330 research outputs found


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    The Hazard Prediction and Assessment Capability (HPAC) dispersion model is widely used by the U.S. Department of Defense and the results of previous evaluations have been presented at Harmonization conferences. The version of its diagnostic wind model that is applied to urban areas has been significantly updated to remove biases in wind speed estimates, requiring reevaluations with urban tracer data sets such as the Joint Urban 2003 (JU2003) data base. For comparison purposes, a simple Gaussian-format urban dispersion model has been run for the same JU2003 data base. The simple urban model has previously been evaluated with the Madison Square Garden 2005 (MSG05) data. The evaluations focus on 30-minute averaged (1) arc maximum concentrations and (2) concentrations paired in space. It is shown that the revisions to the diagnostic wind model in urban HPAC have resulted in improved performance. Similar good performance is found for the simple urban dispersion model, although it has more errors for off-centerline and upwind receptors in the downtown area

    Site percolation and random walks on d-dimensional Kagome lattices

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    The site percolation problem is studied on d-dimensional generalisations of the Kagome' lattice. These lattices are isotropic and have the same coordination number q as the hyper-cubic lattices in d dimensions, namely q=2d. The site percolation thresholds are calculated numerically for d= 3, 4, 5, and 6. The scaling of these thresholds as a function of dimension d, or alternatively q, is different than for hypercubic lattices: p_c ~ 2/q instead of p_c ~ 1/(q-1). The latter is the Bethe approximation, which is usually assumed to hold for all lattices in high dimensions. A series expansion is calculated, in order to understand the different behaviour of the Kagome' lattice. The return probability of a random walker on these lattices is also shown to scale as 2/q. For bond percolation on d-dimensional diamond lattices these results imply p_c ~ 1/(q-1).Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX, 8 figures (EPS format), submitted to J. Phys.

    The Grizzly, April 21, 2022

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    A Look Into Ursinus\u27s Quest for an Inclusive Campus • Contact Without a Trace! • Get to Know Dr. Carol Dole • Meet Eva Wright! • Opinions: Club Sports Should Have Athletic Trainers • Trophy Brophy • The Get-Back: Ursinus Softballhttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1986/thumbnail.jp

    Ceres' opposition effect observed by the Dawn framing camera

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    The surface reflectance of planetary regoliths may increase dramatically towards zero phase angle, a phenomenon known as the opposition effect (OE). Two physical processes that are thought to be the dominant contributors to the brightness surge are shadow hiding (SH) and coherent backscatter (CB). The occurrence of shadow hiding in planetary regoliths is self-evident, but it has proved difficult to unambiguously demonstrate CB from remote sensing observations. One prediction of CB theory is the wavelength dependence of the OE angular width. The Dawn spacecraft observed the OE on the surface of dwarf planet Ceres. We characterize the OE over the resolved surface, including the bright Cerealia Facula, and to find evidence for SH and/or CB. We analyze images of the Dawn framing camera by means of photometric modeling of the phase curve. We find that the OE of most of the investigated surface has very similar characteristics, with an enhancement factor of 1.4 and a FWHM of 3{\deg} (broad OE). A notable exception are the fresh ejecta of the Azacca crater, which display a very narrow brightness enhancement that is restricted to phase angles <0.5< 0.5{\deg} (narrow OE); suggestively, this is in the range in which CB is thought to dominate. We do not find a wavelength dependence for the width of the broad OE, and lack the data to investigate the dependence for the narrow OE. The prediction of a wavelength-dependent CB width is rather ambiguous. The zero-phase observations allow us to determine Ceres' visible geometric albedo as pV=0.094±0.005p_V = 0.094 \pm 0.005. A comparison with other asteroids suggests that Ceres' broad OE is typical for an asteroid of its spectral type, with characteristics that are primarily linked to surface albedo. Our analysis suggests that CB may occur on the dark surface of Ceres in a highly localized fashion.Comment: Credit: Schr\"oder et al, A&A in press, 2018, reproduced with permission, \copyright ES

