255 research outputs found
Effects of Sampling on Measuring Galaxy Count Probabilities
We investigate in detail the effects of sampling on our ability to accurately
reconstruct the distribution of galaxies from galaxy surveys. We use a simple
probability theory approach, Bayesian classifier theory and Bayesian transition
probabilities. We find the best Bayesian estimator for the case of low sampling
rates, and show that even in the optimal case certain higher order
characteristics of the distribution are irretrievably washed out by sparse
sampling: we illustrate this by a simple model for cluster selection. We show
that even choosing an optimal threshold, there are nonzero numbers for both
misidentified clusters and true clusters missed. The introduction of sampling
has an effect on the distribution function that is similar to convolution.
Deconvolution is possible and given in the paper, although it might become
unstable as sampling rates become low. These findings have important
consequences on planning and strategies of future galaxy surveys.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. postscript of 16 pages and three
figures uuencoded, gzipped, tarre
StePS: A Multi-GPU Cosmological N-body Code for Compactified Simulations
We present the multi-GPU realization of the StePS (Stereographically
Projected Cosmological Simulations) algorithm with MPI-OpenMP-CUDA hybrid
parallelization and nearly ideal scale-out to multiple compute nodes. Our new
zoom-in cosmological direct N-body simulation method simulates the infinite
universe with unprecedented dynamic range for a given amount of memory and, in
contrast to traditional periodic simulations, its fundamental geometry and
topology match observations. By using a spherical geometry instead of periodic
boundary conditions, and gradually decreasing the mass resolution with radius,
our code is capable of running simulations with a few gigaparsecs in diameter
and with a mass resolution of in the center in four days
on three compute nodes with four GTX 1080Ti GPUs in each. The code can also be
used to run extremely fast simulations with reasonable resolution for fitting
cosmological parameters. These simulations are useful for prediction needs of
large surveys. The StePS code is publicly available for the research community
Higher Order Statistics from the Apm Galaxy Survey
We apply a new statistics, the factorial moment correlators, to density maps
obtained from the APM survey. The resulting correlators are all proportional to
the two point correlation function, substantially amplified, with an
amplification nearly exponential with the total rank of the correlators. This
confirms the validity of the hierarchical clustering assumption on the dynamic
range examined, corresponding to 0.5 \hmpc - 50 \hmpc in three dimensional
space. The Kirkwood superposition with loop terms is strongly rejected. The
structure coefficients of the hierarchy are also fitted. The high quality of
the APM catalog enabled us to disentangle the various contributions from the
power spectrum, small scale nonlinear clustering, and combinatorial effects,
all of which affect the amplification of the correlators. These effects should
appear in correlations of clusters in a similar fashion.Comment: 30 pages text, 3 pages tables, 5 figures, uuencoded tarred postscrip
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