48 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic findings in a cow with abomasal lymphosarcoma: Case report

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    Background: This case report describes the clinical and ultrasonographic findings in a Swiss Braunvieh cow with lymphosarcoma of the abomasum. Case Presentation: The main clinical findings were vomiting in response to eating and melena. The results of serum biochemistry and rumen fluid analysis were indicative of abomasal reflux syndrome. The main ultrasonographic findings were two enlarged lymph nodes caudal to the reticulum and a severely enlarged abomasum with thickening of the abomasal wall and folds. Based on all the findings, pyloric stenosis caused by lymphosarcoma was tentatively diagnosed and later confirmed at postmortem examination. Conclusions: This is an interesting case, which broadens the spectrum of abomasal reflux syndrome

    Histologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic characterization of a malignant iridophoroma in a dwarf bearded dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni)

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    A dwarf bearded dragon (Pogona henrylawsoni) was presented with a whitish subcutaneous mandibular mass and multiple nodules in the oral mucosa, heart, liver, kidney, intestine and visceral fat. Histologically, the tumor consisted of densely packed spindle-shaped cells with brownish intracytoplasmic pigment that exhibited white-bluish birefringence with polarized light. Immunohistochemical staining was negative for S-100 and weakly positive with Melan A. Negative contrast electron microscopic examination revealed cytoplasmic irregular, oblong empty spaces, laminated and often arranged into short stacks, compatible with reflecting platelet profiles typically seen in iridophores. However, in unstained ultrathin sections, electron dense crystalline material was present which filled the empty spaces described for stained sections before. Based on histology, immunohistochemistry and biological behavior, a malignant iridophoroma was diagnosed. To the authors’ knowledge, iridophoromas in lizards have not been characterized before by using electronic microscopy. Moreover, this is the first description of an iridophoroma in a dwarf bearded dragon

    Ultraschallbefunde bei einer Kuh mit extraskelettalem chondroblastischem Osteosarkom am Hals

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    ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die klinischen, sonographischen und pathologisch-anatomischen Befunde bei einer 5jährigen Braunviehkuh mit einem chondroblastischen Osteosarkom am Hals beschrieben. Die Kuh wies eine ca. 30 x 30 x 30 cm grosse, derbe, nicht schmerzhafte Umfangsvermehrung im unteren Bereich der linken Halsseite auf, die sich auch auf die rechte Halsseite erstreckte und sonographisch als gekammerte Struktur mit hyperechogenen Septen und echogenem Inhalt erschien. Aufgrund der histologischen Untersuchung einer Biopsie wurde die Diagnose chondroblastisches Osteosarkom gestellt, welche bei der postmortalen Untersuchung bestätigt werden konnte. ABSTRACT: This case report describes the clinical, ultrasonographic and pathological findings in a five-year-old Swiss Braunvieh cow with extraskeletal chondroblastic osteosarcoma of the neck region. The cow was referred because of a firm, non-painful swelling, approximately 25 cm in diameter, which was situated mainly on the lower left side of the neck but extended to the right. Ultrasonographic examination of the mass revealed a chambered structure containing echoic material that was separated by hyperechoic septa. Chondroblastic osteosarcoma was diagnosed based on histological evaluation of a biopsy sample, and the diagnosis was confirmed by postmortem examination

    Ruptured urinary bladder attributable to urethral compression by a haematoma after vertebral fracture in a bull

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    BACKGROUND: In male cattle, rupture of the urinary bladder is usually associated with urethral obstruction by uroliths. Less common causes include urethral compression or stricture. This case report describes the findings in a young Limousion breeding bull with rupture of the urinary bladder because of urethral compression by a haematoma after coccygeal fracture. CASE PRESENTATION: The bull had been introduced into a 40-head Red-Holstein herd one week before being injured. One week after introduction to the herd, the bull had an acute onset of anorexia and he was referred to the clinic. There was marked abdominal distension, reduced skin turgor and enophthalmus. The serum concentration of urea and creatinine was increased. Ultrasonographic examination revealed severe ascites and abdominocentesis yielded clear yellow fluid with high urea and creatinine concentrations, which supported a diagnosis of uroperitoneum. The bull was euthanatized because of a poor prognosis. Postmortem examination revealed a comminuted fracture of the first two coccygeal vertebrae associated with a massive haematoma that obstructed entire pelvic cavity. The haematoma compressed the urethra thereby preventing outflow of urine, which resulted in a 5-cm tear ventrally at the neck of the bladder. It was assumed that the newly-introduced bull had sustained the vertebral fractures when he was mounted by a cow. CONCLUSIONS: The present case study serves to expand the differential diagnosis of urinary bladder rupture. Therefore, in addition to obstructive urolithiasis, compression and stricture of the urethra might be considered in male cattle with uroperitoneum

