20 research outputs found

    Development and Training of a Neural Controller for Hind Leg Walking in a Dog Robot

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    Animals dynamically adapt to varying terrain and small perturbations with remarkable ease. These adaptations arise from complex interactions between the environment and biomechanical and neural components of the animal’s body and nervous system. Research into mammalian locomotion has resulted in several neural and neuro-mechanical models, some of which have been tested in simulation, but few “synthetic nervous systems” have been implemented in physical hardware models of animal systems. One reason is that the implementation into a physical system is not straightforward. For example, it is difficult to make robotic actuators and sensors that model those in the animal. Therefore, even if the sensorimotor circuits were known in great detail, those parameters would not be applicable and new parameter values must be found for the network in the robotic model of the animal. This manuscript demonstrates an automatic method for setting parameter values in a synthetic nervous system composed of non-spiking leaky integrator neuron models. This method works by first using a model of the system to determine required motor neuron activations to produce stable walking. Parameters in the neural system are then tuned systematically such that it produces similar activations to the desired pattern determined using expected sensory feedback. We demonstrate that the developed method successfully produces adaptive locomotion in the rear legs of a dog-like robot actuated by artificial muscles. Furthermore, the results support the validity of current models of mammalian locomotion. This research will serve as a basis for testing more complex locomotion controllers and for testing specific sensory pathways and biomechanical designs. Additionally, the developed method can be used to automatically adapt the neural controller for different mechanical designs such that it could be used to control different robotic systems

    Adaptive load feedback robustly signals force dynamics in robotic model of Carausius morosus stepping

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    Animals utilize a number of neuronal systems to produce locomotion. One type of sensory organ that contributes in insects is the campaniform sensillum (CS) that measures the load on their legs. Groups of the receptors are found on high stress regions of the leg exoskeleton and they have significant effects in adapting walking behavior. Recording from these sensors in freely moving animals is limited by technical constraints. To better understand the load feedback signaled by CS to the nervous system, we have constructed a dynamically scaled robotic model of the Carausius morosus stick insect middle leg. The leg steps on a treadmill and supports weight during stance to simulate body weight. Strain gauges were mounted in the same positions and orientations as four key CS groups (Groups 3, 4, 6B, and 6A). Continuous data from the strain gauges were processed through a previously published dynamic computational model of CS discharge. Our experiments suggest that under different stepping conditions (e.g., changing “body” weight, phasic load stimuli, slipping foot), the CS sensory discharge robustly signals increases in force, such as at the beginning of stance, and decreases in force, such as at the end of stance or when the foot slips. Such signals would be crucial for an insect or robot to maintain intra- and inter-leg coordination while walking over extreme terrain

    Biomechanical and Sensory Feedback Regularize the Behavior of Different Locomotor Central Pattern Generators

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    This work presents an in-depth numerical investigation into a hypothesized two-layer central pattern generator (CPG) that controls mammalian walking and how different parameter choices might affect the stepping of a simulated neuromechanical model. Particular attention is paid to the functional role of features that have not received a great deal of attention in previous work: the weak cross-excitatory connectivity within the rhythm generator and the synapse strength between the two layers. Sensitivity evaluations of deafferented CPG models and the combined neuromechanical model are performed. Locomotion frequency is increased in two different ways for both models to investigate whether the model’s stability can be predicted by trends in the CPG’s phase response curves (PRCs). Our results show that the weak cross-excitatory connection can make the CPG more sensitive to perturbations and that increasing the synaptic strength between the two layers results in a trade-off between forced phase locking and the amount of phase delay that can exist between the two layers. Additionally, although the models exhibit these differences in behavior when disconnected from the biomechanical model, these differences seem to disappear with the full neuromechanical model and result in similar behavior despite a variety of parameter combinations. This indicates that the neural variables do not have to be fixed precisely for stable walking; the biomechanical entrainment and sensory feedback may cancel out the strengths of excitatory connectivity in the neural circuit and play a critical role in shaping locomotor behavior. Our results support the importance of including biomechanical models in the development of computational neuroscience models that control mammalian locomotion

    Dynamics of Machines

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    A Functional Subnetwork Approach to Designing Synthetic Nervous Systems That Control Legged Robot Locomotion

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    A dynamical model of an animal’s nervous system, or synthetic nervous system (SNS), is a potentially transformational control method. Due to increasingly detailed data on the connectivity and dynamics of both mammalian and insect nervous systems, controlling a legged robot with an SNS is largely a problem of parameter tuning. Our approach to this problem is to design functional subnetworks that perform specific operations, and then assemble them into larger models of the nervous system. In this paper, we present networks that perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, differentiation, and integration of incoming signals. Parameters are set within each subnetwork to produce the desired output by utilizing the operating range of neural activity, R, the gain of the operation, k, and bounds based on biological values. The assembly of large networks from functional subnetworks underpins our recent results with MantisBot

