9 research outputs found

    A Preliminary Assessment of Physical Properties of Sediment at Sembrong Reservoir

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    Reservoir is one of the main sources of water supply and provides functions to hydroelectric power, domestic use, agriculture, flood protection and recreation. Due to the rapid farming, agricultural activities and oil palm trees plantation development that contribute to the increment of sediment, the Sembrong reservoir is slowly endangered due to the shrinkage of reservoir storage. Therefore, this research is initiated to characterize the sediment which could be used as control in future research in the treatment of contaminated sediment. The objective of this study was to determine distribution of physical properties of sediment based on Sembrong Reservoir sediment. In this study, sediment samples were collected using gravity corer at different points in the reservoir area. The physical properties of sediment was investigated by conducted experiments include particle size distribution, bulk density test, moisture content, loss of ignition and scanning electron microscope (SEM). From the data obtained, the bulk density at horizontal distribution was almost the same and the average values obtained was between 10-17 kN/m3. Moisture content of sediment at horizontal distribution at location 3 was the highest with 185.04%. From the particle size distribution, it can be concluded that location 2 had the highest percentage of finer sand where the value was 81% while 19% were silt and clay. For horizontal distribution of organic content, location 5 had the highest result with the percentage of 12.768%. For particle shape of sediment, it was in bulky and flaky categories while the void ratio was getting smaller by the depth

    Application of HEC-RAS for Drainage Capacity Analysis in Sungai Jempol, Negeri Sembilan

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    Floodplain research is important for human existence and the social economy. It can be observed that the positions of buildings impacted by flooding, such as bridges and roads, cannot be properly matched to the floodplain site in stream floodplain analysis using most computer models. The purpose of this study is to develop an output of Hydrologic Engineering Center’s River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) hydraulic model that will allow for one-dimensional steady flow analysis and stimulate the flood area for 20, 50 and 100 years. This study is applied to Sungai Jempol catchment area, located in Jempol. Floodplain data features such as length of streams, bank position, streamline and cross-sections were used to produce river flow and its cross-sectional shape for each station along the study area. Total of 3 flow rate values were used to indicate an increase in the water level in order to accommodate the additional amount of water that flow into river. The results show that water will overflow into the floodplain at maximum flow rate of 9m3/s or 20 years of return period. The hydraulic model had indicated that 5 out of 30 stations were unable to accommodate the maximum flow rate and thus will led to flooding. By developing the hydraulic model, it clearly shows that the results are more reliable and the affected area can be easily identified. The developed flood model can be a very useful tool in flood management of Sungai Jempol in terms of river development planning, flood mitigation measures, flood evacuation planning and addressing public awareness. This study proved that HEC-RAS is one of effective instrument for analysis and modeling

    The Combination of a Previous Kitchen Waste Grease Trap for Fat, Oil, and Grease for Pre-Treatment

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    Fat, oil, and grease (FOG) contamination of wastewater is a significant problem for municipalities and operators of solid waste facilities. Restaurants and households are the higher contributions to the FOG entering the sewage system. Its discharge into the sewage system leads to a constant build-up that eventually causes sewer pipes to get clogged. Numerous scholars have examined FOG deposition concerning sewage conditions and local lifestyles. in addition, innovative technologies have been launched to the market that removes FOG from wastewater before its discharge into drainage and sewage systems. Grease interceptors, for example, are installed under certain restaurant kitchen sinks to collect grease from kitchen effluent. This technology is expensive, requires a lot of upkeep and space, and is often disregarded, resulting in odour discomfort. This research aims to modify a grease trap as the primary treatment method for untreated kitchen wastewater based on the gravity separation principle and to investigate the efficiency of grease trap physical treatment in a water treatment system used to filter oil and grease in the sink channel. Furthermore, when the outflow from the kitchen sink enters the grease trap, solid food particles sink into the grease trap while grease and oil float to the surface. The grease-free water goes into the septic system. Food particles in the waste food trap and floating oil and grease must be frequently removed. The optimization of the separation process was determined using a grease trap based on the flow rate of kitchen wastewater. The results revealed that the optimization removal of FOG was 99.54% with a 2.41 L/min of flow rate. Hence, this study shows the effectiveness of using grease traps could treat raw kitchen wastewater based on the gravity separation principle