    Nachhandparese infolge eines malignen Lymphoms bei einer Ziege

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    Zusammenfassung:In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein Fall von Nachhandparese bei einer 4 Jahre alten Ziege durch ein malignes Lymphom beschrieben. Die Ziege wurde wegen einer progredienten Ataxie der Nachhand, welche schliesslich zur Nachhandparese und zum Festliegen geführt hatte, in die Klinik überwiesen. Die Ziege lag in Brustlage fest und konnte sich selbständig in den Hundshock erheben. Bei der neurologischen Untersuchung fielen als wichtigste Befunde eine verminderte Sensibilität der Hintergliedmassen auf Nadelstiche und ein beidseits verminderter Pannikulusreflex auf. Die Liquoruntersuchung ergab einen erhöhten Proteingehalt und einen erhöhten Leukozytengehalt. In der Differenzierung wurden 98 % Lymphozyten, 1 % Monozyten und 1 % neutrophile Granulozyten sowie 3 Mitosen gesehen. Aufgrund der klinischen Befunde wurde die Diagnose zentralnervöse Erkrankung mit Sitz im thorakolumbalen Bereich des Rückenmarks gestellt. Die Ziege wurde euthanasiert und pathologisch-anatomisch untersucht. Die Lymphknoten im Ileosakralbereich waren zu einer knotigen Masse von ca. 15 cm × 12 cm × 5 cm konfluiert, die auch die ventrale Wirbelsäule umschloss und in den Wirbelkanal eingedrungen war. Die histologische Untersuchung ergab ein kleinzelliges malignes Lymphom. Abstract: This report describes a 4-year-old goat with posterior paresis and subsequent paralysis caused by malignant lymphoma. The goat was referred to our clinic because of progressive posterior ataxia, which developed into posterior paresis and paralysis. The goat was presented in sternal recumbency but was able to assume a dog-sitting position. A neurological examination revealed reduced sensitivity to pricking of the skin with a needle, and a bilateral reduced panniculus reflex. The cerebrospinal fluid was slightly cloudy with increases in the protein concentration and leukocyte count, which consisted of 98 % lymphocytes, 1 % monocytes and 1 % neutrophils; three cells had mitotic figures. Based on the clinical findings, a tentative diagnosis of central nervous system disease of the thoracolumbar spinal cord was made, and euthanasia and postmortem examination were carried out. The lymph nodes in the ileosacral region appeared as a 15 × 12 × 5 cm confluent mass, which involved the ventral vertebral column and infiltrated the spinal canal. Histological examination of the tumour yielded a diagnosis of microcytic malignant lymphoma

    Are PCV2-cattle infections at an early evolutionary virus adaption stage?

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    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has a major economic impact on pig production. Vaccination against the virus appears to keep PCV2 disease (PCVD) manifestations in check. Nevertheless, PCV2 has not been eliminated. Several reports indicate that cattle also seem to be susceptible to PCV2 infection. In this study, we detected increased PCV2 cross-species transmission and suggest a strategy for identifying hidden PCV2 infection in cattle. We compared a postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS) distressed-farm with a subclinically-infected farm and investigated how differences in virus concentration would affect PCV2 transmission to a susceptible host such as cattle. The pig population of farm 1 had recurrent PMWS cases among weaners. The 34 cattle in proximity to the PMWS-affected pigs included 14 cattle (41%) that carried a PCV2 load of on average 2.5 x 105 virus genomes per ml blood. Among these was a 7 years old cow with chronic mastitis that was infected with the highest PCV2 load of 1.3 x 106 virus genomes per ml blood. These numbers contrasted with farm 2 that housed PCV2-subclinically infected pigs in proximity to 31 cattle of which six (19%) were infected with an average of 1.7 x 105 virus genome per ml blood. No PCV2-specific humoral response was measured in these cattle. Additionally, we encountered the problem of how to measure PCV2 latent/persistent infections. In pigs, after a one-shot vaccination, we have previously observed a direct anti-PCV2 IgG response instead of the expected IgM response. This indicated that the pig immune system was already primed with PCV2. We therefore hypothesized that cattle may also be PCV2- primed. Although the cattle’s humoral immune system hardly responded to vaccination, we detected PCV2-specific IgG antibody in one cow after the first vaccination shot. This, taken together with the PCV2 transmission rate in hybrid farms indicated sporadic infections in the cattle population. Thus, it can be concluded that PCV2 infections were not well established in cattle in comparison to the situation in swin

