2 research outputs found

    Estimating Ego States: The Machine Learning Perspective

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    The interface between Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and psychology is an intensively explored research area. Specifically, Transactional Analysis (TA), with its structured and precise language, presents a promising area for applying ML techniques, unveiling new potential research avenues. This article explores the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and psychology, focusing on developing a method and the software environment for estimating ego states using MS Kinect™ sensor data. The research investigates the application of TA theory, emphasizing capturing the behavioural ego indicators. While Kinect skeletal data is considered, the gestures and postures are the primary input. The Authors present an innovative approach to annotate and visualize Kinect data using video streams for further autonomous ego state estimation. Within this study, they collected a dataset of 15 students from The Silesian University of Technology. The data was acquired through the use of both a video camera and a Kinect sensor. The nine distinct labels were employed for data annotation. They reflect Parent, Adult, and Child ego states across different temporal dimensions encompassing the past, present, and future. The study includes preliminary results demonstrating the outcomes of this approach's visualization technique and their interpretation. The final part of the article discusses the potential of applying the presented method in applications for the education field

    Integracja metodyki obiek­towej opartej na zastosowaniu języka UML ze środowiskiem programistycz­nym Borland C++ Builder

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    This article presents the description of the concepts, design and implementation of the component library created by the authors of the article for the Borland C++ IDE. The library enables programmer to separate the business functions from the database integration and the GUI functions.W artykule podjęto próbę rozwiązania problemu integracji modelu obiektowego systemu informatycznego z częścią realizującą funkcje interfejsu dla relacyjnej bazy danych, a także częścią odpowiedzialną za obsługę graficznego interfejsu użytkownika. Opisywane rozwiązanie dotyczy platformy Borland C++ Builder. Opracowane zostały projekt i implementacja biblioteki komponentów nazwanej skrótem BMU (od ang. Business Model Utility)