213 research outputs found

    Noise performance of magneto-inductive cables

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    Magneto-inductive (MI) waveguides are metamaterial structures based on periodic arrangements of inductively coupled resonant magnetic elements. They are of interest for power transfer, communications and sensing, and can be realised in a flexible cable format. Signal-to-noise ratio is extremely important in applications involving signals. Here, we present the first experimental measurements of the noise performance of metamaterial cables. We focus on an application involving radiofrequency signal transmission in internal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), where the subdivision of the metamaterial cable provides intrinsic patient safety. We consider MI cables suitable for use at 300 MHz during 1H MRI at 7 T, and find noise figures of 2.3–2.8 dB/m, together with losses of 3.0–3.9 dB/m, in good agreement with model calculations. These values are high compared to conventional cables, but become acceptable when (as here) the environment precludes the use of continuous conductors. To understand this behaviour, we present arguments for the fundamental performance limitations of these cables

    Nonlinear magnetoinductive transmission lines

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    Power transmission in one-dimensional nonlinear magnetic metamaterials driven at one end is investigated numerically and analytically in a wide frequency range. The nonlinear magnetic metamaterials are composed of varactor-loaded split-ring resonators which are coupled magnetically through their mutual inductances, forming thus a magnetoiductive transmission line. In the linear limit, significant power transmission along the array only appears for frequencies inside the linear magnetoinductive wave band. We present analytical, closed form solutions for the magnetoinductive waves transmitting the power in this regime, and their discrete frequency dispersion. When nonlinearity is important, more frequency bands with significant power transmission along the array may appear. In the equivalent circuit picture, the nonlinear magnetoiductive transmission line driven at one end by a relatively weak electromotive force, can be modeled by coupled resistive-inductive-capacitive (RLC) circuits with voltage-dependent capacitance. Extended numerical simulations reveal that power transmission along the array is also possible in other than the linear frequency bands, which are located close to the nonlinear resonances of a single nonlinear RLC circuit. Moreover, the effectiveness of power transmission for driving frequencies in the nonlinear bands is comparable to that in the linear band. Power transmission in the nonlinear bands occurs through the linear modes of the system, and it is closely related to the instability of a mode that is localized at the driven site.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, submitted to International Journal of Bifurcation and Chao

    Fabrication and operation of a two-dimensional ion-trap lattice on a high-voltage microchip

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    Microfabricated ion traps are a major advancement towards scalable quantum computing with trapped ions. The development of more versatile ion-trap designs, in which tailored arrays of ions are positioned in two dimensions above a microfabricated surface, will lead to applications in fields as varied as quantum simulation, metrology and atom–ion interactions. Current surface ion traps often have low trap depths and high heating rates, because of the size of the voltages that can be applied to them, limiting the fidelity of quantum gates. Here we report on a fabrication process that allows for the application of very high voltages to microfabricated devices in general and use this advance to fabricate a two-dimensional ion-trap lattice on a microchip. Our microfabricated architecture allows for reliable trapping of two-dimensional ion lattices, long ion lifetimes, rudimentary shuttling between lattice sites and the ability to deterministically introduce defects into the ion lattice

    Metallic foreign body in middle ear: an unusual cause of hearing loss

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    This is a rare case report of a foreign metallic body found in the middle ear. During the use of an electric welding by a metalworker, a glowing drop of dissolved metal overrun, burning the skin of his external auditory meatus, perforated the tympanic membrane and finally was implanted around the ossicles as a foreign body. Due to difficulty of the physical examination and the moderate symptoms (hearing loss and sense of fullness), the foreign body was detected six months after the incident, by CT scanning and it was removed by a transcanal approach under general anesthesia. A successful ossiculoplasty-tympanoplasty was followed four weeks later

    Magneto-inductive magnetic resonance imaging duodenoscope

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    A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) duodenoscope is demonstrated, by combining non- magnetic endoscope components with a thin-film receiver based on a magneto-inductive waveguide. The waveguide elements consist of figure-of-eight shaped inductors formed on either side of a flexible substrate and parallel plate capacitors that use the substrate as a dielectric. Operation is simulated using equivalent circuit models and by computation of two- and three-dimensional sensitivity patterns. Circuits are fabricated for operation at 127.7 MHz by double-sided patterning of copper-clad Kapton and assembled onto non-magnetic flexible endoscope insertion tubes. Operation is verified by bench testing and by 1 H MRI at 3T using phantoms. The receiver can form a segmented coaxial image along the length of the endoscope, even when bent, and shows a signal-to-noise-ratio advantage over a surface array coil up to three times the tube diameter at the tip. Initial immersion imaging experiments have been carried out and confirm an encouraging lack of sensitivity to RF heating

    Acanthaster planci Outbreak: Decline in Coral Health, Coral Size Structure Modification and Consequences for Obligate Decapod Assemblages

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    Although benthic motile invertebrate communities encompass the vast majority of coral reef diversity, their response to habitat modification has been poorly studied. A variety of benthic species, particularly decapods, provide benefits to their coral host enabling them to cope with environmental stressors, and as a result benefit the overall diversity of coral-associated species. However, little is known about how invertebrate assemblages associated with corals will be affected by global perturbations, (either directly or indirectly via their coral host) or their consequences for ecosystem resilience. Analysis of a ten year dataset reveals that the greatest perturbation at Moorea over this time was an outbreak of the corallivorous sea star Acanthaster planci from 2006 to 2009 impacting habitat health, availability and size structure of Pocillopora spp. populations and highlights a positive relationship between coral head size and survival. We then present the results of a mensurative study in 2009 conducted at the end of the perturbation (A. planci outbreak) describing how coral-decapod communities change with percent coral mortality for a selected coral species, Pocillopora eydouxi. The loss of coral tissue as a consequence of A. planci consumption led to an increase in rarefied total species diversity, but caused drastic modifications in community composition driven by a shift from coral obligate to non-obligate decapod species. Our study highlights that larger corals left with live tissue in 2009, formed a restricted habitat where coral obligate decapods, including mutualists, could subsist. We conclude that the size structure of Pocillopora populations at the time of an A. planci outbreak may greatly condition the magnitude of coral mortality as well as the persistence of local populations of obligate decapods
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