2 research outputs found

    Zachowania zdrowotne pacjent贸w z chorob膮 zwyrodnieniow膮 staw贸w leczonych operacyjnie

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    Streszczenie聽WprowadzenieChoroba zwyrodnieniowa staw贸w (osteoartroza; ang. osteoarthritis - OA) to najcz臋stsza przewlek艂a choroba staw贸w i g艂贸wna przyczyna dolegliwo艣ci b贸lowych w uk艂adzie mi臋艣niowo -szkieletowym w艣r贸d populacji w krajach rozwini臋tych. 艢wiatowa Organizacja Zdrowia (World Health Organization) uzna艂a, i偶 jest to jedno z wa偶niejszych zagro偶e艅 cywilizacyjnych. Obecnie ocenia si臋, 偶e w Polsce choruje na osteoartroz臋 oko艂o 2 miliony os贸b.Cel pracyCelem pracy by艂a ocena poziomu zachowa艅 zdrowotnych w艣r贸d pacjent贸w ze zdiagnozowan膮 chorob膮 zwyrodnieniow膮 staw贸w leczonych operacyjnie.Materia艂 i metodyGrup臋 badawcz膮 stanowi艂o 58 pacjent贸w z klinicznie zdiagnozowan膮 chorob膮 zwyrodnieniow膮 staw贸w, zaplanowanych do leczenia operacyjnego na oddziale ortopedii w szpitalu w Gda艅sku.W pracy zastosowano metod臋 sonda偶u diagnostycznego. Narz臋dziem badawczym by艂 kwestionariusz ankiety w艂asnej konstrukcji oraz kwestionariusz Inwentarz Zachowa艅 Zdrowotnych (IZZ) autorstwa Zygfryda Juczy艅skiego.Wyniki艢redni uzyskany wynik dla badanej populacji to 91,28 pkt. Najni偶szy uzyskany wynik w grupie badanych wynosi艂 65 punkt贸w.WnioskiOsoby ze zdiagnozowan膮 chorob膮 zwyrodnieniow膮 staw贸w leczone w oddziale ortopedii prezentuj膮 wysoki poziom zachowa艅 zdrowotnych. Czynniki spo艂eczno- demograficzne oraz kliniczne nie wp艂ywaj膮 istotnie na poziom zachowa艅 zdrowotnych.聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽AbstractIntroductionOsteoarthritis is the most common chronic disease of the joints and the main cause of pain in the musculoskeletal system among populations in developed countries. The World Health Organization recognized that this is one of the most important civilizational threats. Currently, it is estimated that about 2 million people suffer from osteoarthritis in Poland.AimThe aim of the study was to assess the level of health behaviors among patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis treated surgically.Material and methodsThe research group consisted of 58 patients with clinically diagnosed osteoarthritis, planned for surgical treatment at the orthopedic department at the hospital in Gdansk. The method of diagnostic survey was used in the work. The research tool was the questionnaire of the own design questionnaire and the Inventory of Health behaviors questionnaire by Zygfryd Juczy艅ski.ResultsThe average result obtained for the studied population is 91.28 points. The lowest result obtained in the group of respondents was 65 points.ConclusionsPeople diagnosed with osteoarthritis treated in the orthopedics department present a high level of health behaviors. Socio-demographic and clinical factors do not significantly influence the level of health behaviors

    Assessment of Oral Health in Long-Term Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition Patients: Significant Aspects of Nursing Care

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    Oral health is an underestimated factor affecting overall human health and quality of life. Long-term enteral or parenteral nutritional treatment requires not only regular assessment of access routes, the patient鈥檚 nutritional status, and tolerance to the selected method of nutrition but also of oral health. This article discusses the connections between the influence of chewing function, salivation, and xerostomia on the health of the oral cavity of patients on long-term enteral and parenteral nutrition. In addition, the role of nurses in assessing oral health is presented as well as crucial elements of a comprehensive oral assessment in a nursing care plan. Patients receiving long-term enteral and parenteral nutrition have an increased risk of developing oral diseases. Increasing knowledge about the factors affecting oral health among nurses is crucial to provide appropriate care for patients requiring long-term nutritional treatment with omission of the natural route of food intake. Regular assessment of oral health by nurses should be an important aspect in long-term nutritional treatment recommendations