6 research outputs found

    Études multiparamétriques de biomarqueurs par immunofluorescence pour mieux suivre la progression du cancer de la prostate

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    Le cancer de la prostate est le cancer le plus fréquemment diagnostiqué et la troisième cause de mortalité liée au cancer chez les hommes au Canada. Un quart des patients diagnostiqués développeront une forme plus agressive de ce cancer. Bien que nous possédions plusieurs indices cliniques pronostiques dans les cancers localisés (score de Gleason, taux sérique d’antigène prostatique spécifique (APS), stade, etc.), ceux-ci sont insuffisants pour adéquatement distinguer les patients à faible risque de progression de ceux à haut risque. A ce jour, aucun biomarqueur pronostique n’est encore utilisé en clinique. Les cliniciens ont donc besoin de nouveaux outils plus efficaces pour stratifier ce cancer et pour s’assurer d’adapter au mieux le traitement à chaque patient. En nous basant sur la littérature et sur des études préliminaires (cohortes de moins de 65 patients), notre hypothèse est que les protéines PUMA-NOXA et les récepteurs membranaires de la famille ERBB seraient, lorsqu’utilisés en combinaison, des biomarqueurs prédictifs de la progression du cancer de la prostate. Les objectifs de cette thèse sont : 1) identifier et valider de bons anticorps pour chaque biomarqueur d’intérêt, 2) définir les niveaux d’expression de chaque biomarqueur sur une cohorte de 285 patients, et 3) établir les corrélations entre les niveaux d’expression et les données cliniques des patients. Dans l’optique d’une utilisation en clinique, des anticorps de type monoclonal ont été choisis pour identifier les biomarqueurs d’intérêts. Ces anticorps ont été testés et validés pour leur spécificité par immunobuvardage de type western blot et par immunofluorescence. La localisation de la protéine d’intérêt a été validée sur des échantillons de tissus de patients suivie de l’optimisation du multi-marquage sur les cellules épithéliales et basales. Après perfectionnement de l’analyse d’images, nous avons montré qu’une expression extrême (faible ou forte) de PUMA couplée à une forte expression de NOXA dans les glandes bénignes est associée à la rechute biochimique des patients. La présence de ces biomarqueurs dans les glandes bénignes permet d’envisager d’améliorer l’identification lors des premières biopsies des patients se qualifiant pour la surveillance active. Par ailleurs, le suivi de l’expression des récepteurs de la famille ERBB dans les glandes tumorales permet une stratification des patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate en fonction des risques de rechute biochimique, de développement de métastases et de mort liée au cancer. Ainsi, les patients présentant la combinaison d’une forte expression de EGFR et d’une faible expression de ERBB3 sont les plus susceptibles de mourir spécifiquement de leur cancer de la prostate, en particulier si les cellules tumorales présentes en plus une faible expression de ERBB2 entrainant un fort risque de développer des métastases. Mon projet de doctorat aura donc permis d’identifier et de valider des biomarqueurs d’intérêt pour prédire l’évolution du cancer de la prostate et démontrer l’intérêt de suivre ces biomarqueurs en combinaison afin d’obtenir une meilleure stratification des patients. Ces résultats devront être validés sur une cohorte indépendante et multicentrique en vue de fournir aux cliniciens un plus grand nombre d’outils pour leur permettre de réaliser une stratification fine des patients atteints d’un cancer de la prostate, et ouvrirait la voie à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques plus ciblées.Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the third leading cause of cancer-related death in men in Canada. A quarter of patients will develop a more aggressive form of this cancer. While there are several clinical prognostic variables for localized prostate cancer (Gleason score, prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels, stage, etc.), these are insufficient to adequately distinguish between low and high-risk of progression cases. As a result, clinicians need new, more effective tools to stratify this cancer and to ensure that treatments are best tailored to each patient. To date, no prognostic biomarker has yet been used clinically. Based on the literature and preliminary studies of small cohorts (less than 65 patients), we hypothesize that the protein expression of PUMA-NOXA and ERBB family members could help with the prediction of prostate cancer progression. The objectives of this thesis are: 1) to identify and validate antibodies for each biomarker of interest, 2) to define the expression levels of each biomarker on a 285 patient cohort, 3) to evaluate the correlation between marker expression levels and patient clinical data. For clinical use, monoclonal-type antibodies were chosen to identify the biomarkers of interest. These antibodies were validated for specificity by western blot and immunofluorescence techniques. The localization of the protein of interest was further identified within samples of patient tissues and additional optimization involving combinatorial staining for epithelial and basal cells. After refining the imaging and statistical analysis of PUMA and NOXA in benign glands, we found that extreme (weak or strong) PUMA expression coupled with high NOXA expression was associated with biochemical relapse. In addition, these proteins have significant potential for predicting disease evolution based on the initial radical prostatectomy sample. The presence of these proteins in benign glands would allow the identification of patients less suitable for active surveillance. Additionally, statistical analysis of ERBB family receptors in tumor glands, when used alone, allow stratification of prostate cancer patients for the prediction of biochemical relapse, development of metastases and also specific death from prostate cancer. Moreover, patients expressing a combination of high EGFR expression and low ERBB3 expression are at high risk of biochemical relapse and are at higher risk of prostate cancer specific mortality. In addition, coupling this high EGFR – low ERBB3 combination to a low ERBB2 expression helps classify patients at high risk of developing metastases. My doctoral research project will have made it possible to identify and validate biomarkers of interest for predicting the progression of prostate cancer and demonstrating the interest of combining these biomarkers in order to achieve better stratification of patients with prostate cancer. In the context of clinical utility, these results need to be validated on an independent and multicenter cohort in order to confirm these findings. This would eventually provide clinicians with a greater number of tools at their disposal to correctly anticipate patient trajectories and possibly identify new therapeutic targets for the control of the disease