    Rumen perforation caused by horn injury in two cows

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    Post-operative complications of trocarisation and rumenotomy are the most common causes of peritonitis associated with a rumen disorder. Since horn injury leading to rumen perforation has not previously been reported in the literature, two cows with this condition are reported. Small superficial skin lesions were observed in one of the cows and the other had a perforating skin lesion in the left abdomen. Both cows had signs of hypovolaemic shock. Ultrasonography revealed hypoechoic fluid, echoic lesions and occasional fibrinous septa caudoventral to the reticulum. Caudally the fluid extended to the left flank fold and occupied about one third of the peritoneal cavity. The area of the skin perforation in the left abdomen was swollen and the muscle layers could not be differentiated using ultrasonography. Diffuse fibrino-purulent peritonitis was diagnosed in both cows, and because of a poor prognosis, they were euthanased and necropsied. Perforation of the abdominal wall and rumen with diffuse fibrino-purulent peritonitis was present. Ultrasonography is a suitable tool to characterise the inflammatory lesions between the rumen and left abdominal wall and objectify the interpretation of clinical findings. Horn injury should be included in the rule outs for cattle with left abdominal skin wounds and diffuse peritonitis

    Fracture of the lumbar vertebrae in two cows

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    Veränderungen an den Konjunktiven bei einem Braunviehrind mit malignem Lymphom

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    This report describes a 2.8-year-old Swiss Braunvieh heifer with conjunctival changes as the lead clinical signs of malignant lymphoma. The heifer was referred to our clinic because of conjunctivitis that did not respond to treatment with antibiotics. The patient had bilateral lacrimation, severe swelling of the third eyelids and prolapse of the conjunctivae, which were erythematous and covered with haemorrhagic crusts. A clinical examination revealed enlarged prescapular and prefemoral lymph nodes. Based on cytological examination of a fine needle aspirate from a prescapular lymph node, a tentative diagnosis of malignant lymphoma was made. The heifer was euthanased and a postmortem examination carried out. The conjunctival lesions consisted of diffuse multifocal nodules of varying size. There was generalised lymphadenopathy and beige nodules were seen in several internal organs. Histological and immunohistological examinations confirmed the diagnosis of multicentric leukosis characterised by T-cell lymphoblasts, which had also infiltrated the conjunctivae. Examination of a blood sample for enzootic bovine leukosis virus yielded a negative result

    Suitability of testicular tissue fluid from castrated piglets to verify sow ­vaccination status and herd monitoring

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    In a proof of concept, PCV2-specific IgG-antibodies from testicular tissue fluid of seven-day-old castrated piglets were measured to verify the vaccination status of their mothers. Twelve randomly selected sows were vaccinated twice during the last third of gestation with a PCV2 vaccine, while ten controls received only adjuvant. PCV2- specific IgG-antibody titers of serum and colostrum from the sows were correlated with PCV2-specific IgG-antibody titers of serum and testicular tissue fluid of their castrated male offspring. Vaccinated sows showed significantly higher average PCV2-specific IgG-antibody titers in serum (29250 ELISA units, EU) and colostrum (65410 EU) compared to 980 EU and 2630 EU of the control group, respectively. Moreover, significantly higher average concentrations of antibodies were also measured in the serum (9362 EU vs. 247 EU) and the testicular tissue fluid (4022 EU vs. 354 EU) of piglets from vaccinated compared to piglets from adjuvant administered sows. Importantly, a strong linear correlation between PCV2-specific IgG-antibodies in the serum of the piglets and in their testicular tissue fluid was found (rs = 0.9148). PCV2-specific IgG-antibody titers of testicular tissue fluid from five randomly selected piglets allowed the determination of the vaccination status of the herd with a reliability of 98% for vaccinated and 73% for unvaccinated sows. Furthermore, using castration waste products is a very animal friendly method to replace painful and time-consuming blood samplings for herd monitoring or to verify vaccination status