30 research outputs found

    Depolymerization and Activation of Lignin: Current State of Knowledge and Perspectives

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    A very important topic in present-day research is the depolymerization of lignin, meaning the multi-parametric decomposition of the biopolymer into low-molecular-weight products (monomers) by breaking of the intermolecular bonds. Depolymerization can occur under many different factors, such as high temperature or catalysts, which determine the mechanism of disintegration. In the case of lignin, this process is carried out in order to obtain many valuable low-molecular-weight compounds. It is becoming more and more popular as a result of the use of ionic liquids, but methods using alkaline, acidic, and metallic catalysts, as well as pyrolysis and supercritical fluids, are also known. All of these methods will be described in detail in this chapter

    Lignosulfonate as a byproduct of wood pulp production: A potential precursor for the preparation of functional hybrid materials

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    Functional hybrid materials based on magnesium lignosulfonate and silica were obtained and characterized. Magnesium lignosulfonate is a common waste product of the wood pulp industry, while silica is a well-known inorganic material with exceptional physicochemical properties. In this study, silicas with a spherical particle shape were synthesized using a sol-gel method and alternatively in a nonpolar medium. Silica was found to improve the thermal and electrokinetic properties of the final products. The resulting lignosulfonate/silica hybrid materials were analyzed with the use of advanced techniques and measuring methods: scanning electron microscopy, a laser diffraction method enabling particle size measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis, thermogravimetry, electrophoretic light scattering, zeta potential measurements, low-temperature nitrogen sorption, and colorimetric analysis. The results enabled the hybrid materials to be characterized from the point of view of potential applications in various branches of industry (for example as polymer fillers, electroactive blends and biosorbents). We additionally indicate new methods for the utilization of waste products, a category to which lignosulfonate certainly belongs

    Relacja podatków i dopłat bezpośrednich w indywidualnych gospodarstwach rolnych w Polsce w latach 2004-2013 według danych FADN

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    Realization of national and UE agricultural policy, exemplified by mechanisms like taxes and direct payments, is extremely important from pint of view functioning Polish agriculture and its competitiveness. Direct payments constitute an increasing part of farm incomes and partici­pate largely in financing modernization. On the other hand, tax charges are dramatically smaller and less significant. The article presents the results of studies related to determination of the ratio that exist between the received direct payment and taxes. Their share in total cost of running a farm was determined as well.&nbsp

    “Revolutionizing Beauty Industry”: Co-Creation and Customer Engagement for Brand Image Development

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    Utilization of consumer participation is gaining importance in multiple sectors at a high pace. However, in the beauty industry, consumer engagement as a tool to drive innovation and support image creation is relatively new and rarely utilized. This qualitative content analysis study aimed to examine the case of Volition Beauty - the beauty brand which has

    Geschlechtsspezifischer Einfluss des Untersuchers auf die Bewertung von akuten postoperativen Schmerzen

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    Der Einfluss des Untersuchergeschlechtes auf die Bewertung von Schmerzen ist bisher überwiegend im experimentellen Setting und mit konträren Ergebnissen untersucht worden. Diese Arbeit soll klären, in welchem Ausmaß sich die Schmerzintensitäten von Frauen und Männern abhängig vom Geschlecht des Untersuchers im klinischen Setting unterscheiden. Hierfür wurden 165 Patienten an vier festgelegten Zeitpunkten nach einer Operation am offenen Herzen mit medianer Sternotomie von vier Untersuchern (zwei Frauen und zwei Männer) unter anderem zu ihrer Schmerzintensität anhand der Numerischen Ratingskala befragt. Frauen und Männer berichteten über ähnliche Schmerzintensitäten. Patientinnen gaben gleichgeschlechtlichen Untersuchern tendenziell eine höhere Schmerzintensität an als gegengeschlechtlichen Untersuchern (NRS 3,8 vs. 2,75). Männliche Patienten werteten weiblichen Untersuchern gegenüber ihre Schmerzintensität signifikant höher als männlichen Untersuchern (NRS 3,88 vs. 2,72)


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    Rozwój rynku żywności ekologicznej jest następstwem zmian zachodzących we współcześnie występujących modelach konsumpcji oraz wzrostu jej podaży. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy nabywcy i sprzedawcy podobnie oceniają czynniki warunkujące wybór i postrzeganie produktów ekologicznych, jak również elementy związane z ich dystrybucją i marketingiem. W tym celu przeprowadzono badania ankietowe wśród uczestników odbywającego się w Poznaniu „Zielonego Targu”. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych badań zarówno konsumenci, jak i producenci jednakowo utożsamiają produkty ekologiczne z wysoką jakością i prozdrowotnymi walorami. Cechy te wskazywali też najczęściej jako główne determinanty zakupu tych produktów. Różnice w opiniach ankietowanych grup dotyczyły natomiast znajomości oznaczeń i miejsc zakupu/oferowania żywności ekologicznej.The development of the organic food market is a consequence of changes in the current consumption patterns and the supply increase. The article attempts to answer the question whether consumers and producers have the similar opinions linked to the determinants of choice and perception of organic products as well as elements related to their distribution and marketing. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among the participants of the Poznań Green Market. According to the conducted research, both consumers and producers equitably identify ecological products with high quality and health benefits. These features were also most often indicated as the main determinants of purchase of these products. The differences in the opinions of the surveyed groups concerned knowledge of the signs and places of purchase/offering of organic food

