96 research outputs found

    Unexpected Facets of Images of Officials by N. V. Gogol and V. F. Odoevsky

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    The issues on the multifaceted images of officials in the Russian literature of the 1830- 1840s are considered. The results of a comparative analysis of the works of N. V. Gogol and V. F. Odoevsky are presented. Particular attention is paid to Poprishchin from the “Diary of a Madman” and the order Sevastyanich from “The Tale of a Dead Body Who Belongs to No One”. The author draws attention to the fact that the heroes go beyond the behavioral model, as if attributed to them by their social role. It is shown that poetry does not disappear from their existence; officials are capable of creativity and creation of their own works. The irreducibility of the images of officials is proved only to illustrate social reality, the striving for their individualization, drawing a rich inner world is emphasized. The novelty of the research is seen in the fact that unexpected facets of the images of officials in Gogol and Odoevsky are revealed in their relationship. The commonality of the writers’ worldviews and the similarity of their poetics are shown, which is manifested, in particular, in the fact that science fiction occupies an important place in the artistic world of works about officials

    Innovative Forms of Partnership in Development and Implementation of University-Business Cooperation

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    The article deals with the aspects of public-private partnership (PPP) in modern conditions. Public-private partnership is positioned as an additional mechanism in solving complex problems and tasks of universities. Innovative forms of public-private partnership with universities and businesses are expressed in establishing education scope administration, economic assistance, innovation research and development, scientific and practical expertise and estate administration. Particular attention is paid to the development of business contacts between universities and business organizations at the present stage of economic development. There are also allocated the objectives of developing competitive university environment, the prioritized development of regional universities and dramatical modernization of education based on the interests of the military-industrial complex. The article describes the structure of the functions and forms of educational institutions activity and the mechanisms of PPP implementation. The author represents using mechanisms of public-private partnerships in the territory of the Russian Federation and the modern trends of developing PPP collaboration and education


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    Background. The article considers and analyzes the main modern requirements for the professional training of these students at the level of FSES 3++ and needs of the labor market for the occupations corresponding to International Relations under the modern social conditions. Purpose. The purpose of the research is to model the process dealing with the translation competence formation of the bachelor students in International Relations. The scientific novelty of the study is to clarify the foreign language professional communicative competence (IPCC) components. Materials and methods. The main research methods used are the methods of scientific description (the study of specialized literature, its systematization and interpretation) and experimental methods of study (the identification of the competence formation model stages and its implementation). Results. The paper reveals the concept of translation competence and its components. The language training of the bachelor students in International Relations at the undergraduate stage without thorough translation competence formation and training in written translation skills is not very productive. The ways to solve the problem are seen in the highlighting of stages in the model of the translation competence formation of the students in International Relations. This implies the underlining of two levels: 1) basic level – teaching students to translate educational texts on the main educational programs; 2) professional level – a training course in the translation of professionally oriented texts as part of implementation of the additional education program “Translator in the field of professional communication”. Practical implications. The result of the study is to practice the translation competence formation model in the course of foreign language training for students in International Relations taking into account these two levels

    Enzyme Mechanisms: Fast Reaction and Computational Approaches Ultrafast catalytic processes and conformational changes in the light-driven enzyme protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR)

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    Abstract The enzyme POR (protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase), from the family of alcohol dehydrogenases, reduces protochlorophyllide into chlorophyllide on the absorption of light. The reduction involves the transfer of two protons and two electrons and is an important regulatory step in the biosynthesis of chlorophyll. In recent years, due to the availability of large quantities of the pure enzyme, much of the catalytic reaction has been unravelled by using a variety of spectroscopic methods, including ultrafast initial events in catalysis. In addition, it has been demonstrated that a light-activated conformational change of the protein is necessary to activate catalysis. This makes POR a very important model system to study the relationship between structural changes of enzymes and functionality

    Effects of Macromolecular Crowding on Protein Conformational Changes

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    Many protein functions can be directly linked to conformational changes. Inside cells, the equilibria and transition rates between different conformations may be affected by macromolecular crowding. We have recently developed a new approach for modeling crowding effects, which enables an atomistic representation of “test” proteins. Here this approach is applied to study how crowding affects the equilibria and transition rates between open and closed conformations of seven proteins: yeast protein disulfide isomerase (yPDI), adenylate kinase (AdK), orotidine phosphate decarboxylase (ODCase), Trp repressor (TrpR), hemoglobin, DNA β-glucosyltransferase, and Ap4A hydrolase. For each protein, molecular dynamics simulations of the open and closed states are separately run. Representative open and closed conformations are then used to calculate the crowding-induced changes in chemical potential for the two states. The difference in chemical-potential change between the two states finally predicts the effects of crowding on the population ratio of the two states. Crowding is found to reduce the open population to various extents. In the presence of crowders with a 15 Å radius and occupying 35% of volume, the open-to-closed population ratios of yPDI, AdK, ODCase and TrpR are reduced by 79%, 78%, 62% and 55%, respectively. The reductions for the remaining three proteins are 20–44%. As expected, the four proteins experiencing the stronger crowding effects are those with larger conformational changes between open and closed states (e.g., as measured by the change in radius of gyration). Larger proteins also tend to experience stronger crowding effects than smaller ones [e.g., comparing yPDI (480 residues) and TrpR (98 residues)]. The potentials of mean force along the open-closed reaction coordinate of apo and ligand-bound ODCase are altered by crowding, suggesting that transition rates are also affected. These quantitative results and qualitative trends will serve as valuable guides for expected crowding effects on protein conformation changes inside cells

