17 research outputs found

    η\eta' production in proton-proton collisions far from the threshold

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    I discuss exclusive production of the η\eta' meson in the pppηppp \to p\eta'p reaction far from the threshold. The contribution of diffractive component as well as that for γγη\gamma^* \gamma^* \to \eta' fusion are calculated. In the first case the formalism of unintegrated gluon distribution functions (UGDF) is used. The distributions in the Feynman xFx_F (or rapidity), transferred four-momenta squared between initial and final protons (t1t_1, t2t_2) and azimuthal angle difference between outgoing protons (Φ\Phi) are calculated. The deviations from the sin2(Φ)\sin^2(\Phi) dependence predicted by one-step vector-vector-pseudoscalar coupling are quantified and discussed. The results are compared with the results of the WA102 collaboration at CERN. Most of the models of UGDF from the literature give too small cross section as compared to the WA102 data and predict angular distribution in relative azimuthal angle strongly asymmetric with respect to π/2\pi/2 in disagreement with the WA102 data. This points to a different mechanism at the WA102 energy. Predictions for RHIC, Tevatron and LHC are given.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures and 1 table invited talk at the symposium on meson physics at COSY11 and WASA-at-COSY, Cracow, Poland, June 17-22, 200

    The Racławka Valley – an example of an educational geosite related to the development of a Paleozoic carbonate platform // Dolina Racławki – przykład geostanowiska edukacyjnego związanego z rozwojem paleozoicznej platformy węglanowej

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    The location and most interesting geological features of the Upper Devonian through Lower Carboniferous limestones in the Racławka Valley were presented. The limestones outcropped almost continuously along the natural valley cutting. They comprise over 60 million years of continuous growth of the carbonate platform, which developed on the ancient terrane – the Upper Silesian Block. Geosites described herein may constitute a destination for geological trips for undergraduate students of Environmental Sciences, where they can actively discover the development of an ancient carbonate platform and accompanied post depositional structures.//W dolinie Racławki znajdują się ważne geologicznie naturalne odsłonięcia wapieni (od późnego dewonu do wczesnego karbonu). Wapienie te obejmują okres ponad 60 milionów lat ciągłej sedymentacji węglanowej, która występowała na obszarze paleozoicznego kratonu – bloku górnośląskiego. Opisane stanowiska mogą być celem wycieczek geologicznych studentów pierwszego stopnia studiów przyrodniczych, w czasie których mogą oni w aktywny sposób śledzić rozwój kopalnej platformy węglanowej i struktur postdepozycyjnych

    Efficacy and safety of a vaginal medicinal product containing three strains of probiotic bacteria : a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, and placebo-controlled trial

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    Objective: The main objective of this study was to evaluate whether vaginal administration of probiotic Lactobacillus results in their colonization and persistence in the vagina and whether Lactobacillus colonization promotes normalization and maintenance of pH and Nugent score. Patients and methods: The study was a multicenter, randomized, double-blind, and placebocontrolled trial. Altogether, 376 women were assessed for eligibility, and signed informed consent. One hundred and sixty eligible women with abnormal, also called intermediate, vaginal microflora, as indicated by a Nugent score of 4-6 and pH >4.5 and zero or low Lactobacillus count, were randomized. Each participant was examined four times during the study. Women were randomly allocated to receive either the probiotic preparation inVag®, or a placebo (one capsule for seven consecutive days vaginally). The product inVag includes the probiotic strains Lactobacillus fermentum 57A, Lactobacillus plantarum 57B, and Lactobacillus gasseri 57C. We took vaginal swabs during visits I, III, and IV to determine the presence and abundance of bacteria from the Lactobacillus genus, measure the pH, and estimate the Nugent score. Drug safety evaluation was based on analysis of the types and occurrence of adverse events. Results: Administration of inVag contributed to a significant decrease (between visits) in both vaginal pH (P<0.05) and Nugent score (P<0.05), and a significant increase in the abundance of Lactobacillus between visit I and visits III and IV (P<0.05). Molecular typing revealed the presence of Lactobacillus strains originating from inVag in 82% of women taking the drug at visit III, and 47.5% at visit IV. There was no serious adverse event related to inVag administration during the study. Conclusion: The probiotic inVag is safe for administration to sustainably restore the healthy vaginal microbiota, as demonstrated by predominance of the Lactobacillus bacteria in vaginal microbiota

