economic Union is not a brand new integration project, but more of a continuation of activities undertaken in the framework of the Commonwealth of Independent States, and also in the framework of – no longer existing – the Eurasian Economic Community. It should be noted that in 2016 the Eurasian Economic Union is prognosticated to include the Republic of Tajikistan, which will result in expansion of the common market of goods, services, capital and workforce

    The Learning System by the Least Squares Support Vector Machine Method and its Application in Medicine, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2011, nr 3

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    In the paper it has been presented the possibility of using the least squares support vector machine to the initial diagnosis of patients. In order to find some optimal parameters making the work of the algorithm more detailed, the following techniques have been used: K-fold Cross Validation, Grid-Search, Particle Swarm Optimization. The result of the classification has been checked by some labels assigned by an expert. The created system has been tested on the artificially made data and the data taken from the real database. The results of the computer simulations have been presented in two forms: numerical and graphic. All the algorithms have been implemented in the C# language

    Severe course of neuromyelitis optica in a female patient with chronic C hepatitis

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    Neuromyelitis optica (NMO) is a rare, disabling, recurring inflammatory demyelinating disease affecting the spinal cord and optic nerves with predominance in women. We present the case of a female patient with chronic C hepatitis, who, despite treatment, developed severe symptoms of NMO during pregnancy and postpartum

    Zaawansowane techniki rezonansu magnetycznego w diagnostyce guzów wewnątrzczaszkowych

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    Nowoczesne techniki rezonansu magnetycznego (MR, magnetic resonance) mogą uwidocznić mikroperfuzję ocenianej zmiany (perfuzja MR), jej skład biochemiczny (spektroskopia MR), komórkowość (dyfuzja MR), położenie względem włókien istoty białej (tensor dyfuzji MR) oraz ośrodków korowych (czynnościowy MR). Każde z tych badań pozwala na charakterystykę zmiany chorobowej pod innym względem; ma zalety, ale także pewne ograniczenia. Możliwość precyzyjnej diagnostyki obrazowej (z zastosowaniem wyżej wymienionych technik), która uwzględnia zarówno ocenę strukturalną, jak i funkcjonalną, w znacznym stopniu decyduje o wczesnym rozpoznaniu i efektach planowanego leczenia. W artykule omówiono nowoczesne metody obrazowania MR oraz ich znaczenie w diagnostyce guzów wewnątrzczaszkowych. Polski Przegląd Neurologiczny 2010; 6 (1): 27–3

    Zastosowanie obrazowania dyfuzji rezonansu magnetycznego (DWI) w różnicowaniu świeżych i przewlekłych zmian niedokrwiennych - opis przypadku

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    Wstęp. Obrazowanie rezonansu magnetycznego (MR, magnetic resonance) zależne od dyfuzji (DWI, diffusion-weighted imaging), w sposób nieinwazyjny i bezpieczny, z wykorzystaniem zjawiska ograniczonej dyfuzji cząsteczek wody, umożliwia bardzo wczesne (nawet w ciągu kilkunastu minut) rozpoznanie zmian niedokrwiennych mózgowia. Opis przypadku. Pacjent w wieku 81 lat, bez istotnej neurologicznej przeszłości chorobowej, trafił do szpitala z powodu nagłego wystąpienia niedowładu prawej kończyny górnej i afazji. W rutynowym badaniu tomograficznym głowy wykazano jedynie obecność przewlekłych zmian niedokrwiennych o charakterze leukoarajozy. Następnego dnia wykonano badanie MR, wraz z dyfuzją MR, która uwidoczniła świeże zmiany niedokrwienne. Wnioski. Obrazowanie dyfuzyjne rezonansu magnetycznego umożliwia wykrycie świeżych ognisk niedokrwiennych u pacjentów z zaawansowanymi, przewlekłymi zmianami naczyniopochodnymi mózgowia o charakterze leukoarajozy

    Sleep Paralysis among Professional Firefighters and a Possible Association with PTSD-Online Survey-Based Study.

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    The prevalence of sleep paralysis (SP) is estimated at approximately 7.6% of the world's general population. One of the strongest factors in the onset of SP is PTSD, which is often found among professional firefighters. Our study aimed to assess in the professional firefighter population (n = 831) (1) the prevalence of SP, (2) the relationship between SP and PTSD and (3) the relationship between SP and other factors: the severity of the stress felt, individual tendency to feel anxious and worried and lifestyle variables. The incidence of SP in the study group was 8.7%. The high probability of PTSD was found in 15.04% of subjects and its presence was associated with 1.86 times the odds of developing SP [OR = 1.86 (95% CI: 1.04-3.33); p = 0.04]. Officers who experienced at least 1 SP during their lifetime had significantly higher results in the scales: PCL-5, STAI-T, PSWQ. The number of SP episodes was positively correlated with the severity of symptoms measured by the PCL-5, PSS-10, STAI and PSWQ questionnaires. Further research is needed to assess the importance of SP among the firefighter population in the context of mental and somatic health and to specify methods of preventing SP episodes

    The Role of Biological Diversity in Agroecosystems and Organic Farming

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    Ecosystems are the basis of life and all human activities. Conservation of biological diversity is very important for the proper functioning of the ecosystem and for delivering ecosystem services. Maintaining high biodiversity in agroecosystems makes agricultural production more sustainable and economically viable. Agricultural biodiversity ensures, for example, pollination of crops, biological crop protection, maintenance of proper structure and fertility of soils, protection of soils against erosion, nutrient cycling, and control of water flow and distribution. The effects of the loss of biodiversity may not be immediately apparent, but they may increase the sensitivity of the ecosystems to various abiotic and biotic stresses. The combination of biodiversity conservation with profitable food production is one of the tasks of modern sustainable agriculture that faces the necessity of reconciling the productive, environmental, and social goals. As further intensification of production and increase in the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and water to increase yields are increasingly criticized, global agriculture is looking for other biological and agrotechnical methods in order to meet the requirements of global food production