4 research outputs found
Adjusting of processes of microgemodynamics at sportsmen in the conditions of vestibular irritations
The comparative analysis of the functional being of the regulator systems of microgemodynamics is conducted in a skin at the sportswomen of specialized in the running types of track-and-field before and after vestibular irritations. 10 highly skilled athletes of specialized in at run on middle and long distances are explored. It is shown, that the vestibular irritation for certain causes the changes of processes of microgemodynamics in a skin, showing up not only in the change of size of perfusion but also spectrum of components of mechanisms of adjusting. It is got, that high-frequency respiratory and pulse vibrations at sportswomen occupied considerably a less stake in a general spectrum and were 9,8% and 8,3% accordingly, that specifies on an optimum influx outflow of peripheral blood. Structure of vibrations of skin blood stream after the vestibular irritations at sportswomen, consists of increase of deposit of respiratory component from 9,8% to 11,4%, that is conditioned by the change of dynamics of vein pressure at pulmonary mechanical activity, attracting action of «respiratory pump»
Influence of paravertebral miorelaxant on arbitrary maximal ventilation of respirators system at skilled sportsmen
The functional being of the respirator system of the skilled sportsmen, engaged in the greco-roman fight (n=22), heavy athletics (n=25) and football (n=24) before and after course of paravertebral miorelaxant, is studied. The course of paravertebral miorelaxant was the system of exercises in a water environment with the use of «noodle». The necessity of application of correction influences, for sportsmen, was conditioned by the presence of hypertonic of paravertebral muscles, registered through miotonometric. It is got, those parameters of arbitrary maximal ventilation of respirators system (MVR), after the course of paravertebral miorelaxant, changed depending on the orientation of the training process determined by the type of sport. It is certain, whatever the change of tone of paravertebral muscles renders the reliable changes in the structure of arbitrary MVL at footballers, for certain affects chronotropics to the component at heavy athletics and inotropics at the representatives of the greco-roman fight
Efficiency of application of special exercises and exercises with the use of baseball pitching machine
Efficiency of the approach on making up coordination capabilities and technical tactical performances in baseball is confirmed. 100 boys (age 12-14 years) take part in experiment. Relative analysis of a level of development of coordination capabilities and technical tactical readiness of baseball players is carried out. The level of development of technical readiness after experiment under the program «pitch, hit and run» is taped. The frame of special exercises with usage of colour balls is featured. Dynamics of hits for baseball players on a flying ball is presented. The approach in modelling of requirements of competitive activity is developed
The influence of the program of Olympic education on the level of somatic health and physical training of secondary schools scholars.
Influence of the program of Olympic education on the level of Olympic knowledge, somatic health and motive preparedness of schoolboys of middle ages was studied. In research 70 students took part 7 classes. The program of course of Olympic education was computer-integrated in extracurricular work of schoolboys. The program is counted on 26 hours. It contained the leadthrough of lectures (12 hours), seminar employments (4 hours), video of lessons (4 hours), спортивно-массовых measures on Olympic subject (3 hours), visit of sporting competitions and meeting with prominent sportsmen. It is set that introduction in the educational process of the program of Olympic education allows considerably to promote the level of knowledge, motivation and practical skills to operate in accordance with ideals and values of olympism. It results in the substantial improvement of physical health and motive preparedness of children