    Supplementation of standard antibiotic therapy with oral probiotics for bacterial vaginosis and aerobic vaginitis : a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND: This multicentre, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed to determine whether the use of oral probiotic preparation (prOVag®) containing three Lactobacillus strains together with standard metronidazole treatment and also targeted antibiotic treatment (following the failure of metronidazole therapy) could reduce the recurrence rates of bacterial vaginosis (BV) and aerobic vaginitis (AV). METHODS: Patients at private gynaecological clinics in Poland with histories of recurrent BV/AV and current symptoms were randomly allocated to receive metronidazole and probiotic or placebo, and assessed monthly on visits II and III-V. The total number of study visits was 5–6 (I, II, II bis – if applicable, III, IV, V). One probiotic or placebo capsule was administered with metronidazole/targeted antibiotic twice daily for 10 days; during follow up, patients took one capsule daily for 10 days perimenstrually. Clinical examination and vaginal swabbing were performed at each visit. Primary outcomes were clinical or microbiological BV/AV recurrence and probiotic safety. Secondary outcomes were vaginal pH, Nugent score, and Lactobacillus counts in the vaginal microbiota. Safety analysis was performed in 578 (probiotic, n = 285; placebo, n = 293) 18–50-year-old women who were randomised. RESULTS: BV/AV was confirmed microbiologically in 241 (probiotic, n = 118; placebo, n = 123) participants, who continued the trial. Data from 154 (probiotic, n = 73; placebo, n = 81) participants who completed the study were analysed to determine the efficacy of prOVag. Additional analyses included 37 (probiotic, n = 22; placebo, n = 15) participants who received targeted antibiotics and probiotics or placebo. prOVag lengthened the time to clinical relapse of BV/AV symptoms up to 51 % (p < 0.05) compared with placebo; AV relapse was delayed by up to 76 % (p < 0.05). Probiotic use also reduced and maintained low vaginal pH and Nugent score, and increased vaginal Lactobacillus counts following standard treatment. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrated that oral probiotics lengthened remission in patients with recurrent BV/AV and improved clinical and microbiological parameters. TRIAL REGISTRATION: NCT01993524; 20 November 2013. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/s12905-015-0246-6) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Graficzny Edytor Shaderów

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    Graficzny Edytor Shaderów jest środowiskiem, w którym użytkownik jest w stanie przygotować projekt w postaci połączonych bloków a nastepnie za pomocą jednego kliknięcia otrzymuje gotowy shader w wybranym przez siebie języku.Graficzny Edytor Shaderów pozwala tez na bieżąco monitorować postep prac gdyż w każdym momencie widzimy efekty wprowadzonych zmian. Edytor zajmuje sie konwersjami pomiedzy poszczególnymi typami zmiennych oraz na końcu przy generowaniu finalnego shadera zostaje on automatycznie podzielony na poszczególne cześci: vertex i pixel shader

    Calculations of magnetic field in dynamo sheets taking into account their texture

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    Magnetic measurements have shown that the most dynamo steel sheets have certain anisotropic properties, which are due to the presence of textures in these sheets. These anisotropic properties have been taken into account usually in a simplified way assuming that iron particles of the dynamo sheets have only one axis of the easy magnetization. In the proposed approach, these particles are treated as grains which have three axes of the easy magnetization, and therefore the magnetization processes can be considered along each of these axes. These processes depend on the actual value and on the direction of the field strength and also on textures occurring in the given dynamo sheet. A method which allows calculations of the field distribution as a function of the assumed changes of external currents is described in this paper

