35 research outputs found

    Domain Organization of Long Signal Peptides of Single-Pass Integral Membrane Proteins Reveals Multiple Functional Capacity

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    Targeting signals direct proteins to their extra - or intracellular destination such as the plasma membrane or cellular organelles. Here we investigated the structure and function of exceptionally long signal peptides encompassing at least 40 amino acid residues. We discovered a two-domain organization (“NtraC model”) in many long signals from vertebrate precursor proteins. Accordingly, long signal peptides may contain an N-terminal domain (N-domain) and a C-terminal domain (C-domain) with different signal or targeting capabilities, separable by a presumably turn-rich transition area (tra). Individual domain functions were probed by cellular targeting experiments with fusion proteins containing parts of the long signal peptide of human membrane protein shrew-1 and secreted alkaline phosphatase as a reporter protein. As predicted, the N-domain of the fusion protein alone was shown to act as a mitochondrial targeting signal, whereas the C-domain alone functions as an export signal. Selective disruption of the transition area in the signal peptide impairs the export efficiency of the reporter protein. Altogether, the results of cellular targeting studies provide a proof-of-principle for our NtraC model and highlight the particular functional importance of the predicted transition area, which critically affects the rate of protein export. In conclusion, the NtraC approach enables the systematic detection and prediction of cryptic targeting signals present in one coherent sequence, and provides a structurally motivated basis for decoding the functional complexity of long protein targeting signals

    Flanking signal and mature peptide residues influence signal peptide cleavage

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Signal peptides (SPs) mediate the targeting of secretory precursor proteins to the correct subcellular compartments in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Identifying these transient peptides is crucial to the medical, food and beverage and biotechnology industries yet our understanding of these peptides remains limited. This paper examines the most common type of signal peptides cleavable by the endoprotease signal peptidase I (SPase I), and the residues flanking the cleavage sites of three groups of signal peptide sequences, namely (i) eukaryotes (Euk) (ii) Gram-positive (Gram+) bacteria, and (iii) Gram-negative (Gram-) bacteria.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, 2352 secretory peptide sequences from a variety of organisms with amino-terminal SPs are extracted from the manually curated SPdb database for analysis based on physicochemical properties such as p<it>I</it>, aliphatic index, GRAVY score, hydrophobicity, net charge and position-specific residue preferences. Our findings show that the three groups share several similarities in general, but they display distinctive features upon examination in terms of their amino acid compositions and frequencies, and various physico-chemical properties. Thus, analysis or prediction of their sequences should be separated and treated as distinct groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We conclude that the peptide segment recognized by SPase I extends to the start of the mature protein to a limited extent, upon our survey of the amino acid residues surrounding the cleavage processing site. These flanking residues possibly influence the cleavage processing and contribute to non-canonical cleavage sites. Our findings are applicable in defining more accurate prediction tools for recognition and identification of cleavage site of SPs.</p

    Modulation of Neutrophil Function by a Secreted Mucinase of Escherichia coli O157∶H7

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    Escherichia coli O157∶H7 is a human enteric pathogen that causes hemorrhagic colitis which can progress to hemolytic uremic syndrome, a severe kidney disease with immune involvement. During infection, E. coli O157∶H7 secretes StcE, a metalloprotease that promotes the formation of attaching and effacing lesions and inhibits the complement cascade via cleavage of mucin-type glycoproteins. We found that StcE cleaved the mucin-like, immune cell-restricted glycoproteins CD43 and CD45 on the neutrophil surface and altered neutrophil function. Treatment of human neutrophils with StcE led to increased respiratory burst production and increased cell adhesion. StcE-treated neutrophils exhibited an elongated morphology with defective rear detachment and impaired migration, suggesting that removal of the anti-adhesive capability of CD43 by StcE impairs rear release. Use of zebrafish embryos to model neutrophil migration revealed that StcE induced neutrophil retention in the fin after tissue wounding, suggesting that StcE modulates neutrophil-mediated inflammation in vivo. Neutrophils are crucial innate effectors of the antibacterial immune response and can contribute to severe complications caused by infection with E. coli O157∶H7. Our data suggest that the StcE mucinase can play an immunomodulatory role by directly altering neutrophil function during infection. StcE may contribute to inflammation and tissue destruction by mediating inappropriate neutrophil adhesion and activation

    Structural basis of signal sequence surveillance and selection by the SRP–FtsY complex

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    Signal-recognition particle (SRP)-dependent targeting of translating ribosomes to membranes is a multistep quality-control process. Ribosomes that are translating weakly hydrophobic signal sequences can be rejected from the targeting reaction even after they are bound to the SRP. Here we show that the early complex, formed by Escherichia coli SRP and its receptor FtsY with ribosomes translating the incorrect cargo EspP, is unstable and rearranges inefficiently into subsequent conformational states, such that FtsY dissociation is favored over successful targeting. The N-terminal extension of EspP is responsible for these defects in the early targeting complex. The cryo-electron microscopy structure of this 'false' early complex with EspP revealed an ordered M domain of SRP protein Ffh making two ribosomal contacts, and the NG domains of Ffh and FtsY forming a distorted, flexible heterodimer. Our results provide a structural basis for SRP-mediated signal-sequence selection during recruitment of the SRP receptor

    A Communal Bacterial Adhesin Anchors Biofilm and Bystander Cells to Surfaces

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    While the exopolysaccharide component of the biofilm matrix has been intensively studied, much less is known about matrix-associated proteins. To better understand the role of these proteins, we undertook a proteomic analysis of the V. cholerae biofilm matrix. Here we show that the two matrix-associated proteins, Bap1 and RbmA, perform distinct roles in the biofilm matrix. RbmA strengthens intercellular attachments. In contrast, Bap1 is concentrated on surfaces where it serves to anchor the biofilm and recruit cells not yet committed to the sessile lifestyle. This is the first example of a biofilm-derived, communally synthesized conditioning film that stabilizes the association of multilayer biofilms with a surface and facilitates recruitment of planktonic bystanders to the substratum. These studies define a novel paradigm for spatial and functional differentiation of proteins in the biofilm matrix and provide evidence for bacterial cooperation in maintenance and expansion of the multilayer biofilm

    Expression during Host Infection and Localization of Yersinia pestis Autotransporter Proteins

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    Yersinia pestis CO92 has 12 open reading frames encoding putative conventional autotransporters (yaps), nine of which appear to produce functional proteins. Here, we demonstrate the ability of the Yap proteins to localize to the cell surface of both Escherichia coli and Yersinia pestis and show that a subset of these proteins undergoes processing by bacterial surface omptins to be released into the supernatant. Numerous autotransporters have been implicated in pathogenesis, suggesting a role for the Yaps as virulence factors in Y. pestis. Using the C57BL/6 mouse models of bubonic and pneumonic plague, we determined that all of these genes are transcribed in the lymph nodes during bubonic infection and in the lungs during pneumonic infection, suggesting a role for the Yaps during mammalian infection. In vitro transcription studies did not identify a particular environmental stimulus responsible for transcriptional induction. The primary sequences of the Yaps reveal little similarity to any characterized autotransporters; however, two of the genes are present in operons, suggesting that the proteins encoded in these operons may function together. Further work aims to elucidate the specific functions of the Yaps and clarify the contributions of these proteins to Y. pestis pathogenesis

    Application of multiple development

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