    Synthetic Nervous Systems and Design Tools for Legged Locomotion

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    A Synthetic Nervous System Controls a Simulated Cockroach

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    The purpose of this work is to better understand how animals control locomotion. This knowledge can then be applied to neuromechanical design to produce more capable and adaptable robot locomotion. To test hypotheses about animal motor control, we model animals and their nervous systems with dynamical simulations, which we call synthetic nervous systems (SNS). However, one major challenge is picking parameter values that produce the intended dynamics. This paper presents a design process that solves this problem without the need for global optimization. We test this method by selecting parameter values for SimRoach2, a dynamical model of a cockroach. Each leg joint is actuated by an antagonistic pair of Hill muscles. A distributed SNS was designed based on pathways known to exist in insects, as well as hypothetical pathways that produced insect-like motion. Each joint’s controller was designed to function as a proportional-integral (PI) feedback loop and tuned with numerical optimization. Once tuned, SimRoach2 walks through a simulated environment, with several cockroach-like features. A model with such reliable low-level performance is necessary to investigate more sophisticated locomotion patterns in the future

    Extending the Functional Subnetwork Approach to a Generalized Linear Integrate-and-Fire Neuron Model

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    Engineering neural networks to perform specific tasks often represents a monumental challenge in determining network architecture and parameter values. In this work, we extend our previously-developed method for tuning networks of non-spiking neurons, the “Functional subnetwork approach” (FSA), to the tuning of networks composed of spiking neurons. This extension enables the direct assembly and tuning of networks of spiking neurons and synapses based on the network’s intended function, without the use of global optimization ormachine learning. To extend the FSA, we show that the dynamics of a generalized linear integrate and fire (GLIF) neuronmodel have fundamental similarities to those of a non-spiking leaky integrator neuron model.We derive analytical expressions that show functional parallels between: (1) A spiking neuron’s steady-state spiking frequency and a non-spiking neuron’s steady-state voltage in response to an applied current; (2) a spiking neuron’s transient spiking frequency and a non-spiking neuron’s transient voltage in response to an applied current; and (3) a spiking synapse’s average conductance during steady spiking and a non-spiking synapse’s conductance. The models become more similar as additional spiking neurons are added to each population “node” in the network. We apply the FSA to model a neuromuscular reflex pathway two different ways: Via non-spiking components and then via spiking components. These results provide a concrete example of how a single non-spiking neuron may model the average spiking frequency of a population of spiking neurons. The resulting model also demonstrates that by using the FSA, models can be constructed that incorporate both spiking and non-spiking units. This work facilitates the construction of large networks of spiking neurons and synapses that perform specific functions, for example, those implemented with neuromorphic computing hardware, by providing an analytical method for directly tuning their parameters without time-consuming optimization or learning

    Phase shift between joint rotation and actuation reflects dominant forces and predicts muscle activation patterns

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    During behavior, the work done by actuators on the body can be resisted by the body’s inertia, elastic forces, gravity, or viscosity. The dominant forces that resist actuation have major consequences on the control of that behaviour. In the literature, features and actuation of locomotion, for example, have been successfully predicted by nondimensional numbers (e.g., Froude number, Reynolds number) that generally express the ratio between two of these forces (gravitational, inertial, elastic, and viscous). However, animals of different sizes or motions at different speeds may not share the same dominant forces within a behaviour, making ratios of just two of these forces less useful. Thus, for broad comparison of behaviour across many orders of magnitude of limb length and cycle period, a dimensionless number that includes gravitational, inertial, elastic, and viscous forces is needed. This study proposes a nondimensional number that relates these four forces: The phase shift (ϕ) between the displacement of the limb and the actuator force that moves it. Using allometric scaling laws, ϕ for terrestrial walking is expressed as a function of the limb length and the cycle period at which the limb steps. Scale-dependent values of ϕ are used to explain and predict the EMG patterns employed by different animals as they walk

    Neuromechanical Model of Rat Hindlimb Walking with Two-Layer CPGs

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    This work demonstrates a neuromechanical model of rat hindlimb locomotion undergoing nominal walking with perturbations. In the animal, two types of responses to perturbations are observed: resetting and non-resetting deletions. This suggests that the animal locomotor system contains a memory-like organization. To model this phenomenon, we built a synthetic nervous system that uses separate rhythm generator and pattern formation layers to activate antagonistic muscle pairs about each joint in the sagittal plane. Our model replicates the resetting and non-resetting deletions observed in the animal. In addition, in the intact (i.e., fully afferented) rat walking simulation, we observe slower recovery after perturbation, which is different from the deafferented animal experiment. These results demonstrate that our model is a biologically feasible description of some of the neural circuits in the mammalian spinal cord that control locomotion, and the difference between our simulation and fictive motion shows the importance of sensory feedback on motor output. This model also demonstrates how the pattern formation network can activate muscle synergies in a coordinated way to produce stable walking, which motivates the use of more complex synergies activating more muscles in the legs for three-dimensional limb motion