    The Grizzly, April 28, 2022

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    The New Normal: A Spotlight on Women\u27s Wrestling • A Conversation with the New Division of Inclusion and Community • Note from the News Editor • Dancing the Night Away: UCDC\u27s Spring Concert • That\u27s All, Folks: Goodbye Dr. Throop! • The Man Behind the Grizzly: Doron Taussig • A Note from the Features Editor • Opinions: Bring Back the Old Jazzman\u27s • A Note from the Opinions Editor • A Note from the Sports Editor • D3 Baller to D1 Coach • Ballin\u27 in Europehttps://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/1987/thumbnail.jp

    Structure-Kinetic Profiling of Haloperidol Analogues at the Human Dopamine D2 Receptor

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    Haloperidol is a typical antipsychotic drug (APD) associated with an increased risk of extrapyramidal side-effects (EPS) and hyperprolactinemia relative to atypical APDs such as clozapine. Both drugs are dopamine D2 receptor (D2R) antagonists, with contrasting kinetic profiles. Haloperidol displays fast association/slow dissociation at the D2R whereas clozapine exhibits relatively slow association/fast dissociation. Recently, we have provided evidence that slow dissociation from the D2R predicts hyperprolactinemia, whereas fast association predicts EPS. Unfortunately, clozapine can cause severe side-effects independent of its D2R action. Our results suggest an optimal kinetic profile for D2R antagonist APDs that avoids EPS. To begin exploring this hypothesis, we conducted a structure-kinetic relationship study of haloperidol and reveal that subtle structural modifications dramatically change binding kinetic rate constants, affording compounds with a clozapine-like kinetic profile. Thus, optimisation of these kinetic parameters may allow development of novel APDs based on the haloperidol scaffold with improved side-effect profiles

    Universality of finite-size corrections to the number of critical percolation clusters

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    Monte-Carlo simulations on a variety of 2d percolating systems at criticality suggest that the excess number of clusters in finite systems over the bulk value of nc is a universal quantity, dependent upon the system shape but independent of the lattice and percolation type. Values of nc are found to high accuracy, and for bond percolation confirm the theoretical predictions of Temperley and Lieb, and Baxter, Temperley, and Ashley, which we have evaluated explicitly in terms of simple algebraic numbers. Predictions for the fluctuations are also verified for the first time.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figs., Latex, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Long receptor residence time of C26 contributes to super agonist activity at the human β2 adrenoceptor

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    Super agonists produce greater functional responses than endogenous agonists in the same assay, and their unique pharmacology is the subject of increasing interest and debate. We propose that receptor residence time and the duration of receptor signaling contribute to the pharmacology of super agonism. We have further characterized the novel β2 adrenoceptor agonist C26 (7-[(R)-2-((1R,2R)-2-benzyloxycyclopentylamino)-1-hydroxyethyl]-4-hydroxybenzothiazolone), which displays higher intrinsic activity than the endogenous ligand adrenaline in cAMP accumulation, β-arrestin-2 recruitment, and receptor internalization assays. C26 recruited β-arrestin-2, and internalized the Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP)-taggedβ2 adrenoceptor at a slow rate, with half-life (t1/2) values of 0.78 ± 0.1 and 0.78 ± 0.04 hours, respectively. This was compared with 0.31 ± 0.04 and 0.34 ± 0.01 hours for adrenaline-mediated β-arrestin-2 recruitment and GFP-β2 internalization, respectively. The slower rate for C26 resulted in levels of β-arrestin-2 recruitment increasing up to 4-hour agonist incubation, at which point the intrinsic activity was determined to be 124.3 ± 0.77% of the adrenaline response. In addition to slow functional kinetics, C26 displayed high affinity with extremely slow receptor dissociation kinetics, giving a receptor residence half-life of 32.7 minutes at 37°C, which represents the slowest dissociation rate we have observed for any β2 adrenoceptor agonist tested to date. In conclusion, we propose that the gradual accumulation of long-lived active receptor complexes contributes to the increased intrinsic activity of C26 over time. This highlights the need to consider the temporal aspects of agonist binding and signaling when characterizing ligands as super agonists
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