32 research outputs found

    Change in the Innovation Potential of the Northern Hungary Region

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    The Effects of Monetary Easing on Spatial Convergence in Hungary

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    There has been no substantive change in the existing disparities between the central and peripheral regions in the ten years after the Hungarian accession to the EU (2004-2014). The authors summarise in their study the possibility of econometric modelling of the relationship between regional convergence and monetary easing. On the basis of the represented model the effects of monetary easing, beginning in 2012, on the central, peripheral and semi-peripheral territories are construed, and other interventions needed to reach substantive path-correction are identified

    György Kocziszky (ed) (2021): Northern Hungary

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    Analysis of the expected development paths of Central-Eastern European countries between 2022 and 2025

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    The study attempts to determine the development paths of six Central and Eastern European countries (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Romania) for the period 2022– 2025 using a time-series complex development index developed by the authors. In addition to expected economic output, the index takes into account the level of human and technical infrastructure affecting the quality of life of the population, as well as environmental impacts. The autoregressive model used in the study is a single-sector model with panel data and considers the path dependence of the projected changes and the risks from external shocks. The latter are incorporated into the projections using expert estimates. Our analyses show that, except for the Czech Republic, the members of the country group under review are mainly on diverging development paths until 2025. Only the Czech Republic is expected to converge towards the EU development path

    Comparative Analysis of the Economic Development Paths of Hungarian Counties

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    The literature has analysed economic growth issues for nearly 250 years, and formulated theories, indicators and calculations. The same cannot be observed for economic development. This is reflected, among others, by the fact that some publications still use the terms economic growth and development synonymously. In the present study, the authors, after a brief theoretical overview of economic development and path dependency, quantified the economic development of 19 Hungarian counties and the capital city using a complex index, and then examined the changes in the index between 1995 and 2019. The final part of the paper analyses the expected similarities and differences in the development paths up to 2024. The counties have followed different development paths over the last 25 years, a trend that is also reflected over the forecast horizon. The development trajectories of the counties are more sensitive to shocks than the paths of specific GDP output, due to global, macro and local shocks that occur from time to time

    A magyar megyék gazdasági fejlődési pályáinak összehasonlító vizsgálata

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    A szerzők jelen tanulmányukban a gazdasági fejlődés és a pályafüggőség rövid elmélettörténeti áttekintését követően 19 magyar megye és a főváros gazdasági fejlődését komplex index segítségével számszerűsítették, majd az index változását 1995–2019 között tekintették át. A tanulmány befejező részében elemzik az egyes fejlődési pályákban várható azonosságokat és különbségeket 2024-ig. A megyék eltérő fejlődési pályán mozogtak az elmúlt 25 évben, ez a tendencia érvényesül az előrejelzési időhorizont során is. A megyék fejlődési pályája, az időről időre jelentkező globális, makro- és helyi szintű sokkok miatt jobban megérezte a sokkokat, mint a fajlagos GDP-kibocsátás pályája

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Smart City Performance in Europe

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