438 research outputs found

    Demand and Supply Analysis of Transport Energy in Pakistan

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    Over the last decade, the importance of energy consumption in transport sector has burgeoned forth and has been growing rapidly in Pakistan, and the course is being augured to linger over the coming decades. This paper brings about the function of transport energy demand, economic growth (GDP), oil rents, gas rents, road length and number of registered vehicles for Pakistan over the 1980-2015 by using Autoregressive Distributive Lag (ARDL) approach. The results which have had come about shows preponderance of the fact that there is powerful relationship between all concerned variables when transport energy demand is used as a dependent variable in Pakistan. Hence, Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) model is used for the future forecasting related to the consumption and production of gasoline and oil. According to the forecasted results, consumption (demand) is much greater as compared to production (supply) in both non-renewable sources. As policy makers suggest, we can make up for this lacuna by bourgeoning forth new technology (hybrid vehicles) as well as an awareness campaign through which we can make others abreast of this research may be launched about energy conservation methods to curtail the transport energy demand (TED) in the country


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    The current research investigates the Barriers in implementation of E-Business Technologies in Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) in Pakistan. Data were collected from 2000 respondents by using simple random technique. A structural questionnaire was developed for the data collection and reliability and validity of data. It was revealed that most of the SMEs business owners are not familiar in using internet and in many cases they are not computer literate. It was further revealed that Government should provide some basic computer training to the Small and Medium Enterprises so they will able to use computer. The proper implementation of E-Business technologies in SMEs in Pakistan, Government and other related agencies can initiate E-Business in SMEs to achieve competitive edge

    Financial Inclusion and Determinants in South Asian Countries

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    Financial inclusion is considered an essential mediator to achieve economic growth in recent years. The main focus of this study is to construct the financial inclusion index and to explore the determinants of financial inclusion in Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India. Data is collected from InterMedia's financial inclusion insights datasets 2016 that are collected through random sampling. The financial inclusion index is used as a dependent variable that is calculated using levels of access and usage of financial services. Age, gender, education, financial situation, working type and use of mobile phones are used as independent variables. Results of multinomial logistic regression reveals that in South Asian countries educated, male, relatively older, rich and regular employees have a better chance to be financially included. Mobile phone users also prefer high financial inclusion. Developing countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India can attain inclusive growth by increasing the contribution of weaker sections of the population with the mainstream. If weaker sections of the population have easy access to financial services, the economic growth of a country can be enlarged. So policymakers should focus on the financial sector's structural problems and pay attention to create modern financial institutes both in the banking sector and in financial markets

    Implementation of ventilator bundle in pediatric intensive care unit of a developing country

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    The aim of this study was to assess the frequency of VAP(ventilator associated pneumonia) after strict implementation of ventilator bundle in PICU. Medical records of all children (age 1 month - 16 years) were retrospectively reviewed, who were on mechanical ventilation (MV) for more than 48 hours and received all key components of ventilator bundle from January 2012 to December 2014. Out of 1050, 565 (54%) patients were enrolled. The mean age was 4.02 SD 4.29 years and 62 (69%) were male. The indications of MV were respiratory illness (54%), neurological illness (31%), shock (9%), and postoperative care (6%). The mean duration of MV was 7.05 SD 5.4 days. Only 4 patients (0.7%) developed VAP. The incidence-density of VAP was 1.6 per 1000 ventilator days. The strict implementation of simple, inexpensive interventions (ventilator bundle) in care of mechanically ventilated children can decrease significantly VAP even in resource-limited country

    An overview of artificial nutrition in apiculture

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    Artificial nutrition in apiculture is a long-term subject of discussion and investigation. The maintenance and boosting of bee colonies in apiculture depends on synthetic food around the globe to overcome the suppressing factors, including dearth periods. The information on types of food components and their combinations used is haphazard and hardly helpful in determining the advancements in the artificial feeding of bees. This study aimed to extract the available information on artificial feeding on honeybees and arrange it most scientifically. The information in the form of research or review articles available on every platform, viz., soft portals, printed journals, books and scientific proceedings, were collected and analyzed to produce a comprehensive and informative review article on the artificial nutrients in apiculture. Compilation of the available information revealed that artificial feeding of bees depends on food components and their combinations. Based on this, it can be suggested that nectar and pollen are basic foods of honey bees, and based on this, the food components were further categorized as nectar supplements and pollen supplements. These supplements were fed to bees as natural nutrients and food components. The natural nutrients include proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, yeasts, antibiotics, amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, etc. Meanwhile, under natural food components, cereal grains, pulses, beans, fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants, spices, condiments, and some non-traditional/ miscellaneous kinds of stuff have been included in the bee diets. On the other hand, many diet categories have been prepared using the abovementioned nutrients and food components in various forms and proportions. In general, the pollen and nectar, the main food of bees, have been supplemented under different diet combinations. These diet combinations used pollen and nectar substitutes or combined with other nutrition, drugs, antibiotics, etc. The present investigation provides an updated overview of the food categories and their combinations used in the artificial feeding of bees to date. These findings can help explore new food items and their effective diet combinations

