13 research outputs found

    Plant based diet and cardio-metabolic disease

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    Introduction: Modern lifestyle, especially diet have a great impact on health. The number of people suffering from conditions related to lifestyle is growing rapidly. Illnesses related to lifestyle, specifically to diet are large health and economic burdens, which makes them the leading priorities of our time. Coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, type 2 diabetes, and obesity are some of cardio-metabolic diseases related to diet.  Plant-based diets are dietary patterns in which  a high intake of plant food is emphasized  and the intake of animal products is limited. Plant based diet was associated with decreased risk of cardio-metabolic disease.The aim of the study: The purpose of this systemic review was to collect and analyse current data of plant based diet and its effect on health.Material and method: Standard criteria were used to review the literature data. The search of articles in the PubMed and Google Scholar database was carried out using the following keywords: plant based diet, vegetarian diet, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypercholesterolemia.Description of the state of knowledge: Red meat and, especially processed meat, is source of cholesterol, saturated fatty acids, and sodium, which makes it a risk factors for metabolic disorders.  Healthy plant based diet can positively affect cardiovascular health in many ways. High fiber content makes those diets  low in energy density, flavonoids that are present in fruits and vegetables and also high content of antioxidants. Plant based diet was also shown to be helpful in reducing weight.Summary: Many risk factors of cardio-metabolic disease are related to our lifestyle and dietary choices . Changes towards plant based diet can be beneficial for our health in many ways. Healthy plant based diet should be considered as a nonpharmaceutical approach to prevent and treat cardio-metabolic diseases

    The level of knowledge of high school students from lubelskie voivodeship about performing first aid

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    Introduction First aid plays a key role in saving human life. It not only prevents the deterioration of the victim's health, but also determines survival. Every year, thousands of people die of various injuries, car accidents and other critical situations. This figure could be significantly lower if the accident witnesses provided first aid to the victims. Material and method Diagnostic survey was selected as the research method, and the research tool was an authorial questionnaire, examining the level of students' knowledge about first aid. It was based on the guidelines of the European Resuscitation Council 2015. The questionnaire consisted of 20 closed single-choice questions and only one of the 4 answers was correct. The obtained results were statistically analyzed using STATISTICA 12 software (StatSoft Polska). For the correlation study the χ2 test was used, and the significance level was taken as

    Assessment of basic knowledge on colorectal cancer and its prophylaxis in people living in small city and countryside

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    Introduction: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in the world in men (660,000 cases, 10%) and the second in women (570,000 cases, 9%). Almost 60% of cases occur in developed countries. Colorectal cancer is second most common type of cancer in European countries, after lung cancer in men and breast cancer in women. Mortality from colorectal cancer in Poland is higher among men than the average for European Union countries - in 2010, the mortality rate was about 50% higher than the average for European Union countries. Materials and methods: Voluntary and anonymous research was conducted in 2017 and 2018 among 300 adult people, who were randomly selected. The study used the method of a diagnostic survey, while the research tool consisted of original questionnaire. The questionnaire contained 16 questions. The collected material was subjected to descriptive analysis. Values of the analyzed parameters were measured on a nominal scale and characterized by means of numbers and percentages. The data elaboration was based on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Results: In reference to the collected data, vast majority agreed genetical factor to be crucial in developing of colorectal cancer, as 83% of subjects choose this answer in a multiple-choice question. Another multiple-choice question revealed that almost all questioned people associated rectal bleeding with symptoms of colorectal cancer – 94%. 29% of respondent admitted having a colonoscopy. Furthermore, over a half of respondents is aware of existing prophylactic programs in Poland. Conclusions: In reference to the survey, little of respondents perceive alcohol and red meat as risk factor for colorectal cancer development. Respondents who admitted having colonoscopy account for way too little group of people, from a perspective of analyzed age group. Still, little of them admitted seeing a doctor after suspicious signs/symptoms occurred

