25 research outputs found

    Characterization and Modeling of an Electro-thermal MEMS Structure

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    Thermal functional circuits are an interesting and perspectivic group of the MEMS elements. A practical realization is called Quadratic Transfer Characteristic (QTC) element which driving principle is the Seebeck-effect. In this paper we present the analyses of a QTC element from different perspectives. To check the real behavior of the device, we measured a few, secondary properties of the structure which correspond to special behavior because these properties can not be easily derived from the main characteristics.Comment: Submitted on behalf of EDA Publishing Association (http://irevues.inist.fr/handle/2042/16838

    Epstein-Barr virus encoded nuclear protein EBNA-3 binds a novel human uridine kinase/uracil phosphoribosyltransferase

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    BACKGROUND: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects resting B-lymphocytes and transforms them into immortal proliferating lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) in vitro. The transformed immunoblasts may grow up as immunoblastic lymphomas in immuno-suppressed hosts. RESULTS: In order to identify cellular protein targets that may be involved in Epstein-Barr virus mediated B-cell transformation, human LCL cDNA library was screened with one of the transformation associated nuclear antigens, EBNA-3 (also called EBNA-3A), using the yeast two-hybrid system. A clone encoding a fragment of a novel human protein was isolated (clone 538). The interaction was confirmed using in vitro binding assays. A full-length cDNA clone (F538) was isolated. Sequence alignment with known proteins and 3D structure predictions suggest that F538 is a novel human uridine kinase/uracil phosphoribosyltransferase. The GFP-F538 fluorescent fusion protein showed a preferentially cytoplasmic distribution but translocated to the nucleus upon co-expression of EBNA-3. A naturally occurring splice variant of F538, that lacks the C-terminal uracil phosphoribosyltransferase part but maintain uridine kinase domain, did not translocate to the nucleus in the presence of EBNA3. Antibody that was raised against the bacterially produced GST-538 protein showed cytoplasmic staining in EBV negative Burkitt lymphomas but gave a predominantly nuclear staining in EBV positive LCL-s and stable transfected cells expressing EBNA-3. CONCLUSION: We suggest that EBNA-3 by direct protein-potein interaction induces the nuclear accumulation of a novel enzyme, that is part of the ribonucleotide salvage pathway. Increased intranuclear levels of UK/UPRT may contribute to the metabolic build-up that is needed for blast transformation and rapid proliferation

    Confrontation of fibroblasts with cancer cells in vitro: Gene network analysis of transcriptome changes and differential capacity to inhibit tumor growth

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    Background: There is growing evidence that emerging malignancies in solid tissues might be kept under control by physical intercellular contacts with normal fibroblasts. Methods: Here we characterize transcriptional landscapes of fibroblasts that confronted cancer cells. We studied four pairs of in vitro and ex vivo fibroblast lines which, within each pair, differed in their capacity to inhibit cancer cells. The natural process was modeled in vitro by confronting the fibroblasts with PC-3 cancer cells. Fibroblast transcriptomes were recorded by Affymetrix microarrays and then investigated using network analysis. Results: The network enrichment analysis allowed us to separate confrontation- and inhibition-specific components of the fibroblast transcriptional response. Confrontation-specific differences were stronger and were characterized by changes in a number of pathways, including Rho, the YAP/TAZ cascade, NF-kB, and TGF-beta signaling, as well as the transcription factor RELA. Inhibition-specific differences were more subtle and characterized by involvement of Rho signaling at the pathway level and by potential individual regulators such as IL6, MAPK8, MAP2K4, PRKCA, JUN, STAT3, and STAT5A. Conclusions: We investigated the interaction between cancer cells and fibroblasts in order to shed light on the potential mechanisms and explain the differential inhibitory capacity of the latter, which enabled both a holistic view on the process and details at the gene/protein level. The combination of our methods pointed to proteins, such as members of the Rho pathway, pro-inflammatory signature and the YAP1/TAZ cascade, that warrant further investigation via tools of experimental perturbation. We also demonstrated functional congruence between the in vitro and ex vivo models. © 2015 Alexeyenko et al