    Wpływ terapii wibracyjnej na tkankę mięśniową człowieka

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    In an adult human, on average, muscles constitute about 40% of their body mass. They are the basic structural and functional elements of the musculoskeletal system based mainly on shrinkage of their fibres. This state, among others, ensures and induces motor reactions defined in a given situation, affects balance and muscle balance, the efficiency of neuromuscular connections, and also decides the efficiency of the motor system. The aim of the work was to review literature regarding the impact of treatments using vibrational stimulus on human muscle tissue. Particular attention was paid to the observed improvement of its motor properties after the completion of t vibrational therapy application. An attempt was also made to present the widest possible use of vibrational procedures in various disease states related to the functionality of muscle tissue, which is why in the present overview, the included research was differentiated in terms of target groups and investigated muscles. The analysis included domestic and foreign literature, in which the positive effect of vibrational treatments on the motor properties of adults was discussed. Studies were selected, the authors of which described the most important parameters of the vibrational stimulus used, such as: frequency, amplitude and duration of exposure. Research work from the last 15 years has been analysed (not including the historical part). However, as many as 70% of the studies referred to have been published in the last 5 years. Data from the following databases was analysed: Medline, Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL trials register, ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Wiley Online Library. Key words used: muscles, force, vibration, WBV. Numerous reports indicate the positive effect of vibrational therapy on human muscle tissue. These treatments, among others, prevent muscle atrophy, and in this way, improve or reproduce the lost motor skills of the investigated people. Treatments with the use of vibrations can be performed by the patients themselves without special supervision, the devices that trigger them are easy to use and do not require significant physical effort, which is an undoubted advantage for the elderly and ill patients as well as athletes during the restitution period. It seems wise that any future research regarding the possibility of use of using vibrations in various disease states, including covering the broadly understood pathology of the musculoskeletal system, should focus on the development of optimal parameters and conditions for the use of vibration treatments, associating them with selected disease entities, developing indications and contraindications for their use, as well as determine hypotheses of the effectiveness of undertaken activities and their scientific verification. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. nullWstęp: U dorosłego człowieka mięśnie stanowią średnio około 40% jego masy ciała. Są podstawowym elementem strukturalnym i funkcjonalnym układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego opartego w głównej mierze na kurczliwości ich włókien. Taki stan rzeczy między innymi zapewnia i wywołuje określone w danej sytuacji reakcje motoryczne, wpływa na zachowanie równowagi i balans mięśniowy, sprawność połączeń nerwowo-mięśniowych, a także decyduje o wydolności układu ruchu. Cel pracy: Celem pracy było dokonanie przeglądu piśmiennictwa, dotyczącego oddziaływania zabiegów z wykorzystaniem bodźca wibracyjnego na tkankę mięśniową człowieka. Szczególną uwagę zwrócono na zaobserwowaną poprawę jego właściwości motorycznych po zakończeniu terapii wibracyjnej. Podjęto także próbę przedstawienia możliwie, jak najszerszego zastosowania zabiegów wibracyjnych w różnych stanach chorobowych związanych z funkcjonalnością tkanki mięśniowej, dlatego uwzględniono w prezentowanym przeglądzie badania zróżnicowane pod względem grup docelowych oraz badanych mięśni. Materiał i metody: Analizie poddano piśmiennictwo krajowe i zagraniczne, w którym zostało omówione pozytywne działanie zabiegów wibracyjnych na zdolności motoryczne dorosłego człowieka. Wybrano badania, których autorzy podawali najważniejsze parametry zastosowanego bodźca wibracyjnego takie jak: częstotliwość, amplituda i czas ekspozycji. Analizowano prace z przestrzeni ostatnich 15 lat (nie wliczając części historycznej). Jednak, aż 70% przywołanych badań była opublikowana w ciągu ostatnich 5 lat. Dokonano analizy przedmiotowych danych w następujących bazach: Medline, Embase, Cochrane CENTRAL trials register, ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Wiley Online Library. Słowa kluczowe, jakie użyto to: mięśnie, siła, wibracja, WBV. Podsumowanie-Wnioski: Liczne doniesienia wskazują na pozytywny wpływ terapii wibracyjnej na tkankę mięśniową człowieka. Zabiegi te między innymi zapobiegają zanikowi mięśni, a na tej drodze poprawiają lub odtwarzają utracone zdolności motoryczne badanych osób. Zabiegi z wykorzystaniem wibracji mogą być wykonywane przez samych chorych bez szczególnego nadzoru specjalistycznego, urządzenia je wywołujące są proste w obsłudze i nie wymagają znacznego wysiłku fizycznego, co jest niewątpliwą zaletą dla osób starszych i schorowanych oraz sportowców w okresie restytucji. Wydaje się celowym, aby ewentualne przyszłe badania dotyczące możliwości wykorzystania wibracji w różnych stanach chorobowych, w tym obejmujących szeroko rozumianą patologię układu mięśniowo-szkieletowego, skoncentrować na opracowaniu optymalnych parametrów i warunków stosowania zabiegów wibracyjnych, skojarzenia ich z wybranymi jednostkami chorobowymi, opracowania wskazań i przeciwwskazań do ich wykorzystania, a także ustalenia hipotez efektywności podejmowanych działań oraz naukowej ich weryfikacji

    Parametry stymulacji drganiami w łagodzeniu dolegliwości bólowych różnego pochodzenia i lokalizacji

