24 research outputs found

    Some phytochemical and morphophysiological characteristics of Euphorbia cyparissias L. populations

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    Perennial plants are able to adapt to different ecological habitats with their morphological and physiological characteristics. In this study some population of cyparissias L. were investigated. This stress tolerant species can adapt to its environment with morphological and reproductive marks. Differences were not detected in the presence of the investigated phytochemical compounds, only in their respective quantity, considering the extracts from Stem, leaf and inflorescence

    Iron oxide nanoparticles for plant nutrition? A preliminary Mössbauer study

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    One of the most important micronutrients for plants is iron. We have prepared iron(III) oxyhydroxide and magnetite nanoparticles with the aim to use them as possible nutrition source for plants. The iron(III)-oxide/oxyhydroxide nanoparticles prepared under our experimental conditions as colloidal suspensions proved to be 6-line ferrihydritenanoparticles as verified by XRD,TEM/SAED and Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements. 57Fe Mössbauer spectra of magnetite nanoparticles prepared under different preparation conditions could be analyzed on the basis of a common model based on the superposition of four sextet components displaying Gaussian-shaped hyperfine magnetic field distributions

    Iron uptake from manufactured nanomaterials: obscured mechanism, controversial effect

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    Transition metals in nanomaterials such as iron, manganese or zinc are essential microelements for plants. When these metals are present in suboptimal concentration for the plants, deficiency syndromes develop that causes reduced crop production or poor fruit quality. Low mineral content of plant products has a major role in human malnutrition. Most stable Fe-chelates for the correction of Fe deficiency are not biodegradable and expensive so applying manufactured nanomaterials may serve as a cheap and eco-friendly alternative. Newly designed, transition metal containing nanomaterials stabilized in colloid suspension have been characterised and then applied in hydroponic cultures to cucumber model plants in a wide range of concentration. The uptake and distribution of the elements from the nanomaterials and their utilization were investigated by microXRF mapping, ICP-MS, enzyme activity tests, gene expression measurements and the changes in some basic physiological parameters were followed. Nanoferrihydrite and nano-Mn-Zn-ferrite colloid suspensions with 3-8 nm particle size applied in 0.01-0.02 mM concentration and at slightly acidic pH proved to be a good source of Fe, Mn and Zn in various experimental conditions. Mn-Zn-ferrite has also been tested at pH 7.5 and Fe deficient cucumber plants showed a significant recovery after 3 days of application in terms of chlorophyll concentration and photosynthetic efficiency but not at pH 8.5. Mn and Zn deficient plants also showed recovery upon addition of the ferrite. Ferric chelate reductase assays showed that it is not the normal reduction-based uptake pathway that plays a role in the iron utilization of these nanoparticles. Analysis of root ferric chelate reductase expression pointed out a quick utilisation of Fe content of the nanoferrihydrite particles. Elevated concentrations of the nanoferrite at the millimolar range as compared to equal concentrations of micronutrient salts proved to be significantly less toxic. However, another nanomaterial, an insoluble nano FeCo powder applied to the nutrient solution of cucumber in high concentration causes severe chlorosis due to cobalt toxicity, pointing on that the composition of the nanoparticles is highly important for their bioactivity. Keywords: nanomaterial, ferrite, ferrihydrite, fertilizer, ferric chelate reductase, toxicity This work was supported by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, Hungary (NKFIH) K115784, 115913, 124159 and VEKOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00008. Á. Solti was also supported by the Bolyai János Research Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (BO/00207/15/4)

    Népi (gyógy)növényismeret magyar kutatói = Hungarian ethno(pharmaco)botanists

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    A magyar botanika egyik legnagyobb alakja, Borbás Vince munkássága ma is meggyőzően bizonyítja, hogy az etnobotanika a növénytan egyik legérdekesebb területe. A Pallas Lexikonban általa írt növénycímszavak szövegét olvasva szinte minden sora időtálló. Borbás járatos volt a néprajzban, a gazdasági botanikában, növényrendszertanban és növényföldrajzban egyaránt. Ma az internetes adatkeresés nagy segítséget nyújt a tájékozódásban, de nem nélkülözhetjük elődeink nagyszerű munkáit. Megbízható tudásra kell törekednünk. Az értékelést rendszerint ki kell terjeszteni modern biológiai és kémiai ismeretekkel. Mit is jelent az értékelés