6 research outputs found

    Significance of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in carcinogenesis

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    Introduction and aim.Reactive oxygen species and increased oxidative stress cause a series of disorders in the metabolism of the cell. Initiate adverse changes to the structure of DNA, lipids and proteins. The purpose of this article is to introduce the concept of oxidative stress and reactive oxygen species and to present their contribution to the formation and development of precancerous and cancerous. Description of knowledge.The process of oxidation damage of DNA molecules nitrogen bases, contributes to the rupture of DNA strands and the formation of adducts. Lipid peroxidation cause damage to membranes of cytoplasmic and mitochondrial which causes unfavorable changes in their physical properties. The end products of this process show mutagenic and carcinogenic. Oxidation of proteins leading to changes in their structure and the presence of structurally abnormal protein, which is the main regulator of the cell can cause the initiation of the neoplastic process. The emergence of mutations in the DNA is a critical point in the process of carcinogenesis. Conclusions.Oxidative stress and the effects of reactive oxygen species is one of the reasons for the initiation and development of cancer. Permanent changes in the structure of DNA, lipids and proteins leading to the loss of their biological functions and following the development of lesions

    The role of pharmaceutical care in a health prevention and the treatment process

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    Introduction and objective: The easy availability and a wide range of non-prescription drugs and dietary supplements allows for preventing and shortening diseases. However, this situation carries the risk of improper selection of preparations and, consequently, increasing the risk of drug-induced complications and a delay in the correct diagnosis of the disease. One way to avoid the undesirable effects of self-medication is the implementation and practice of pharmaceutical care in pharmacies. This allows you to reduce the risk of polypharmacy in all groups of patients entering treatment for various indications, as well as reducing the cost of treatment for the patient and the health system. The purpose of this article is to present the process of pharmaceutical care, the pharmacist's role in the selection of OTC (over-the-counter) and dietary supplements, as well as the impact of pharmaceutical care in shaping the role and activities of the pharmacy. Description of knowledge:Pharmaceutical care is to protect the patient against misuse of drugs, abuse of OTC and minimize the risk of interaction between zażywanymi pharmaceuticals. It is seen as a process. Its concept is based on cooperation with the patient and the doctor, as well as with representatives of other medical professions. The effectiveness of such action should be made to achieve certain results improve the quality of life of the patient using medication properly running. Conclusions:Effectively guided pharmaceutical care contributes to the reduction of the medication and treatment-related adverse effects resulting from the interaction of the components of the formulations. Relief is part of the National Health Care doctors. This contributes to a reduction in the number of hospitalizations and the risk associated with polypharmacy. Thanks to the pharmacy can be a place where in addition advice and information on the drugs the patient will obtain comprehensive assistance relating to the use, as well as information on how to protect their own health and disease prevention

    The barrier and the intestinal microflora - the factors determining the state of human health

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    Introduction and purpose: Protective function, immune and nutrition in the human body correspond to the intestinal barrier. As a result of excessive exposure to various factors often leads to damage or abnormalities in its functioning, which negatively affects the behavior of human health. The intestinal microflora is important in the process of metabolism, as well as the intestinal barrier plays an important role in establishing immunity and protection. The purpose of this article is to present the importance and the role played by the barrier and microflora in maintaining human health. Description of knowledge:Use of alcohol, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, completed parasitic infections, viral and bacterial infections, chronic stress and diet deficient in fruits and vegetables cause damage to the intestinal barrier and microflora bacterial dysbiosis. Conclusions:Damaged intestinal barrier is causing loss of control on the elements that penetrate into the bloodstream. Increased permeability of the intestinal barrier contributes to increased risk of developing various diseases

