28 research outputs found

    Proton Transfer Chemistry in the Gas Phase. Is a Spontaneous \u27Neutralization\u27 Reaction a Myth or a Reality?

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    Relying on physicochemical knowledge, the proton cannot be spontaneously transferred from a gaseous mineral acid (HF, HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, H2SO4, or HClO4) to a gaseous nitrogen base (NH3, alkylamine, aniline, pyridine, amidine, or guanidine). For example, the full proton-transfer from HCl to NH3, followed by the separation of Cl- and NH4+ requires more than 500 kJ mol-1. The same is true for a spontaneous intramolecular proton-transfer for gaseous amino acids, aminophenols and other amphiprotic compounds. From the gas-phase acidity parameter of COOH and the gas-phase basicity parameter of NH2 (or other more basic group in the side chain), it appears that proton transfer is endothermic or endergonic. For arginine, an amino acid with a highly basic guanidine function, this difference is still larger than about 300 kJ mol-1. Only solvation of the acid-base system by neutral species (e.g., one or more water molecules), complexation by ions (e.g., ionic acids or bases, metal cations) or even electrons may reduce the energetic barrier and facilitate the proton-transfer. Recent extension of the gas-phase acidity-basicity scale toward superacids and superbases, and recent development of spectroscopic techniques adapted to the gas phase for less volatile organic compounds give some perspectives for observing the full intermolecular proton-transfer between a molecular Brønsted-Lowry superacid and a molecular Brønsted-Lowry superbase

    Proton Transfer Chemistry in the Gas Phase. Is a Spontaneous \u27Neutralization\u27 Reaction a Myth or a Reality?

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    Relying on physicochemical knowledge, the proton cannot be spontaneously transferred from a gaseous mineral acid (HF, HCl, HBr, HI, HNO3, H2SO4, or HClO4) to a gaseous nitrogen base (NH3, alkylamine, aniline, pyridine, amidine, or guanidine). For example, the full proton-transfer from HCl to NH3, followed by the separation of Cl- and NH4+ requires more than 500 kJ mol-1. The same is true for a spontaneous intramolecular proton-transfer for gaseous amino acids, aminophenols and other amphiprotic compounds. From the gas-phase acidity parameter of COOH and the gas-phase basicity parameter of NH2 (or other more basic group in the side chain), it appears that proton transfer is endothermic or endergonic. For arginine, an amino acid with a highly basic guanidine function, this difference is still larger than about 300 kJ mol-1. Only solvation of the acid-base system by neutral species (e.g., one or more water molecules), complexation by ions (e.g., ionic acids or bases, metal cations) or even electrons may reduce the energetic barrier and facilitate the proton-transfer. Recent extension of the gas-phase acidity-basicity scale toward superacids and superbases, and recent development of spectroscopic techniques adapted to the gas phase for less volatile organic compounds give some perspectives for observing the full intermolecular proton-transfer between a molecular Brønsted-Lowry superacid and a molecular Brønsted-Lowry superbase

    The Use of Statistical Methods for Determining Attribute Weights and the Influence of Attributes on Property Value

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    Determining the impact of individual attributes on the value or price of real estate in business practice poses many problems. One of the solutions to this problem is the use of statistical methods. The article proposes correlation coefficients (and their partial modifications) that can be used to determine the impact of selected features on the value of real estate. In addition, several procedures were taken into account for the factors in further calculations, using different methods for determining weights. Empirical verification of the proposed solutions was based on the mass valuation of land properties. The obtained results were compared with valuations developed by property appraisers and valuation errors were calculated. Based on valuation errors, the proposed methods of calculation procedures were ranged, indicating those which provide results closest to the individual valuations carried out by property appraisers

    A Non-Classical Model of Mass Valuation of Agricultural Property

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    Mass valuation of real estate requires meeting a combination of several demands, such as estimating a large number of real estate properties in a short time, and above all carrying out calculations using the same tools. Econometric models ensuring that the above requirements are met are widely used throughout the world. Their application is subject to the fulfillment of assumptions, which, in practice, turns out to be difficult, especially in a market with low information efficiency, which the real estate market is an example of. Hence, apart from classical models, including multiple regression, there are proposals of non-classical models. Additionally, researchers usually analyze the market of apartments or land in urbanized areas, whereas the research area in the article is non-urbanized areas. The nonclassical model of mass valuation of agricultural property tested in the Szczecin center for ad valorem property tax purposes can be treated as an alternative to classical models. The article discusses the methodology of mass valuation of undeveloped agricultural properties in non-urbanized areas, with a proposal of features significantly affecting the value of these properties. A comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of classic and non-classical models used in the mass valuation of real estate was also carried out. The issues addressed are important given the different concepts of introducing cadastral value in Poland, but also the concepts of mass valuation in developing countries where there is not enough developed methodology of real estate estimation by authorized entities


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    The decisions of buyers on the housing market are not only the sum of their subjective expectations but also of the perception of real estate through a prism of opinions and suggestions arising from the surroundings. One of the basic criteria driving households determined to meet basic housing needs is security. The aim of the study is to identify the relationship between the transaction prices of housing and the crime rate in the various districts of Szczecin. For this purpose, data from the Regional Police Headquarters in Szczecin (i.e. map of crimes) and transactional data from notarial acts are analyzed in the work. Then, using statistical and econometric models, spatial relationships of the examined crimes are investigated

    Wielowymiarowa analiza atrakcyjności lokalizacyjnej mieszkań w Szczecinie z uwzględnieniem wskaźnika przestępczości

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    Decyzje kupujących na rynku mieszkaniowym są nie tylko sumą ich subiektywnych oczekiwań, lecz także efektem postrzegania nieruchomości przez pryzmat opinii i sugestii płynących z otoczenia. Jednym z kryteriów, którym kierują się kupujący, jest lokalizacja mieszkania, a z nią cechy otoczenia, w tym również bezpieczeństwo. Celem przeprowadzonego badania jest wyznaczenie przestrzennych zależności między przeciętną cenę 1 m2 mieszkania i współczynnikami przestępczości w Szczecinie. Do realizacji postawionego celu zaproponowano metody analizy przestrzennej. W tym celu wykorzystano informacje o transakcjach związanych z mieszkaniami w Szczecinie w latach 2009-2016 (akty notarialne) oraz dane za 2015 rok dotyczące popełnionych przestępstw z Komendy Wojewódzkiej Policji (tzw. mapa przestępstw). Analiza wykazała brak przestrzennej zależności cen mieszkań w latach 2009-2016. Natomiast wystąpiła zależność cen i tzw. przestępstw pospolityc

    The Influence Of Planning Decisions Regarding Land Evaluation Based On A Selected Local Real Estate Market

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    The article analyzes the influence of planning decisions on changes taking place on the local real estate market. Three stages of the planning process are studied in particular, i.e.: the passing of the study of conditions and directions of spatial development, the Commune Council Resolution on initiating the formulation of a local spatial development plan, and finally the Resolution on accepting the local plan, as well as the effects of these activities on the land value in a given real estate market in Stargard Szczeciński, in the West-Pomeranian (Zachodniopomorskie) Province of Poland. The object of the research is to identify the indicated relationships on a given real estate market, on which respective spatial planning stages can be distinguished, as well as the strength and course of the analyzed relationships. The study will verify the research hypothesis regarding the strength and directions of the effects of planning decisions as the direct and indirect reasons behind price changes on the real estate market. The analysis uses data from the Price Register and the District Starosty Values, along with statistical and public information data and the authors' own studies