    Relapsed Wilms’ tumor with pulmonary metastases – a case report

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    Introduction: Wilms' tumor is the most common malignant renal tumor in childhood. It accounts for about 95% of kidney tumors diagnosed in children. The delay in diagnosing neoplastic disease in children at an early stage is due to the occurrence of asymptomatic mass in abdomen as the only sign of the disease. Case report: We discuss a 5-year-old boy case, with Wilms’ tumor of the right kidney. Diagnosis was based on the results of imaging examinations; no fine needle aspiration biopsy was performed. The patient underwent nephrectomy and preoperative and postoperative chemotherapy. During the follow-up period, 11 months after the end of treatment, the patient developed respiratory symptoms. Histopathological examination confirmed tumor metastases of Wilms in the lungs. Discussion: Oncological vigilance comprises challenge for contemporary medicine. It is necessary to take into account the oncological status of the patient regardless the time of the last check-up in the oncological clinic, especially due to the fact that childhood cancers are characterized by dynamic growth

    “Everything is Worth Describing:” The Case of Jacek Baczak

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    Zapiski z nocnych dyżurów Jacka Baczaka to rzecz o nieobecnym w kulturze, przemilczanym hospicyjnym świecie będącym przestrzenią spotęgowanej obcości. Baczak podejmuje próbę jego opisania, wysłowienia nagromadzonego tam cierpienia, powolnego odchodzenia i śmierci. Jego opis nie może odwoływać się do gotowych matryc, schematów czy wypróbowanych i oswojonych języków. Opis powstaje więc z elementów najprostszych, najbardziej przezroczystych, ascetycznych. Staje się dzięki temu dojmująco wiarygodny, służebny. Zachowując dalece idącą powściągliwość wobec spraw ostatecznych, boleśnie dotyka.Zapiski z nocnych dyżurów by Jacek Baczak is devoted to the world of hospices, which is generally absent from the world of multiplied presence. Baczak tries to describe it, to express the suffering of this place through words, slowly passing away, and death. His description cannot refer to ready-made matrices, schemes or tested and familiar languages. His description is thus constructed from the simples, the most translucent, ascetic elements. Thanks to this, it becomes poignantly genuine and serving. While restrained in the face of death, it is also moving

    The effectiveness of hippotherapy in relation to cerebral palsy - a review

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    Cerebral Palsy (CP) includes a group of movement and posture development disorders which cause activity limitation and are related to non-progressive disturbances during the fetal or infant brain development. In recent years, the use of hippotherapy as a rehabilitation of spstatic movement disorders in patients with  cerebral palsy is gaining in popularity. Hippotherapy is a physical therapy treatment based on the horse's movements, under the direction of an expert physical therapist. The horse's seat is considered as a dynamic support base. Thus, it is an excellent tool to improve and develop postural control, trunk strength, and balance. It allows to build overall postural strength and endurance, address weight-bearing, and motor planning. The therapeutic results obtained with the application of hippotherapy treatments has encouraged research into developing an advanced hippotherapy platform or simulators that "imitate" the movements of a horse, so that this <span class="SpellingErr

    Process of continuous production of oligoaminosaccharides in a column reactor

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    A continuous production of oligoaminosaccharides from chitosan was achieved with a column reactor packed with chitosanolytic enzymes-containing mycelia of Mucor circinelloides and Mucor racemosus immobilized in porous carriers. The efficient work of the bed used for chitosan hydrolysis in a column reactor lasted for several or more than 10 days and depended on a type of a carrier and substrate concentration. Because a crucial parameter for large scale applications of enzymes is their operating stability, presented research intended to improve it through stabilization of proteins and elimination of their leakage from the carrier. Cross-linking of mycelial preparations of chitosanolytic enzymes with 1% glutaraldehyde did not increase their stability and further process optimization is necessary

    Ocena rearanżacji genu ROS1 przy pomocy fluorescencyjnej hybrydyzacji in situ w niedrobnokomórkowym raku płuca