    Assessment of sediment and water quality in Sembrong Reservoir, Johor

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    Sembrong reservoir is a major water source for 240,000 people in the district of Kluang and parts of Batu Pahat. Depletion of storage capacity due to the sedimentation process and eutrophication has recently been the most concerning issues at the reservoir. The objectives of this research are to analyze the distribution of sediment and sedimentation rate in Sembrong reservoir by using GIS. Also, to determine the sediment nutrients and trophic status index (TSI) in Sembrong reservoir in order to correlate the relationship between water and sediment nutrient parameters. Before conducting the laboratory testing, sampling process were done involving sediment and water sampling. Six (6) locations for sediment sampling were selected and portable gravity corer was used to get the sediment cores while for water sampling, seventeen (17) locations were chosen and samples were taken using grab method. Before conducted the laboratory testing, sediment cores were digested to change it state from solid to liquid. Laboratory testing for sediment samples consist of Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP) and sieve analysis for particle size distribution. For water samples, in-situ testing was conducted to test for the dissolve oxygen (DO), temperature and pH. Water transparency was tested by using Secchi disc. For laboratory testing, water samples undergo Total Nitrogen (TN), Total Phosphorus (TP), Ammonia Nitrogen, Nitrate and Chlorophyll-a for TSI tests. Data obtained from the testing were analyzed using bathymetry map analysis to determine the sedimentation rate and pattern in Sembrong reservoir for the past years from 1984 to 2013, GRADISTAT for particle size distribution, Carlson‘s trophic status for TSI and SPSS for the correlation between water and sediment nutrient parameters. Based on the 1984 and 2013 bathymetry maps, the reservoir storage capacity was reduced by 12.54 million m3 due to sedimentation. This is equal to 0.43% decrease in volume per year. Surface areas of the reservoir undergo shrinkage as much as 1.216 km for 29 years, thus the rate of shrinkage was 41.83 m/year. Estimation of reservoir useful life shows that Sembrong reservoir is still able to operate up to 20 years from 2013 if there is no action taken. From GRADISTAT analysis, particle size distribution in Sembrong reservoir consist of sandy gravel. For the vertical nutrient composition in sediment, the highest composition of total phosphorus (TP) was obtained at Location 4 in Zone II with 31.41 mg/L at depth of 10 cm from surface while for total nitrogen (TN), the highest composition was also obtained at Location 4 in Zone II with 38.45 mg/L. Sembrong reservoir generally had high nutrient concentrations in the uppermost sediment layers and decreased by sediment depth. The Carlson‘s trophic status analysis had indicated that Sembrong reservoir was in a eutrophic state with TSI > 50 and graded as bad. For correlation analysis by using SPSS, water and sediment nutrient parameters have a weak relationship with r between 0 – 0.2. As conclusion, preventive action and maintenance should be done to remove the sediment and extend the lifespan of Sembrong reservoir. This analysis gave an insight into the variability of sediment nutrient concentration within the reservoir. It also demonstrates the relationship where water may influence the sediment nutrient in the reservoir

    Spatial and Temporal Variations of Water Quality and Trophic Status in Sembrong Reservoir, Johor

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    A study of spatial and temporal variations on water quality and trophic status was conducted to determine the temporal (average reading by month) and spatial variations of water quality in Sembrong reservoir and to evaluate the trophic status of the reservoir. Water samples were collected once a month from November 2016 to June 2017 in seventeen (17) sampling stations at Sembrong Reservoir. Results obtained on the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, pH and secchi depth had no significant differences compared to Total Phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll-a. The water level has significantly decreased the value of the water temperature, pH and TP. The water quality of Sembrong reservoir is classified in Class II which is suitable for recreational uses and required conventional treatment while TSI indicates that sembrong reservoir was in lower boundary of classical eutrophic (TSI > 50)

    Spatial and Temporal Variations of Water Quality and Trophic Status in Sembrong Reservoir, Johor

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    A study of spatial and temporal variations on water quality and trophic status was conducted to determine the temporal (average reading by month) and spatial variations of water quality in Sembrong reservoir and to evaluate the trophic status of the reservoir. Water samples were collected once a month from November 2016 to June 2017 in seventeen (17) sampling stations at Sembrong Reservoir. Results obtained on the concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO), water temperature, pH and secchi depth had no significant differences compared to Total Phosphorus (TP) and chlorophyll-a. The water level has significantly decreased the value of the water temperature, pH and TP. The water quality of Sembrong reservoir is classified in Class II which is suitable for recreational uses and required conventional treatment while TSI indicates that sembrong reservoir was in lower boundary of classical eutrophic (TSI > 50)

