838 research outputs found

    Campus Radio Against Conflict: The Case Study in The University of Peshawar

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    This study deals with the role of Campus Radio (CR) of Peshawar University in Pakistan both to on campus community and off campus community related to the cases following the 9/11 such as terror and incident toward the cause of the ousted Afghan Taliban militant. The study uses qualitative research method to provide relevant information based on the actual participation, observations, and direct interviews of the researcher. Pashto language programs overcome the rupture caused by terrorism through suturing the past to the present. This “linking strategy” provides cathartic opening for the off-campus community, helping them to question temporal realities-radicalism and terrorism.Keywords: Campus radio, Peshawar university, conflict, qualitative method----------------------------------------------------------------------Studi ini membahas peran Radio Kampus, Universitas Peshawar, Pakistan bagi komunitas di dalam dan komunitas di luar kampus terkait dengan insiden terguling–nya militan Afghanistan dan kasus-kasus teror setelah peris–tiwa serangan 9/11. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk memberikan informasi yang relevan berda–sarkan partisipasi langsung, pengamatan, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa program bahasa Pashto menyelesaikan problem yang disebabkan oleh tero–risme melalui menghubungkan masa lalu dengan masa kini, yang disebut dengan “linking strategy”. Strategi ini membe–rikan ruang katarsis bagi masyarakat luar kampus, serta membantu mereka untuk mengkritisi realitas radikalisme dan terorisme yang ada.Kata Kunci: Radio kampus, Universitas Peshawar, konflik, metode kualitati

    IC 630: Piercing the Veil of the Nuclear Gas

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    IC 630 is a nearby early-type galaxy with a mass of 6×1010M⊙6 \times 10^{10} M_{\odot} with an intense burst of recent (6 Myr) star formation. It shows strong nebular emission lines, with radio and X-ray emission, which classifies it as an AGN. With VLT-SINFONI and Gemini North-NIFS adaptive optics observations (plus supplementary ANU 2.3m WiFeS optical IFU observations), the excitation diagnostics of the nebular emission species show no sign of standard AGN engine excitation; the stellar velocity dispersion also indicate that a super-massive black hole (if one is present) is small (M∙=2.25×105 M⊙M_{\bullet} = 2.25 \times 10^{5}~M_{\odot}). The luminosity at all wavelengths is consistent with star formation at a rate of about 1−2M⊙1-2 M_{\odot}/yr. We measure gas outflows driven by star formation at a rate of 0.18M⊙0.18 M_{\odot}/yr in a face-on truncated cone geometry. We also observe a nuclear cluster or disk and other clusters. Photo-ionization from young, hot stars is the main excitation mechanism for [Fe II] and hydrogen, whereas shocks are responsible for the H2_2 excitation. Our observations are broadly comparable with simulations where a Toomre-unstable, self-gravitating gas disk triggers a burst of star formation, peaking after about 30 Myr and possibly cycling with a period of about 200 Myr.Comment: 32 pages, 19 figures Accepted for publication in Ap

    An Undergraduate forensic biochemistry laboratory experiment to detect doping in animal hair using LCMS

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    Doping using performance enhancing banned substances is a serious problem in almost every sport competition. Not surprisingly, the detection of these contra banned drugs is an area of active and continuous improvement and innovation by bioanalytical chemists. Additionally, most students working out in the gym and taking part in various sports need to be made aware of the doping and the health problems associated with it. Science or STEM students, in particular chemistry students, must not only be made aware of these issues, but also be taught that chemistry (and science) can provide solutions to such real-life issues. To this end, a newly developed forensic laboratory experiment is described that guides students to learn liquid chromatography mass spectrometry instrumentation (LC-MS) to detect four common doping drugs cortisol, dexamethasone, methyl prednisolone and flumethasone in camel hair samples. In addition, the project is also designed to reinforce the importance of hair analysis as an additional sample matrix, complementary to saliva, blood and urine tests, in doping applications. In addition to learning various aspects of sample preparation, extraction, and LC-MS principles, students will also learn how to validate this method according to Food and Drugs Administration guidelines for intra and inter day precision and accuracy, recovery, stability and linearity. This “applied forensic science” experiment was successfully implemented in a biochemistry undergraduate research course to enhance students\u27 learning of doping issues as well as important bio-analytical and forensic biochemistry concepts. Student survey confirmed that this laboratory experiment was successful in achieving the objectives of raising awareness of doping control in students and illustrating the usefulness of chemistry in solving real-life problems. This experiment can be easily adopted in an advanced biochemistry laboratory course and taught as an inquiry-guided exercise. Such hands-on and engaging experiments should be part of undergraduate curriculum to foster deeper interest and innovation in STEM subjects to better prepare the next-generation workforce in science and technology

    Women's contested politics of presence : learning from the experiences of Pakistani women parliamentarians