    Effects of Subcapsularis Neuro Muscular Reduction (NMR) in Adhesive Capsulitis

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    Background: To determine the effects of Subscapularis Neuromuscular Reduction (NMR) in Adhesive Capsulitis patients on pain, Range of Motion (ROM) and Quality of life. Methods: In this randomized controlled trail patients with freezing and frozen stage of Adhesive capsulitis and limited range of movement were included. Patients were randomly divided into control (Group A) and experimental group (Group B). The patients of Group A were treated with conventional physical therapy treatment protocol and patients of group B were treated with subscapularis neuromuscular reduction along with conventional physical therapy. The patient outcome measures were assessed using numeric pain rating scale (NPRS), SPADI (shoulder pain and disability index) and ranges via goniometry. Data was analyzed by SPSS 21. Results: Both group showed significant improvement, but the end value comparison showed significant difference. NMR (Neuromuscular Reduction) on Subscapularis muscles improved the pain, ROM and Patient functional status more as compared to the conventional physical therapy group. The NPRS mean value for control group was 2.90±1.09 and mean value for experimental group was 2.05±1.10with p value of 0.021 while the mean value of SPADI for control group was33.52±9.96 and for experimental group was 26.72±8.00 with p value of 0.026. Conclusion: Treatment groups showed improvement by reducing pain, improving range of motion and functional status but neuromuscular reduction of subscapularis muscles was found to be more effective

    Do examination results mirror student's preferences?

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    Poster Während des klinischen Studienabschnittes bildet sich der Eindruck, dass Studierende entweder stärker an eher theoretischen Gebieten wie Innere Medizin, Pharmakologie oder Klinischer Chemie interessiert sind, oder an praktisch orientierten, meist operativen Disziplinen. Wir haben diese Hypothese am Fachbereich Medizin der Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt getestet mit den Prüfungsergebnissen für die Noten in den klinischen Fächern. Die Klausuren werden mit einem vergleichbaren Format in allen Fächern abgehalten, praktische Fähigkeiten werden durch OSCE-Prüfungen gemessen. Die derzeitige Datenbasis umfasst 300 - 1000 Studierende pro Fach. Die derzeitigen Ergebnisse zeigen eine stärkere Korrelation der Prüfungsleistungen in verwandten Fächern; die Korrelationen zwischen theoretischen und praktischen Prüfungsleistungen sind entgegen den Erwartungen nicht stark ausgeprägt. Bei der Interpretation ist zu berücksichtigen, dass die individuellen Leistungen auch durch andere Faktoren beeinflusst werden, wie die Notwendigkeit des Arbeitens, Tätigkeiten im Rahmen einer Dissertation oder extracurriculare Aktivitäten, die die Prioritäten in Klausuren oder praktischen Prüfungen von einer guten Note zum Bestehen ändern können. Auch die derzeitige Unsicherheit über die Bedeutung der Fachnoten trägt dazu bei, nicht in jedem Fall gute Noten erreichen zu wollen. Die derzeitigen Daten zeigen keine ausgeprägte Clusterung studentischer Lernleistungen; typischerweise sind individuelle Studierende entweder in allen Fächern herausragend, oder in keinem Fach

    Prognose des Studienerfolges im Fach Medizin : erste Ergebnisse ; Poster

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    Als Konsequenz der Änderung des Hochschulrahmengesetzes können deutsche Hochschulen einen Großteil Ihrer zur Verfügung stehenden Studienplätze in den Numerus-Clausus Fächern nach eigenen Kriterien vergeben. Die Identifizierung von Merkmalen, die im Zusammenhang mit dem Studienerfolg stehen, stellt daher ein aktuelles Forschungsthema dar. Ein längsschnittlich angelegtes Forschungsprojekt der Universität Frankfurt am Main soll prüfen, inwieweit kognitive und nicht-kognitive Merkmale wie gewichtete Einzelfachnoten, das Ergebnis eines fachbezogenen Kenntnistests oder bildungsbiographische Daten neben der Abiturdurchschnittsnote einen bedeutsamen Beitrag zur Prognose des Studienerfolges in den Anfangssemestern des Studiengangs Medizin leisten können. Im Wintersemester 05/06 wurde Studierenden des ersten Fachsemesters ein Test zur Erfassung naturwissenschaftlicher Vorkenntnisse (Nawik) der Bereiche Mathematik, Physik, Chemie und Biologie vorgelegt sowie die Abiturdurchschnittsnote erhoben. Als Indikator für den Studienerfolg im ersten Fachsemester wurde die Punktzahl in der Anatomieklausur heran gezogen. Die ersten Ergebnisse einer Stichprobe von N=140 Studierenden lassen substanzielle Korrelationen der Leistungen im Nawik sowie der Abiturdurchschnittsnote mit der Klausurleistung erkennen (r= 0,45, p< 0,01 bzw. r= -0,24, p<0,01). Eine schrittweise Regression weist insbesondere die Leistung im Test naturwissenschaftlicher Vorkenntnisse als vorhersagestarken Prädiktor aus. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse werden anhand einer größeren Stichprobe geprüft. Weitere Auswertungen zur Bedeutsamkeit von Einzelfachnoten und bildungsbiographischen Daten (wie das Ausmaß an Vorerfahrung in medizinischen Bereichen) für den Studienerfolg laufen derzeit