    Enzymatic Activity and Excited State Processes in Protochlorophyllide Oxidoreductase

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    Groot, M.L. [Promotor]Grondelle, R. van [Copromotor


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    The life and work of Vladimir Odoyevsky as a writer, a statesman and a scientist were dedicated to his Motherland, its culture, science and society. Th e Bible, especially the Gospel and the works of the Orthodox Fathers published in Dobrotolyubiye determined the writer’s view of the world. Th e Parable of the Talents was one of the most important and key parables of the New Testament for Odoyevsky. This importance is attested by the writer’s life which was full of selfl ess and relentless hard work for the good of Russia, as well as his diaries, works and letters. Odoyevsky was multitalanted person who was deeply concerned by the question of the essence of true service to God and people. Existence for Odoyevsky was the battleground where distresses, uncertainty, self-deception and self-delusion lie in wait for an individual. Sometimes in Odoevsky’s works appeared sad refl ections about the vanity of carnal existence that deeply contrasted with his opinion about the necessity of active work and fulfi llment of one’s talents. However, the only fi rm support for him was always the faith in God and Providenc

    Educational process navigator as means of creation of individual educational path of a student

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    © 2016 Khuziakhmetov and Sytina.Rationale of the problem stated in the article is caused by search for new alternative models for individual educational paths of students in the continuous multi-level education system on the basis of the navigators of the educational process, being a visual matrix of individual educational space. The purpose of the article is to develop the design algorithm and implementation of individual educational paths of different types based on nature and mechanisms of individual educational path formation. Leading methodological approach of the research was person-centered approach of the educational process organization, which had the following specific features: it is specially designed for a particular student as his individual educational program; in the stage of development of individual educational route the student was: a) a subject of choice of differentiated education offered by the educational institution; b) an “informal customer”, “showing” (at the start testing) the educational institutions which designed his educational program - an individual educational route - his educational needs, educational profile and other individual characteristics. Individual educational path flexibly adapts to the student's abilities, his professional development dynamics influenced by training and can have the following forms: adaptive type - education is used to prepare for the modern professional, socioeconomic and cultural realism; developing direction - it is characterized by a wide development of opportunities, abilities and creativity of man; creative direction – it means not only the development of features and abilities, but also their use for transformation, making yourself - self-education, career, and life

    Educational process navigator as means of creation of individual educational path of a student

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    © 2016 Khuziakhmetov and Sytina.Rationale of the problem stated in the article is caused by search for new alternative models for individual educational paths of students in the continuous multi-level education system on the basis of the navigators of the educational process, being a visual matrix of individual educational space. The purpose of the article is to develop the design algorithm and implementation of individual educational paths of different types based on nature and mechanisms of individual educational path formation. Leading methodological approach of the research was person-centered approach of the educational process organization, which had the following specific features: it is specially designed for a particular student as his individual educational program; in the stage of development of individual educational route the student was: a) a subject of choice of differentiated education offered by the educational institution; b) an “informal customer”, “showing” (at the start testing) the educational institutions which designed his educational program - an individual educational route - his educational needs, educational profile and other individual characteristics. Individual educational path flexibly adapts to the student's abilities, his professional development dynamics influenced by training and can have the following forms: adaptive type - education is used to prepare for the modern professional, socioeconomic and cultural realism; developing direction - it is characterized by a wide development of opportunities, abilities and creativity of man; creative direction – it means not only the development of features and abilities, but also their use for transformation, making yourself - self-education, career, and life


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    An icon appears in some works of V. F. Odoevsky: “Ball”, “Princess Zizi”, “The Witness”, “Unforgettable house”, “An Orphan”. It is never referred to just as a part of the interior or the Russian color. An icon is invariably the centre of Holiness, heroes always pray in front of it. Not only doesn’t Odoevsky describe icons, he doesn’t name them either, because icons have a  sacral nature that cannot be shown in a secular writing. In “The Witness” the writer talks about imperfection of the language and failure to put into words sacred thoughts and senses. But this idea, having come to the main character’s mind in the Church, gives a  special religious connotation to the unexpressed. Remarkably, Odoevsky never uses the word icon referring to Western European art. He considers images of Madonna and Saint Cecilia to be paintings and puts them in the context of everyday life. According to modern researchers this kind of perception is typical for Russian writers and Orthodox consciousness in general. The analysis of an icon in the prose of Odoevsky demonstrates the depth of his religious searching and the importance of Orthodoxy in his philosophy and aesthetics