14 research outputs found

    Evolution of maize leaf area index dynamics under different nitrogen levels

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    Effect of Different Nitrogen Supply on Maize Emergence Dynamics, Evaluation of Yield Parameters of Different Hybrids in Long-Term Field Experiments

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    This paper aims to examine the effect of various nitrogen (N) supply treatments on the date of emergence of maize hybrids classified in different age groups. The study site was at the University of Debrecen’s Látókép Experiment Station in Hungary. The date of emergence of the tested maize hybrids was monitored under control (0 kg N ha−1), 120 kg ha−1 N + PK, and 300 kg ha−1 N + PK nutrient levels in a long-term field experiment. In 2020, maize hybrids (H1 = FAO 490; H2: FAO 420–440; H3 = FAO 420; H4 = 490; H5 = 320–340; H6 = FAO 350–370) growing under natural precipitation supply conditions without irrigation were included in the study. During the days of emergence, different moisture, protein, oil, starch, and yield production levels were observed, according to the variance analysis. In diverse maize hybrids, increasing or decreasing fertilizer treatment resulted in diverse productivity metrics. Regression analysis revealed that the day of emergence had a greater impact on protein, moisture, starch, and oil content than N fertilizer; however, yield production was influenced by N fertilization, rather than day of emergence. Regarding productivity parameters, this study suggests that H1 has the best productivity until the fourth day of emergence

    A búzagenotípus és a nitrogén műtrágyázás interakciója

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    Dolgozatomban négy, különböző genotípusú búza és eltérő hatóanyagú nitrogén műtrágya interakcióját vizsgáltam a 2015 és 2016-os évben. A célom az volt, hogy megállapítsam a magyar köztermesztésben lévő búzafajták növekedését, a megdőlését az állományokban. Kihangsúlyozott figyelmet kaptak a kórtani betegségek, valamint a búzafajták termésmennyisége.BSc/BANövénytermesztő mérnök

    Eltérő napraforgó genotípusok komplex vizsgálata

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    A napraforgó Magyarországon termesztett legfontosabb olajnövényünk, termesztésének sikere alapvető fontosságú egy-egy gazdaság növénytermesztésében. A hazai hibrid portfólió rendkívül bőséges és széleskörű lehetőséget nyújt a termesztőknek, hogy adott területre és adott technológiai színvonalra a legmegfelelőbb napraforgó hibrideket válasszák meg. A bőséges választék egyúttal nehézségeket is eredményez a hibrid megválasztásánál. Szükséges ismerni a különböző genotípusú napraforgó hibridek tulajdonságait és termőképességét. 2018-ban és 2019-ben a Látóképi Kísérleti területen, csernozjom talajon öt eltérő genotípusú napraforgó hibridet teszteltünk és a tenyészidőszak alatt felvételeztük a hibridek értékmérő tulajdonságait. Ezek közé tartozott: a növénymagasság, a szárátmérő, a tányérátmérő, a szárdőlés és a tányér alatti szártörés. Ezentúl menően meghatároztuk mindkét évben a napraforgó genotípusok termésmennyiségét is. A vizsgálati eredményeink azt bizonyították, hogy jelentős eltérések vannak a hibridek értékmérő tulajdonságaiban és realizált termésmennyiségében. Éppen ezért feltétlenül érdemes a hibrid megválasztásánál olyan komplex szemléletet alkalmazni, amely figyelembe veszi a tulajdonságokat és azok termésmennyiségre gyakorolt hatását. A korreláció vizsgálatai szerint a különböző értékmérő tulajdonságok eltérő hatással befolyásolják egymást és végsősoron a termés mennyiséget, ami miatt a napraforgó hibridek komplex szemléletű vizsgálata javasolható azok termesztésben történő megválasztásánál.MSc/MAnövénytermesztő mérnökiV

    Using the CERES-Maize Model to Simulate Crop Yield in a Long-Term Field Experiment in Hungary