    The process of cancer. Part III. Selected vitamins in cancer. Chemoprevention

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    Introduction and objective: Free radicals (ROS), affect the course of each step of the process of carcinogenesis. Antioxidants that interact with ROS inactivates them, resulting in a positive effect both in preventing and inhibiting the progression of cancer. Vitamins such as A, C, E and D have anticancer properties. The article gives an overview of the problems of comp contribution of each vitamin in the chemoprevention of cancer. Its purpose is to present some antioxidants for its potential anti-tumor and to provide modifications to their effect on the carcinogenesis process. Description of knowledge: Vitamin A inhibits inter alia, lipid peroxidation and influences the growth and differentiation of epithelial cells to prevent neoplastic transformation. Vitamin E inhibits inter alia, angiogenesis, growth and proliferation of diseased cells. It also has the ability to stop the cell cycle. It prevents the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines. Vitamin D inhibitor of vascular endothelial growth factor, and factors stimulating cell proliferation. Suppressive affects COX-2 enzyme. Increases the synthesis of E-cadherin. Vitamin C contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system by stimulating the activity of B and T lymphocytes is an electron donor for protecting cell components against oxidation. Stimulates cells to produce hyaluronidase inhibitor. Induces the synthesis of proteins p73 and MLH1. Conclusions: Imbalance redox system can lead to neoplastic transformation. Taking antioxidant supplements is associated with the risk of delivering them in too large a dose. Consequently, there is a support of the oxidation processes. The best way to protect against cancer and support cancer therapy is to provide antioxidants in their natural form, ie in the form of fresh vegetables and fruits

    The process of cancer. Part II. Selected plant compounds in cancer. Chemoprevention

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    Summary: Introduction and objective:Constantly increasing number of cancers, as well as too low efficiency of the treatment of advanced stages of the disease implies the search for effective action both in terms of primary prevention and secondary. The article comp is only an outline of selected compounds share vegetable chemoprevention of cancer. Its aim is to introduce the concept of chemoprevention and discussion of selected plant compounds and their impact on the process of carcinogenesis. Description of knowledge:Method of connecting primary and secondary prevention is cancer chemoprevention. It uses natural and synthetic compounds to inhibit, delay or reverse the neoplastic process. Glucosinolates found in cruciferous vegetables have potent biological properties applicable to the prevention of the carcinogenesis process. The best-known glucosinolates are sulforaphane and indole -3-carbinol. Curcumin is a natural agent having a broad antitumor effect. It is among the blocking and suppressive chemopreventive agents. Inhibits activation of cancer gene, tumor growth, cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Resveratrol shows efficacy in blocking all stages of carcinogenesis, while lycopene is a powerful antioxidant, which inactivates free radicals thereby reducing the DNA damage of the cell. Conclusions: Chemoprevention is a method which may intervene in all stages of carcinogenesis, and the largest of its efficacy is observed in the initiation and promotion of cancer lesions. Some food ingredients have both a anticarcinogenic and cytostatic effects on cancer cells

    The process of cancer. Part I. The role of selected factors in the induction of carcinogenesis

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    Summary Introduction and objective: Cancer arises from genetic and epigenetic changes in the cell. Indication of the direct causes of cancer is no doubt very difficult, because the process of carcinogenesis is a multi-level and multi-stage. Knowledge of existing threats to health is a determinant in making everyday decisions that are crucial in minimizing the risk for precancerous and cancerous. Featured Review article is only an outline of selected factors participate in the induction of neoplastic process. Its aim is to present the concept and the process of carcinogenesis, and to discuss the participation of selected factors in the induction of neoplastic lesions. Description of knowledge: Preiniciation is a period in which the carcinogenic effect on normal cells. Initiation is related to the appearance of the first permanent changes in the genetic material of the cell. The promotion is the stage in which the diseased cells grow and multiply. However, in the progression of metastasis occurs it. Factors that are surrounded by human impact on the integrity of the genetic material. Many of them have been scientifically proven effect mutogenne and carcinogenic. Conclusions:The effects of interactions of carcinogens accumulate in different time intervals. Carcinogens interact with DNA, causing deterioration or change in its structure. They can also cause changes in gene expression. Carcinogenic for a human body may be the same ingredients, food products and substances in food preservatives. Some viruses can be oncogenic due to the integration of the viral genome into the host genome in the vicinity of proto-oncogenes. Exposure to heavy metals and their metabolites contribute to DNA damage