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    This study provides a case study of women’s political representation in the National Parliament of Pakistan, where a particular form of the quota approach has been adapted in a highly gendered political context. By examining the experiences of Pakistani women parliamentarians, this thesis contributes to key academic literature on gender quotas and political representation that has received a considerable attention from feminist scholars. The aim of this thesis is to explore the extent to which women’s formal representation is translated into substantive change for women. This is an empirical case study, primarily based on qualitative analyses of face-to-face in-depth semi-structured interviews of 20 women parliamentarians (out of 76) and proceedings of the parliament of the last three years (2008-11). By adapting Anne Phillips’s (1995) The Politics of Presence in entirely new and novel way, one of the major contributions this study claims to make to the theoretical literature is to analytically examine the effects of quotas from various aspects of political representation: descriptive, substantive and symbolic representation and from a broader perspectives than has hitherto been seen. It also addresses a major gap in the literature on the reasons why some quota women act more often than others in legislatures, and what factors contribute to the silence and suppression of Pakistani women leaders. It is argued that women’s presence in the political spheres is important, but that it is vital to take the particular context into account when judging whether women can and do act for women. This thesis shows that representation depends on various factors which can positively or negatively contribute towards substantive change. It also demonstrates that quotas may challenge existing gender dynamics and have various effects on women’s representation within and outside parliament. However, some gender and human rights issues may be difficult to tackle, especially those challenging the powerful feudal and tribal political elite (mainly men)

    Examining the impact of FinTechs in extending capital access to MSMEs

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    The advancement in technology in the finance sector has given birth to FinTech. South Asia will be witnessing the highest FinTech growth rate in the next five years. Indian MSMEs have been seen to be riding this tide, and FinTechs are well aware of that. This study aims to examine the role of Fintech-based microfinancing in the growth and sustainability of MSMEs. We have followed qualitative methodology to understand the impact of FinTech services on the MSMEs\u27 overall development. Insights from interviews revealed many problems, especially credit-related, faced by MSMEs. The participants accepted that FinTechs have helped them overcome the problems by offering quick and customized short-term loans. The study establishes that the support from FinTech has made the MSMEs more financially stable, resulting in their growth. This study will be the first to investigate this relationship between Fintech and MSMEs. The evidence found in our work points towards the overarching effect of such ecosystems on the nation\u27s economy

    Interaction between population and Enviromental Degradation

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    The present study investigates the long-run interrelationship among the demographic variables and environmental indicators by using the Johansen-Juselius cointegration technique and error correction model to determine the short-run dynamics of the system related to time series data for Pakistan economy, over the period 1972–2001. The paper finds the existence of a cointegrating vector, indicating a valid long-run relationship among the variables. Moreover, demographic variables have a significant effect in the short-run on AL but their short-run coefficients have an insignificant impact on CO2 emission. The empirical evidence clearly support that high population growth rates have a deleterious impact on environment. The policy implication thereof is to enhance the need of lowering population in Pakistan which seems to be a burden on the existing resources and a challenge to the environment.


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    In the intricate web of South Asia's security dynamics, India and Pakistan's relationship holds the key to equilibrium. Geographical proximity demands swift responses, prompting India's strategic shift towards Counterforce targeting. Official declarations and military posturing attest to India's resolute commitment to recalibrate its deterrence doctrine. This study critically examines the origins of India's Counterforce targeting strategy, drawing from existing literature and employing theoretical frameworks, including posture optimization, escalation ladder, superiority-brinkmanship, mathematical game theory, rational choice theory, and nuclear deterrence. These models collectively contribute to understanding the implications of India's pursuit of nuclear superiority for coercive diplomacy with Pakistan. Beyond enriching the understanding of South Asia's security, this research unravels the interplay between evolving nuclear strategies, the fluid dynamics of deterrence, and nuanced geopolitical ambitions. By deciphering India's counterforce targeting approach, this study fosters a nuanced discourse on South Asian strategic stability, offering insight into the pivotal role of nuclear deterrence in shaping the region.   Bibliography Entry Ashraf, Mubeen and Syed Saif ul Haq. 2023. "Strategic Transformations: India's Pursuit of Counterforce Targeting and Regional Stability." Margalla Papers 27 (2): 14-26

    Factors Influencing Women’s Access of Mobile Financial Services: An Empirical Study on Sylhet Region

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    In the world of today’s market, most emerging sector is mobile financial services (MFS) which played a significant role in increasing GDP in many developing countries. Like other developing and developed countries, service sectors in Bangladesh are much more conscious about women’s existence in mobile financial services. The main purpose of this study is to identify the factors that influence women’s access in mobile financial services. For conducting this study, a quantitative research methodology was followed, whilst; structured questionnaire used as main data collection instrument with survey techniques and convenience sampling procedures used for selecting respondents of this study. Collected data were analyzed by using SPSS 20.0.  Data analysis performed using through descriptive statistics, reliability test, factor analysis and regression analysis. Study found that there exist strong associative relationship between women’s access and selected factors. It also found that mobility and rules regulations are the most influential factors where speed, security, culture, norms & values and number of both branches and agents have negative influences on the women’s access in MFS. Study concludes that women’s access in mobile financial services completely depends on some influential factors those need to be considered by the mobile financial providers in Bangladesh. Keywords: Women’s access, MFS, Influential factor
