78 research outputs found

    Estimation of soil moisture using multispectral and FTIR techniques

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    AbstractSoil moisture is a key capricious in hydrological process, the accessibility of moisture content in soil reins the mechanism amid the land surface and atmospheric progression. Precise soil moisture determination is influential in the weather forecast, drought monitoring, hydrological modeling, agriculture management and policy making. The aims of the study were to estimate soil moisture through remotely sensed data (FTIR & optical) and establishment of the results with field measured soil moisture data. The ground measurements were carried out in 0–15cm depth. Permutation of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and land surface temperature (LST) were taken to derive temperature vegetation dryness index (TVDI) for assessment of surface soil moisture. Correlation and regression analysis was conceded to narrate the TVDI with in situ calculated soil moisture. The spatial pattern of TVDI shows that generally low moisture distribution over study area. A significant (p<0.05) negative correlation of r=0.79 was found between TVDI and in situ soil moisture. The TVDI was also found adequate in temporal variation of surface soil moisture. The triangle method (TVDI) confers consistent appraisal of moisture situation and consequently can be used to evaluate the wet conditions. Furthermore, the appraisal of soil moisture using the triangular method (TVDI) was possible at medium spatial resolutions because the relationship of soil moisture with LST and NDVI lends an eloquent number of representative pixels for developing a triangular scatter plot

    Stress, Depression and Organizational Workplace

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    The purpose of this article was to squad different signs and symptoms of depression and how it affects the daily as well as professional lives of people and also an attempt was made to differentiate depression from stress, because some of the researchers and practitioners considered these two terms as synonym or reciprocal for each other especially in business organizations. This disease is so much common now a day that people don’t know that they are suffering from it. To help the people different signs and symptoms discussed in the paper. This study is conceptual one. And it will be helpful for the employees of the professional organizations, team leaders and managers that if they feel any changes in their subordinates or group members they should take corrective action immediately to maximize the output, because most of the organizations in advance countries are bearing their major expenses on employee medical expenses, sick leaves and workplace sickness

    Street Children and its Impact on Educational Attainment in North-Western State (Punjab) of Pakistan

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    Street children constitute a violent category in most societies; they have considered what society considers appropriate relationships with major institutions of childhood such as family, education and health. The study sets to examine background characteristics of street children, surviving strategies of street children, abuse experienced by street children, problems encountered on the street. The sample of 250 respondents was selected by simple random sampling technique through well-structured questionnaire. The instrument comprised on two sections. According to the results of the study the neglect is most common abuse experienced by children in the selected area of study and it is increasing highly. In addition, it was discovered that socio-economic status serves as a predictor to existence of street children in country i.e. as the age increases, level of abuse also increases. Therefore, the study recommends that a better social supports for children, the need to establish street rehabilitation strategy to come-in to serve as a very effective way to support street children as it occurs at locations where they live


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    In current study, it was theorized that perceived fairness reduces the detrimental effects of perception of organizational politics on performance outcomes of organizations i.e. organizational commitment, managerial effectiveness and organizational performance. To test this exposition, data of 243 managerial employees of banking sector have been obtained and used to find out the moderating effect of organizational justice on perception of organizational politics and performance outcomes. The findings reached at the conclusion that distributive and procedural dimensions of the organizational justice safeguard the damaging effects of perception of organizational politics on performance but interactional justice has not verified as moderator. This study extends the fairness theory and recommends management to flourish fairness culture in organizations to reduce the injurious effects of organizational politics in the workplace


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    Purpose: Parent Teacher Council (PTC) is a school community which has the role in educational institutions to develop schools academically and financially. Methods: In this study, the output analysis of school communities for the schools’ development and educational enhancement were investigated. The tool of the study was a questionnaire which was administered to the school community secretaries and chairpersons. The tool of the study was already validated by sending to the panel of experts and its reliability was tested on Cronbach’s alpha (0.83) and factor analysis (0.56). It was a descriptive and non-experimental survey research. In this study, the collected data were analyzed on Chi square as statistical test. Results: The findings of the study revealed that PTC as school communities were established and had not put into account their tasks as they were asked to perform. The problem with these communities that they were not functional and did not know what was their role in schools which they had to perform. Their role was suffered owing to illiterate parents and due to that, the vacuum was found in the schools and school community collaboration

    Modelling the determinants and Sustainability of Current Account of Pakistan

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    The study investigated the determinants of the current account deficit from 1976 to 2020 for the economy of Pakistan, and its sustainability. The persistent deficit is necessary to be sustainable if it will be paid off shortly otherwise it will pile up external debt. The conventional methodology concluded that current account deficit (CAD) of Pakistan is unsustainable, albeit one measure suggests sustainability. There is cointegration among variables and domestic saving, external debt, fiscal deficit and trade deficit has positive whereas exchange rate and worker’s remittances have a negative relation with the current account, all the results are significant. The negative sign of the error correction term confirms restoration of equilibrium and it is also significant. Bidirectional causality is reported between the worker’s remittances, exchange rate and external debt with CAD. Unidirectional causality is seen from CAD to trade deficit and fiscal deficit. The diagnostic tests of the model confirm robustness. The government should favour an investment-friendly environment to increase economic activity in the country besides improving domestic savings and reducing the external deficit

    2-Carboxy­anilinium chloride monohydrate

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    In the mol­ecule of the title compound, C7H8NO2 +·Cl−·H2O, an intra­molecular N—H⋯O hydrogen bond results in the formation of a non-planar six-membered ring adopting a flattened boat conformation. In the crystal structure, inter­molecular O—H⋯O and N—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds link the mol­ecules. There is a C=O⋯π contact between the carbonyl unit and the centroid of the benzene ring. There is a C=O⋯π contact [C⋯Cg = 3.5802 (18), C—O⋯Cg = 89 (1)°] between the carbonyl unit and the centroid of the benzene ring