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    Precision crop production requires accurate yield prediction and nitrogen management. Crop simulation models may assist in exploring alternative management systems for optimizing water, nutrient and microelements use efficiencies, increasing maize yields. Our objectives were: (i) to access the ability of the CERES-Maize model for predicting yields in long-term experiments in Hungary; (ii) to use the model to assess the effects of different nutrient management (different nitrogen rates—0, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 150 kg ha−1). A long-term experiment conducted in Látókép (Hungary) with various N-fertilizer applications allowed us to predict maize yields under different conditions. The aim of the research is to explore and quantify the effects of ecological, biological, and agronomic factors affecting plant production, as well as to conduct basic science studies on stress factors on plant populations, which are made possible by the 30-year database of long-term experiments and the high level of instrumentation. The model was calibrated with data from a long-term experiment field trial. The purpose of this evaluation was to investigate how the CERES-Maize model simulated the effects of different N treatments in long-term field experiments. Sushi hybrid’s yields increased with elevated N concentrations. The observed yield ranged from 5016 to 14,920 kg ha−1 during the 2016–2020 growing season. The range of simulated data of maize yield was between 6671 and 13,136 kg ha−1. The highest yield was obtained at the 150 kg ha−1 dose in each year studied. In several cases, the DSSAT-CERES Maize model accurately predicted yields, but it was sensitive to seasonal effects and estimated yields inaccurately. Based on the obtained results, the variance analysis significantly affected the year (2016–2020) and nitrogen doses. N fertilizer made a significant difference on yield, but the combination of both predicted and actual yield data did not show any significance

    Analysis of the Content Values of Sweet Maize (Zea mays L. Convar Saccharata Koern) in Precision Farming

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    The global precision farming area is constantly increasing, and precision sweet maize production developed the most. Sweet maize yield is above average in precision farming. Additionally, its role in healthy nutrition is becoming increasingly important due to new hybrids with high carotenoid content. Precision farming techniques are needed to produce healthy food. In particular, nutrient supply and irrigation, sowing, crop management and harvesting need to be carried out with precision techniques. These factors are all prerequisites for effective and healthy growing and processing. The aim was to use the yields of the four sweet maize hybrids grown on the largest area to examine their nutritional values and concentrations (mg kg−1 dry matter) and to analyse their yield per hectare. Concentration is important for the consumer because K, P, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, and Na play an important role in metabolism, skin protection, and bone and tooth health. The new results obtained show that the amount of lutein and zeaxanthin per hectare is important for the processing industry, especially for use in food supplements. Their anti-inflammatory effects and their role in disease prevention (cardiovascular diseases, Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)) have been demonstrated. Consumers choose sweet maize mainly on the basis of its palatability, which is why the sugar content of the hybrids was also studied. We assumed that the element concentration in the yield of new hybrids with higher yield per hectare does not decrease with increasing yield. The concentrations of zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene appear in one principal component and they are in close positive correlation with each other. The lutein concentration was independent of the former three compounds. The independence of the lutein concentration means that it is not possible to estimate its amount based on the other three components. For yield per unit area, the correlation is one-dimensional. Yield determines the lutein, zeaxanthin, β-cryptoxanthin and β-carotene concentrations per hectare

    Evaluation of Complete Fertilizer in the Aspect of the Antioxidant Enzyme System of Maize Hybrids

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    Studies on physiological and biochemical processes in crops are highly relevant for breeders to produce hybrids with high yield. Two different maturity groups of maize hybrids were tested in this study. The research site was located at the Látókép Experimental Station of the University of Debrecen and the experiment lasted for 2 years. The examined nitrogen ranges were separated into two parts. Firstly, the effects of nitrogen fertilizer ranging from 120–300 kg ha−1 were examined, supplemented with a constant, high-level P2O5 and K2O. Secondly, the optimal ratio of N:P:K was measured. In order to monitor the health status of maize hybrids, stress indicators including the activity of ascorbate peroxidase (APX), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), the rate of lipid peroxidation (LP), and grain yield were measured. The samples were taken in five phenological stages. Variance analysis based on nitrogen fertilizer showed variation in sampling times and fertilizers on APX, LP, and SOD. Variance analysis based on NPK indicated variation in sampling times, years, and fertilizer levels on APX, LP, and SOD. Correlation analysis showed that yield correlated negatively with SOD during the use of NPK fertilizer, as the use of nitrogen fertilizer cannot make corrections to yield with SOD but phosphorus and potassium can correlate with yield, and SOD. Principal component analysis showed that NPK5 and N5 had maximum stability and effect on yield. The activity of APX had the highest value during silking, and LP was in the V14 leaf stage. The correlation and principal component analysis showed that silking and the V14 leaf stage are the most important stages for yield, thus, higher attention must be paid to these stages in the LP and the activation of APX to achieve maximum yield