    Heat Lump in Different Pavement Layer Using Ethylene Glycol as A Solar Heat Collector

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    Due to the hot weather in Malaysia, several studies being carried out regarding solar energy harvesting and use as a noble renewable energy. Therefore, researchers start developing various methods to utilize sun’s heat as a renewable source of energy. Solar energy has been always concern researchers to develop most effective, durable and cheap methods and materials to be used as solar energy collectors in road pavements. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the maximum heat area using ethylene glycol. The study was involved the field monitoring of the six samples of asphalt slab with stainless steel pipe with ethylene glycol and empty pipe act as the controlled sample. The pipe was arranged in three different depths of 50mm, 100mm and 150mm and keeping controlled the pipe diameter and the size of slab of 20mm and 300mm x 300mm respectively. These results show that the maximum heat extraction by the ethylene glycol was at a depth 150mm which was 51.2°C. The average percentage increments of the pipe with ethylene glycol for three days for pipe depth 50mm was 71%, while for pipe at depth 100mm and 150mm were 78% and 62% respectively. The ethylene glycol effect was more noticeable compare to the pipe without ethylene glycol and can store more heat. For the strength of pipe, the highest maximum load bearing capacity that can be supported by the stainless steel pipe was at depth 50mm and the second highest was at a depth 100mm while the third highest was at depth 150mm. So, the suitable depth to install the pipe with the consideration of both cases which was maximum heat gain and the maximum load that can be supported was at depth 50mm

    Heat Lump in Different Pavement Layer Using Ethylene Glycol as A Solar Heat Collector

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    Due to the hot weather in Malaysia, several studies being carried out regarding solar energy harvesting and use as a noble renewable energy. Therefore, researchers start developing various methods to utilize sun’s heat as a renewable source of energy. Solar energy has been always concern researchers to develop most effective, durable and cheap methods and materials to be used as solar energy collectors in road pavements. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the maximum heat area using ethylene glycol. The study was involved the field monitoring of the six samples of asphalt slab with stainless steel pipe with ethylene glycol and empty pipe act as the controlled sample. The pipe was arranged in three different depths of 50mm, 100mm and 150mm and keeping controlled the pipe diameter and the size of slab of 20mm and 300mm x 300mm respectively. These results show that the maximum heat extraction by the ethylene glycol was at a depth 150mm which was 51.2°C. The average percentage increments of the pipe with ethylene glycol for three days for pipe depth 50mm was 71%, while for pipe at depth 100mm and 150mm were 78% and 62% respectively. The ethylene glycol effect was more noticeable compare to the pipe without ethylene glycol and can store more heat. For the strength of pipe, the highest maximum load bearing capacity that can be supported by the stainless steel pipe was at depth 50mm and the second highest was at a depth 100mm while the third highest was at depth 150mm. So, the suitable depth to install the pipe with the consideration of both cases which was maximum heat gain and the maximum load that can be supported was at depth 50mm

    Heat Lump in Different Pavement Layer Using Ethylene Glycol as A Solar Heat Collector

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    Due to the hot weather in Malaysia, several studies being carried out regarding solar energy harvesting and use as a noble renewable energy. Therefore, researchers start developing various methods to utilize sun’s heat as a renewable source of energy. Solar energy has been always concern researchers to develop most effective, durable and cheap methods and materials to be used as solar energy collectors in road pavements. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the maximum heat area using ethylene glycol. The study was involved the field monitoring of the six samples of asphalt slab with stainless steel pipe with ethylene glycol and empty pipe act as the controlled sample. The pipe was arranged in three different depths of 50mm, 100mm and 150mm and keeping controlled the pipe diameter and the size of slab of 20mm and 300mm x 300mm respectively. These results show that the maximum heat extraction by the ethylene glycol was at a depth 150mm which was 51.2°C. The average percentage increments of the pipe with ethylene glycol for three days for pipe depth 50mm was 71%, while for pipe at depth 100mm and 150mm were 78% and 62% respectively. The ethylene glycol effect was more noticeable compare to the pipe without ethylene glycol and can store more heat. For the strength of pipe, the highest maximum load bearing capacity that can be supported by the stainless steel pipe was at depth 50mm and the second highest was at a depth 100mm while the third highest was at depth 150mm. So, the suitable depth to install the pipe with the consideration of both cases which was maximum heat gain and the maximum load that can be supported was at depth 50mm