    A Simple Approach of Groundwater Quality Analysis, Classification, and Mapping in Peshawar, Pakistan

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    Groundwater is an important source of water for drinking, agriculture, and other household purposes, but high population growth, industrialization, and lack of oversight on environmental policies and implementation have not only degraded the quality but also stressed the quantity of this precious source of water. Many options existed, but this study evaluated, classified, and mapped the quality of groundwater used for potable consumption with a simple approach in an urban area (Peshawar valley) of Pakistan. More than 100 groundwater samples were collected and analyzed for physio-chemical parameters in a laboratory. Hierarchal clustering analysis (HCA) and classification and regression tree (CART) analysis were sequentially applied to produce potential clusters/groups (groundwater quality classes), extract the threshold values of the clusters, classify and map the groundwater quality data into meaningful classes, and identify the most critical parameters in the classification. The HCA produced six distinct potential clusters. We found a high correlation of electrical conductivity with total hardness ( R2= 0.72 ), alkalinity ( R2= 0.59 ) and chloride (R2= 0.64) , and, total hardness with chloride ( R2 = 0.62), and alkalinity ( R2 = 0.51). The CART analysis conclusively identified the threshold values of the six classes and showed that total hardness was the most critical parameter in the classification. The majority of the groundwater was either with worse quality or good quality, and only a few areas had the worst groundwater quality. This study presents a simple tool for the classification of groundwater quality based on several aesthetic constituents and can assist decision makers develop and support policies and/or regulations to manage groundwater resources.published versionpeerReviewe

    Impact of CSR, Quality of Work Life and Organizational Structure on Employee’s Performance in Pakistan

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    The trends of organizations are changing and demanding satisfied employees rather than dissatisfied employees. This paper provides factors through which employee’s performance can be increased to achieve organizational goals and objectives. To attract the motivated employees and building relations, CSR can perform for society which will change the thoughts of stakeholders. Quality of work life has impact on organization’s effectiveness which is essential for firms to be healthy and productive. Firms should adopt employee oriented policies which satisfies them to achieve organizational objectives. This study also indicates that effective organizational structure is necessary for improving the performance of employees and the organization. The structure is a source of success or failure because it empowers the employee which will increase the sense of responsibility. For the improvement in the organization and removing stress of the employees management must consider the hygiene factors to motivate the employees. The conceptualized work is conducted which is proved through evidence. For further study statistical analysis can be done for confirmation of the hypothesis

    Utjecaj sastava podloge na komercijalnu proizvodnju alkalne proteaze s pomoću soja Bacillus licheniformis N-2

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    Protease production by alkalophilic B. licheniformis N-2 was investigated in 50 mL of the growth medium consisting of (in g/L): glucose 10.0, soybean meal 10.0, K2HPO4 3.0, MgSO4·7H2O 0.5, NaCl 0.5 and CaCl2·2H2O 0.5 at pH=10. Different carbon and nitrogen sources in the form of fine powder of organic, inorganic and defatted meals were studied to select the suitable substrate for alkaline protease production. The highest level of alkaline protease (677.64 U/mL) was obtained in the medium containing glucose followed by soluble starch and wheat bran. Among various nitrogen sources, defatted soybean meal was found to be the best inducer of alkaline protease, while inorganic nitrogen sources in the form of ammonium salts repressed the enzyme activity up to 96 %. Thermostability studies showed that the enzyme in the presence of 10 mM Ca2+ ions retained its residual activity up to 80 % even after incubation at 40 °C for 12 h. The enzyme was found stable over a broad range of pH (8–11) and lost 52 % of its residual activity at pH=12. After the treatment with Tween 20, Tween 45, Tween 65, Triton X-405, H2O2 and sodium perborate, each at 1.0 % concentration, the enzyme showed residual activity of 105, 82, 116, 109, 135 and 126 %, respectively. The application of alkaline protease for removal of blood stains from cotton fabric also indicates its potential use in detergent formulations.U radu je istražena proizvodnja proteaze s pomoću alkalofilnog soja bakterije Bacillus licheniformis N-2 u 50 mL podloge sastava (u g/L): glukoza 10,0; sojina sačma 10,0; K2HPO4 3,0; MgSO4·7H2O 0,5; NaCl 0,5 i CaCl2·2H2O 0,5; pH=10. Dodatkom raznih izvora ugljika i dušika u obliku finih praškastih organskih, anorganskih i nemasnih hranjiva, odabran je prikladan supstrat za proizvodnju alkalne proteaze. Najviše alkalne proteaze (677,64 U/mL) proizvedeno je u podlozi s glukozom, a nešto manje sa škrobom i mekinjama. Utvrđeno je da je nemasna sojina sačma najbolji izvor dušika za proizvodnju alkalne proteaze, dok su amonijeve soli smanjile aktivnost enzima i do 96 %. Ispitivanje termostabilnosti enzima pokazalo je da on, u prisutnosti Ca2+ iona u koncentraciji od 10 mM, zadržava čak do 80 % aktivnosti i nakon inkubacije pri 40 °C tijekom 12 sati. Enzim je bio stabilan u području pH-vrijednosti od 8 do 11, a pri pH=12 izgubio je 52 % rezidualne aktivnosti. Nakon obrade različitim 1,0 %-tnim otopinama izmjerena je ova rezidualna aktivnost enzima: 105 % s Tween 20, 82 % s Tween 45, 116 % s Tween 65, 109 % s Triton X-405, 135 % s H2O2 i 126 % s natrijevim perboratom. Alkalna se proteaza može primijeniti u proizvodnji detergenata za uklanjanje mrlja od krvi pri pranju tkanina