    Organic products in the producers' and consumers' opinion - case study

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    Rozwój rynku żywności ekologicznej jest następstwem zmian zachodzących we współcześnie występujących modelach konsumpcji oraz wzrostu jej podaży. W artykule podjęto próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy nabywcy i sprzedawcy podobnie oceniają czynniki warunkujące wybór i postrzeganie produktów ekologicznych, jak również elementy związane z ich dystrybucją i marketingiem. W tym celu przeprowadzono badania ankietowe wśród uczestników odbywającego się w Poznaniu „Zielonego Targu”. Jak wynika z przeprowadzonych badań zarówno konsumenci, jak i producenci jednakowo utożsamiają produkty ekologiczne z wysoką jakością i prozdrowotnymi walorami. Cechy te wskazywali też najczęściej jako główne determinanty zakupu tych produktów. Różnice w opiniach ankietowanych grup dotyczyły natomiast znajomości oznaczeń i miejsc zakupu/oferowania żywności ekologicznej.The development of the organic food market is a consequence of changes in the current consumption patterns and the supply increase. The article attempts to answer the question whether consumers and producers have the similar opinions linked to the determinants of choice and perception of organic products as well as elements related to their distribution and marketing. For this purpose, a survey was conducted among the participants of the Poznań Green Market. According to the conducted research, both consumers and producers equitably identify ecological products with high quality and health benefits. These features were also most often indicated as the main determinants of purchase of these products. The differences in the opinions of the surveyed groups concerned knowledge of the signs and places of purchase/offering of organic food

    Alteraciones del desarrollo pulmonar en la infancia según la Global Lung Initiative (GLI). Repetibilidad en el tiempo y factores de riesgo.

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    I NTRODUCCIÓN : Estudios recientes destacan el importante papel de la alteración del desarrollo pulmonar durante la infancia en la aparición de enfermedades respiratorias en el adulto como la Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica (EPOC). O BJE TIVOS : Conocer la prevalencia de la alteración de la función pulmonar en los pacientes que asisten a consultas hospitalarias de Neumología pediátrica según las nuevas ecuaciones de referencia de la Global Lung Initiative (GLI), y estudiar sus factores de riesgo. M ATERIAL Y MÉTODOS : Selección de las espirometrías forzadas realizadas por pacientes mayores de 7 años en consultas del Hospital Universitario de Canarias durante los años 2015-2019, que fueron técnicamente adecuadas y superaron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Conversión de los resultados espirométricos según la GLI y clasificación en normales vs alterados según el Límite Inferior de la Normalidad (-1,645 desviación estándar). Entrevista familiar y revisión minuciosa del historial médico de los pacientes valorando los posibles factores de riesgo implicados en el desarrollo pulmonar, pre y postnatales. R ESULTADOS : Evaluación de 333 espirometrías realizadas por pacientes con edad media de 11,2 años, (59% varones). El 8% de los pacientes (n: 25) presentó alteración de la función pulmonar según la GLI, (-1,645 DE). El percentil de peso elevado al nacimiento y el índice de masa corporal (IMC) reducido en el momento de la espirometría mostraron una asociación significativa (p<0.05) con el desarrollo pulmonar alterado. C ONCLUSIONES : En nuestro medio, la prevalencia de la alteración de la función pulmonar en pacientes con edad escolar ha sido sólo del 8% y se ha asociado con afectación del estado nutricional.B ACKGROUND : Recent studies highlight the impact that alterations in lung development during childhood may have on the onset of respiratory diseases such as the Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in adults. S COPE : To study the prevalence of pulmonary function alterations in the pediatric population during outpatient consultations according to the Global Lung Initiative (GLI) reference equations. To identify the risk factors that might affect the pulmonary development during childhood. M ATERIALS AND METHODS : Selection of spirometries performed on patients older than 7 years from the Pediatric Pulmonology outpatient department at the Hospital Universitario de Canarias between 2015 and 2019. The procedures were revised, and the selected tests were included in the study subjected to strict criteria of inclusion and exclusion. Conversion of the spirometric parameters according to GLI and classification as normal or impaired based on the Lower Limit of Normality (-1.645 standard deviation). A thorough research was done to identify the possible risk factors involved in the prenatal and postnatal pulmonary development, with medical records and surveys to the patients as the main sources of information. R ESULTS : Evaluation of 333 spirometries with a mean age of 11,2 years (59% males). 8% of the 333 patients (n: 25) presented alterations in the pulmonary function according to the GLI classification (-1.645 SD). Two significant risk factors showed a significant association (p<0.05) with an impaired pulmonary development: a high percentile of weight at birth and a low BMI percentile during the spirometry. C ONCLUSIONS : In our environment, the prevalence of lung function impairment in children has shown to be as low as 8% and has been associated to compromised nutritional status