    The Influence of Precision Dripping Irrigation System on the Phenology and Yield Indices of Sweet Maize Hybrids

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    Sweet maize is an annual plant that is extremely useful and economical for planting and harvesting. However, maize stands are damaged quickly in the case of nutrient and water deficiency. This research was carried out under dripping irrigation conditions and control plots without irrigation, involving seven different maize hybrids. The obtained results showed no existing variation in the dry matter content of cob (DMC) between the irrigated and non-irrigated treatments. Correlation analysis showed that increasing DMC causes decreasing moisture content of cob (MC) of sweet maize with irrigated and non-irrigated treatments. DMC and MC are important factors in the yield index on irrigation treatments. Biplots showed that the Dessert R72 (10.82) hybrid had maximum yield and effect on Brix/Abbe and Brix/Atago Pal-1, while the Messenger hybrids (42.96) had maximum effect on MC. It was also shown that DMC and MC are important factors in the yield index on irrigation treatments on hybrids. The Noa (37.97) and Honey hybrids (27.88) had minimum effect and performance on non-irrigation and irrigation treatments. The Messenger (11.25) and SF1379 hybrids (10.5) had a maximum performance on Brix Abbe and Brix Pal in the irrigation treatment and Dessert R78 (13.5), the Messenger hybrid (11.8) had a maximum performance on Brix/Abbe and Brix/Atago Pal-1 in non-irrigation treatment. The Dessert R78 (13.5) is the best-performing hybrid in terms of the yield of Brix/Abbe and Brix/Atago Pal-1 in the performed irrigation treatments

    Effect of Different Nitrogen Supply on Maize Emergence Dynamics, Evaluation of Yield Parameters of Different Hybrids in Long-Term Field Experiments

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    This paper aims to examine the effect of various nitrogen (N) supply treatments on the date of emergence of maize hybrids classified in different age groups. The study site was at the University of Debrecen’s Látókép Experiment Station in Hungary. The date of emergence of the tested maize hybrids was monitored under control (0 kg N ha−1), 120 kg ha−1 N + PK, and 300 kg ha−1 N + PK nutrient levels in a long-term field experiment. In 2020, maize hybrids (H1 = FAO 490; H2: FAO 420–440; H3 = FAO 420; H4 = 490; H5 = 320–340; H6 = FAO 350–370) growing under natural precipitation supply conditions without irrigation were included in the study. During the days of emergence, different moisture, protein, oil, starch, and yield production levels were observed, according to the variance analysis. In diverse maize hybrids, increasing or decreasing fertilizer treatment resulted in diverse productivity metrics. Regression analysis revealed that the day of emergence had a greater impact on protein, moisture, starch, and oil content than N fertilizer; however, yield production was influenced by N fertilization, rather than day of emergence. Regarding productivity parameters, this study suggests that H1 has the best productivity until the fourth day of emergence

    Analysis of Nutrient-Specific Response of Maize Hybrids in Relation to Leaf Area Index (LAI) and Remote Sensing

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    Leaf area index (LAI) indicates the leaf area per ground surface area occupied by a crop. Various methods are used to measure LAI, which is unitless and varies according to species and environmental conditions. This experiment was carried out in three different nitrogen ranges (control, 120 kg N ha−1, and 300 kg N ha−1) + PK nutrient levels, with five replications used for leaf area measurement on seven different maize hybrids. Hybrids had different moisture, protein, oil, and starch contents. N (1, 2) + PK treatments had a desirable effect on protein, starch, and yield. P0217 LAI had a minimal response at these fertiliser levels. LAI for Sushi peaked at different dates between control and fertiliser treatments. This result showed that Sushi has an excellent capacity for LAI. LAI values on 15 June 2020 showed minimum average values for all hybrids, and it had a maximum average values on 23 July 2020. LAI had maximum performance between the average values treatments in Sushi, Armagnac, Loupiac, and DKC4792 on 15 June 2020. This study also provides insights for examining variably applied N doses using crop sensors and UAV remote-sensing platforms