    Tourism, cluster initiatives, and rural development in Slovakia

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    There are numerous studies which point to the possibilities for rural revitalization and improvement of the living standards of the rural population through development of tourism. Cluster concept and regional cluster initiatives in tourism are generally presented as tool for fulfilment of ideas about the successful regional and rural development. This study presents the genesis, functioning and impact of two tourism cluster initiatives from mountainous rural areas of Slovakia (Orava region and Turiec region) on selected regional indicators (net migration of population, number of tourists, overnight stays and unemployed persons) with the aim to confirm or put into the question the validity of positively perceived direct relation between the simple existence of tourism cluster and racional (successful and/or sustainable) spatial development. The results (comparison of applied regional indicators before and after establishment of tourism clusters) show that establisment and existence of tourism clusters in Orava and Turiec regions are not automatically accompanied by the dramatic changes of regional and rural economic prosperity and/or sustainability in the first years of their activities

    Tourism clusters as a tool for the improvement of rural competitivenes: first experiences from Slovakia

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    Slovakia is the country with unusually appropriate conditions for development of tourism. Therefore the governmental programmes with economic development of rural area as one of their priorities emphasise diversification of economic activities including creation of new work opportunities in the sphere of tourism. In connection with development of tourism and rural areas there appear some studies based on concept of clusters. The aim of paper is to describe potential benefits of cluster concept application not only on tourism development in rural areas, but also on general local and regional development. On the other side, in the context of the overestimation of assets from application of cluster concept for individual players and region, we are trying to stress the attention on some dangers for involved companies and own rural development. In the second part of paper we introduce the first attempt of Slovak tourism cluster establishment. Organization “Cluster Liptov“ (name of the historical Slovak region) is a result of agreement between crucial public and private players who decided to cooperate with aim to increase the visit rate of region and to achieve individual successes by common prosperity

    Roma and rural poverty: regional benchmarking of selected rural regions of Slovakia

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    Poverty as a complex and multidimensional problem has not only a socio-structural dimension but also a socio-spatial one. Social exclusion and poverty might also affect localities and regions not only because of the concentration of socially excluded individuals within the population, but also because of the geographical nature of the area itself. Using the conception of multiply deprivation and relevant statistical data 8 rural regions - districts (LAU 1) with the highest level of poverty had been identified in Slovakia by Michálek. For most of them is typical high absolute number, and relative share of Roma in the regional population structure. The aim of the study is to describe, compare, and benchmark dynamics of Roma population in relation to some relevant indicators of regional labour markets of identified poor rural territories during the 2001-2013 period. As analysis of statistical data showed the problems of underdeveloped rural regions are deepening mainly on territories with great share of Roma population

    Rural municipalities of Slovakia with a positive commuting balance

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    High concentration of jobs in cities and towns is accompanied by labour commuting from the rural (urban) hinterlands. It is the phenomenon that generates functional regions characterized by the relationship between an urban centre and its rural hinterland. The inverse relationship is if a rural municipality with available attractive jobs becomes the centre of the special functional region (or a centre on a lower hierarchic level) and its hinterland consists of urban and rural municipalities with labour commuting to the rural centre. The aim of the paper is to answer the question whether such inverse relationship, manifested by the rural municipality with the positive commuting balance exists in Slovakia and what is its cause. The original statistical data concerning commuting obtained from the last 2001Census has been used in this study in order to identify what is referred to as rural employment centres (more than 100 commuters, and the positive commuting balance). The paper maps, analyses and explains spatial distribution of rural employment centres in Slovakia and adds their inner characteristics

    Changes in networking of rural centres through direct public transport connections: case study of Prešov region, Slovakia

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    The peripheral non-centrally located Prešov region (NUTS 3) from North-Eastern Slovakia (Fig. 1) is, according to the OECD methodology on urban-rural typology, a “significantly rural (intermediate) region”. Its territory consists of 13 smaller spatial units – predominantly and/or significantly rural LAU1 territories – districts of which centres (district towns) were selected for the comparative analysis of the changes in their networks of usually relatively longterm stable direct public transport connections. The changes between 2003 and 2017 were studied based on the existence and frequency of direct transport connections (transport accessibility) between them and other district towns in Slovakia. The presented outcomes show the influence of a top-down governmental decision (zero-fare railway public transport for selected categories of passengers) and other transport related issues (changes in modal split, transport infrastructure and organisation of transport) on the new, restructured and mainly weakened pattern of rural centres public transport networking shape and quality

    Position near the town - effects of urban areas on rural competitiveness and quality of life

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    The paper presents the approach to the analysis of spatial relationships between the town and surrounding rural areas. The main objective was to compare the competitiveness and living conditions of the areas located in the surroundings of towns with different number of inhabitants and situated in various regions of Slovakia and Poland. Competitiveness of a given area is understood as the ability to attract young and well-educated inhabitants. In turn the outfit of houses with the basic facilities of technical and communication infrastructure decides the living conditions