    PUMA and NOXA Expression in Tumor-Associated Benign Prostatic Epithelial Cells Are Predictive of Prostate Cancer Biochemical Recurrence

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    Background: Given that treatment decisions in prostate cancer (PC) are often based on risk, there remains a need to find clinically relevant prognostic biomarkers to stratify PC patients. We evaluated PUMA and NOXA expression in benign and tumor regions of the prostate using immunofluorescence techniques and determined their prognostic significance in PC. Methods: PUMA and NOXA expression levels were quantified on six tissue microarrays (TMAs) generated from radical prostatectomy samples (n = 285). TMAs were constructed using two cores of benign tissue and two cores of tumor tissue from each patient. Association between biomarker expression and biochemical recurrence (BCR) at 3 years was established using log-rank (LR) and multivariate Cox regression analyses. Results: Kaplan–Meier analysis showed a significant association between BCR and extreme levels (low or high) of PUMA expression in benign epithelial cells (LR = 8.831, p = 0.003). Further analysis revealed a significant association between high NOXA expression in benign epithelial cells and BCR (LR = 14.854, p < 0.001). The combination of extreme PUMA and high NOXA expression identified patients with the highest risk of BCR (LR = 16.778, p < 0.001) in Kaplan–Meier and in a multivariate Cox regression analyses (HR: 2.935 (1.645–5.236), p < 0.001). Conclusions: The combination of PUMA and NOXA protein expression in benign epithelial cells was predictive of recurrence following radical prostatectomy and was independent of PSA at diagnosis, Gleason score and pathologic stage

    High Levels of MFG-E8 Confer a Good Prognosis in Prostate and Renal Cancer Patients

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    Milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor-8 (MFG-E8) is a glycoprotein secreted by different cell types, including apoptotic cells and activated macrophages. MFG-E8 is highly expressed in a variety of cancers and is classically associated with tumor growth and poor patient prognosis through reprogramming of macrophages into the pro-tumoral/pro-angiogenic M2 phenotype. To date, correlations between levels of MFG-E8 and patient survival in prostate and renal cancers remain unclear. Here, we quantified MFG-E8 and CD68/CD206 expression by immunofluorescence staining in tissue microarrays constructed from renal (n = 190) and prostate (n = 274) cancer patient specimens. Percentages of MFG-E8-positive surface area were assessed in each patient core and Kaplan–Meier analyses were performed accordingly. We found that MFG-E8 was expressed more abundantly in malignant regions of prostate tissue and papillary renal cell carcinoma but was also increased in the normal adjacent regions in clear cell renal carcinoma. In addition, M2 tumor-associated macrophage staining was increased in the normal adjacent tissues compared to the malignant areas in renal cancer patients. Overall, high tissue expression of MFG-E8 was associated with less disease progression and better survival in prostate and renal cancer patients. Our observations provide new insights into tumoral MFG-E8 content and macrophage reprogramming in cancer

    High Keratin-7 Expression in Benign Peri-Tumoral Prostatic Glands Is Predictive of Bone Metastasis Onset and Prostate Cancer-Specific Mortality

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    Background: New predictive biomarkers are needed to accurately predict metastasis-free survival (MFS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS) in localized prostate cancer (PC). Keratin-7 (KRT7) overexpression has been associated with poor prognosis in several cancers and is described as a novel prostate progenitor marker in the mouse prostate. Methods: KRT7 expression was evaluated in prostatic cell lines and in human tissue by immunohistochemistry (IHC, on advanced PC, n = 91) and immunofluorescence (IF, on localized PC, n = 285). The KRT7 mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) was quantified in different compartments by digital analysis and correlated to clinical endpoints in the localized PC cohort. Results: KRT7 is expressed in prostatic cell lines and found in the basal and supra-basal compartment from healthy prostatic glands and benign peri-tumoral glands from localized PC. The KRT7 staining is lost in luminal cells from localized tumors and found as an aberrant sporadic staining (2.2%) in advanced PC. In the localized PC cohort, high KRT7 MFI above the 80th percentile in the basal compartment was significantly and independently correlated with MFS and CSS, and with hypertrophic basal cell phenotype. Conclusion: High KRT7 expression in benign glands is an independent biomarker of MFS and CSS, and its expression is lost in tumoral cells. These results require further validation on larger cohorts