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    The use of vibration stimulation in alleviating pain is an issue appearing more and more often in modern rehabilitation. The aim of the work was to review literature regarding the therapeutic usage of vibrations in analgesic activity. Searches based on the effect of alleviating pain with the help of vibrotherapy in the therapy of diseases of various origins and localizations, as well as with various physical therapy treatments and modalities. The most important parameters were determined, such as: frequency, amplitude, places of application, and exposure time, and were described on the basis of selected tests. Both the Polish and English-language literature has been discussed. Most of the studies were English-language (over 93%). The searches were carried out among the following databases: Medline, Embase, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Wiley Online Library. The key words used were: pain, vibration, WBV, analgesics. The mentioned sources were qualified on the basis of: availability, data verification, selection of research material and regularity of update. While acute pain is, by definition, a short and self-limiting process, chronic pain begins to dominate life and concerns the patient and his/her family. In addition to significant deterioration in quality of life, chronic pain imposes a large financial burden. The use of vibrotherapy can be a solution. Therefore, it is proposed to further analyse the parameters of vibrotherapy in analgesic activity, which may lay the foundation for "personalized pain relief medicine", which will clearly define the standards of vibrational therapy parameters. pain, vibration, WBV, analgesicsWstęp: Wykorzystanie stymulacji drganiami w łagodzeniu dolegliwości bólowych różnego pochodzenia i lokalizacji jest zagadnieniem pojawiającym się coraz częściej we współczesnej rehabilitacji. Cel pracy: Celem pracy było dokonanie przeglądu piśmiennictwa, dotyczącego terapeutycznego wykorzystywania wibracji w działaniu przeciwbólowym. Materiał i metody: Poszukiwania oparto na wynikach, dotyczących łagodzenia bólu przy pomocy wibroterapii w terapii schorzeń różnego pochodzenia i lokalizacji oraz przy rozmaitych zabiegach fizykoterapeutycznych/leczniczych. Opisano najważniejsze parametry takie jak: częstotliwość, amplituda, miejsca aplikacji do ciała, czy czas ekspozycji, które zostały opisane na podstawie wybranych testów. Rozpatrywano piśmiennictwo w języku polskim i angielskim. Większość znalezionych opracowań stanowiły artykuły anglojęzyczne (ponad 93%). W celu zgromadzenia danych przeszukano następujące bazy danych: Medline, Embase, Cochrane, ScienceDirect, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Wiley Online Library. Słowa kluczowe: ból, wibracja, WBV, przeciwbólowy. Wymienione źródła zostały zakwalifikowane na podstawie: dostępności, weryfikacji danych, wyboru materiału badawczego i systematyczności aktualizacji. Podsumowanie i wnioski: Podczas, gdy ból ostry jest z definicji krótkim i samo ograniczającym się procesem, ból przewlekły zaczyna dominować w życiu wielu chorych oraz ich rodzin. Oprócz znacznego pogorszenia jakości życia, ból przewlekły narzuca duże obciążenia finansowe. Wykorzystanie stymulacji drganiami może stanowić rozwiązanie. Dlatego proponuje się dalsze analizy parametrów wibroterapii w działaniu przeciwbólowym, które mogą stworzyć podwaliny do „spersonalizowanej medycyny łagodzenia bólu”, która jasno określi standardy parametrów terapii wibracyjnej

    Equation of the magnetic field distribution of dynamo sheets taking into account crystallographic structure

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    The main purpose of the paper is to present a method which allows taking into account the anisotropic properties of dynamo steel sheets. An additional aim is to briefly present anisotropic properties of these sheets which are caused by occurrences of some textures. In order to take into account textures occurring in dynamo sheets, a certain sheet sample is divided into elementary segments. Two matrix equations, describing changes of the magnetic field, are transformed to one non-linear algebraic equation in which the field strength components are unknown. In this transformation the flux densities assigned to individual elementary segments are replaced by functions of flux densities of easy magnetization axes of all textures occurring in the given dynamo sheet. The procedure presented in the paper allows determining one non-linear matrix equation of the magnetic field distribution; in this equation all textures occurring in a dynamo sheet are included. Information about textures occurring in typical dynamo sheets may be used in various approaches regarding the inclusion of anisotropic properties of these sheets, but above all, the presented method can be helpful in calculations of the magnetic field distribution in anisotropic dynamo sheets

    Constitutive Law Identification and Fatigue Characterization of Rigid PUR Elastomers 80 ShA and 90 ShA

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    This paper presents the results of a study of polyurethane rigid (PUR) elastomers in terms of the constitutive law identification, and analyses the effect of polyurethane elastomers’ hardness on fatigue properties. The research objects were PUR materials based on 4,4′-diphenylmethane diisocyanate (MDI) with the hardness of 80 ShA and 90 ShA, typically used in various industrial applications. Based on the performed experimental campaign under static and cyclic loading, the constitutive model proposed by Ogden is most appropriate. In addition, a hybrid numerical–experimental analysis (using FEM-DIC) of diabolo specimens’ behaviour is carried out in fatigue tests. Based on the performed fatigue test, it is worth noting that the energy approach describes the fatigue process synonymously compared to the displacement or strain approach. Finally, simple fatigue characteristics were analyzed and statistically validated for both PUR material configurations