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    Introduction. The rearrangement of the gene encoding ROS protooncogene (ROS1) is observed in a very small percentage (1–2%) of patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). The clinical characteristics of ROS1-positive patients are similar to those observed in the group of patients with ALK gene rearrangement. Detection of ROS1 gene rearrangement is an extremely important predictive factor enabling the use of crizotinib in the 1st line of NSCLC patients with stage IIIB or IV. Due to the addition of crizotinib to the list of reimbursed drugs from January 2019, the analysis of this genetic change should be part of a molecular tests panel performed in patients with locally advanced and advanced NSCLC in the qualification for molecularly targeted treatment. Aim of the study. Analysis of ROS1 gene rearrangement incidence among NSCLC patients in stage IIIB or IV qualified for molecularly targeted therapies. Presentation of methodological difficulties with fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique which is used to detect ROS1 genetic abnormality. Materials and methods. The analysis of ROS1 gene rearrangement was carried out using fluorescent in situ hybridization technique in tissue samples taken from 573 NSCLC patients of non-squamous cell type during routine pathomorphological diagnostics. Results. The material obtained from the tumor was fixed in formalin and archived in paraffin. Histological material was obtained from 408 patients, and 165 — cytological (cytoblock). A reliable (diagnostic) result of the ROS1 gene rearrangement was obtained in 439 patients (76.61%). The main difficulties for ROS1 gene analysis were low number of cancer cells, as well as high background fluorescence interference and fragmentation of cell nuclei. ROS1 gene rearrangement was detected in 9 patients with adenocarcinoma (1.57% among all patients), including 5 men and 4 women. In 19 patients, other abnormalities regarding the ROS1 gene were observed, primarily the polysomy of the examined ROS1 gene fragment (3.32%). Polysomy did not coexist with the ROS1 rearrangement. Conclusion. Fluorescent in situ hybridization is a useful tool in detecting ROS1 gene rearrangement. The test can be performed in both histological and cytological material (cytoblock). However, the correct fixation of the material and the appropriate number of tumor cells in the tested samples is extremely important for obtaining a reliable result.Wprowadzenie Rearanżacja genu kodującego protoonkogen ROS (ROS1) jest obserwowana u bardzo niewielkiego odsetka (1-2%) chorych na niedrobnokomórkowego raka płuca (NDRP). Charakterystyka kliniczna chorych z omawianym zaburzeniem genu ROS1 jest podobna do obserwowanej w grupie chorych z rearanżacją genu ALK. Obecność nieprawidłowości w genie ROS1 jest niezmiernie ważnym czynnikiem predykcyjnym, ponieważ umożliwia zastosowanie kryzotynibu w 1. linii leczenia u chorych na NDRP w stopniu IIIB (chorzy poza możliwością leczenia radykalnego) lub IV. W związku z dodaniem kryzotynibu do listy leków refundowanych od stycznia 2019 roku, analiza tej zmiany genetycznej powinna być częścią panelu badań molekularnych wykonywanych u chorych na miejscowo zaawansowanego i zaawansowanego NDRP w kwalifikacji do leczenia ukierunkowanego molekularnie. Cel badania Celem badania była analiza częstości występowania rearanżacji genu ROS1 wśród chorych na NDRP w stopniu zawansowania IIIB lub IV kwalifikowanych do leczenia ukierunkowanego molekularnie oraz przedstawienie trudności metodologicznych badania fluorescencyjnej hybrydyzacji in situ (FISH) stosowanej w celu wykrycia wspomnianej nieprawidłowości genetycznej. Materiały i metody Rearanżację genu ROS1 przeprowadzono metodą FISH – podczas rutynowej diagnostyki patomorfologicznej – w materiale uzyskanym od 573 chorych na NDRP o typie innym niż rak płaskonabłonkowy. Wyniki Analizie poddano materiał pochodzący z nowotworu i utrwalony w formalinie oraz zabezpieczony w parafinie. U 408 chorych uzyskano materiał histologiczny, a u 165 dostępny był materiał cytologiczny (cytoblok). U 439 chorych uzyskano wiarygodny (diagnostyczny) wynik badania rearanżacji genu ROS1 (76,61%). Główną przeszkodą w dokonaniu analizy w pozostałych przypadkach była mała liczba komórek nowotworowych oraz wysokie zakłócenia fluorescencyjne tła i fragmentacja jąder komórkowych. Rearanżacja genu ROS1 została wykryta u 9 chorych na raka gruczołowego (1,57% wśród wszystkich chorych), w tym u 5 mężczyzn i 4 kobiet. U 19 chorych zaobserwowano inne nieprawidłowości dotyczące genu ROS1, przed wszystkim polisomię badanego fragmentu genu ROS1 (3,32%). Polisomia nie współistniała z rearanżacją genu ROS1. Wnioski Badanie FISH jest użytecznym narzędziem w wykrywaniu rearanżacji genu ROS1 i może być przeprowadzone w materiale histologicznym lub cytologicznym (cytoblok). Niezmiernie istotne dla uzyskania wiarygodnego wyniku jest prawidłowe utrwalenie materiału oraz odpowiednia liczba komórek nowotworowych w badanym preparacie