59 research outputs found

    Platyacarus caulifer Mironov & Literak & Sychra & Capek 2017

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    Species group <i>caulifer</i> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Both sexes</i>. Setae <i>f2</i> absent, prodorsal shield entire, hysteronotal shield with lacunae, prodorsal shield with or without lacunae. <i>Male</i>. Adanal suckers with corolla dentate, only postero-mesal pair of adanal shields present, epimerites I fused into a Y, adanal apodemes present, terminal lamellae long spatuliform (3–4 times longer than wide), aedeagus extending beyond posterior margins of opisthosomal lobes. <i>Female</i>. Primary spermaduct short, with monotonous proximal enlargement from middle of spermaduct toward spermatheca and with distal enlargement (bursa copulatrix) constituting half the length of this spermaduct, head of spermatheca small hemispheric.</p> <p> <b>Remark.</b> This new species group includes the single species described below.</p>Published as part of <i>Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, pp. 1-105 in Zootaxa 4297 (1)</i> on pages 25-26, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4297.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/840212">http://zenodo.org/record/840212</a&gt

    Insect ectoparasites from wild passerine birds in the Czech Republic

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    Wild passerine birds (Passeriformes) from northeastern part of the Czech Republic were examined for ectoparasites. Three species of louse-flies of the genus Ornithomya (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), two species of fleas of the genera Ceratophyllus and Dasypsyllus (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), and 15 species of chewing lice belonging to the genera Myrsidea, Menacanthus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), Brueelia, Penenirmus, Philopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) were found on 82 birds of 23 species. New chewing louse-host records are Hippolais icterina for Menacanthus currucae; Motacilla cinerea for Menacanthus pusillus; Turdus philomelos and Motacilla cinerea for Brueelia merulensis; and Sylvia atricapilla for Menacanthus eurysternus. Brueelia neoatricapillae is cited for the first time for the Czech Republic. Parasitological parameters such as prevalence, intensity and abundance are also discussed

    Insect ectoparasites from wild passerine birds in the Czech Republic

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    Wild passerine birds (Passeriformes) from northeastern part of the Czech Republic were examined for ectoparasites. Three species of louse-flies of the genus Ornithomya (Diptera: Hippoboscidae), two species of fleas of the genera Ceratophyllus and Dasypsyllus (Siphonaptera: Ceratophyllidae), and 15 species of chewing lice belonging to the genera Myrsidea, Menacanthus (Phthiraptera: Menoponidae), Brueelia, Penenirmus, Philopterus (Phthiraptera: Philopteridae) were found on 82 birds of 23 species. New chewing louse-host records are Hippolais icterina for Menacanthus currucae; Motacilla cinerea for Menacanthus pusillus; Turdus philomelos and Motacilla cinerea for Brueelia merulensis; and Sylvia atricapilla for Menacanthus eurysternus. Brueelia neoatricapillae is cited for the first time for the Czech Republic. Parasitological parameters such as prevalence, intensity and abundance are also discussed

    Nycteridocaulus attila Mironov & Literak & Sychra & Capek 2017, sp. n.

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    <i>Nycteridocaulus attila</i> Mironov sp. n. <p>(Figs. 34–36)</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Male holotype (ZISP 6484), 4 male and 11 female paratypes from <i>Attila spadiceus</i> (Gmelin, JF, 1789) (Tyrannidae), <b>COSTA RICA</b>, Tapantí National Park, Sector Tapantí, Cordillera de Talamaca Mts, 09°46′N, 83°47′W, 7 August 2009, collectors I. Literak, O. Sychra and M. Capek.</p> <p> <b>Depository.</b> Holotype, 2 male and 9 female paratypes (ZISP 6485–6495)—ZISP; 1 male, 1 female paratype— UMMZ (BMOC-15-1028-005), 1 male, 1 female paratype—IMUCR.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> MALE (holotype, range for 4 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma, length × width, 290 (290– 300) × 160 (150–160), length of hysterosoma 190 (190–200). Prodorsal shield: anterolateral extensions acute, lateral margins entire, posterior margin slightly concave with small median extension, 85 (82–90) in length and 92 (90–98) in width, surface without ornamentation (Fig. 34 A). Setae <i>ve</i> rudimentary. Scapular setae <i>se</i> separated by 60 (60–65). Setae <i>c2</i> and <i>cp</i> on humeral shield. Setae <i>c3</i> lanceolate, 15 (15–16) × 5 (5–6). Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 25 (20–25). Hysteronotal shield: 185 (180–200) in length and 95 (90–95) in width; anterior margin slightly concave, surface without ornamentation. Opisthosoma attenuated posteriorly. Opisthosomal lobes short, roughly rectangular, with blunt lateral extensions bearing bases of setae <i>h2</i> and <i>h3</i>. Terminal lamellae narrow leaf-like, 72 (70–75) in length and 28 (20–30) in width, dorsal surface with clear median vein and pennate pattern. Terminal cleft small semi-ovate, with anterior end extending beyond the level of setae <i>h2</i>, 20 (20–25) in length, 15 (12–15) in width at level of setae <i>ps1</i>. Supranal concavity narrowed posteriorly and opening into terminal cleft. Setae <i>ps 1</i> in posteromedial angles of lobes, at level of setae <i>h3</i>; setae <i>h1</i> situated equidistant from transverse levels of setae <i>e2</i> and <i>h2</i>. Distance between dorsal setae: <i>c2:d2</i> 60 (60–65), <i>d2: e2</i> 55 (55–65), <i>e2:h3</i> 75 (60–75), <i>h2:h2</i> 63 (58–64), <i>h3:h3</i> 48 (45–50), <i>ps2:ps2</i> 62 (57–65), <i>h1:h3</i> 40 (40–44), <i>d1:d2</i> 20 (17–20), <i>e1: e2</i> 13 (13–20).</p> <p> Epimerites I free, close to each other, posterior tips slightly divergent; epimerites I, II with narrow surface fields; epimerites IVa absent (Fig. 34 B). Rudimentary sclerites rEpIIa absent. Trochanters III flanked by sclerotized bands connected with epimerites IIIa. Epimerites IIIa wide, with sclerotized plates around their inner tips almost reaching midline. Trochanters IV flanked by sclerotized bands connected with bases of epimerites III. Genital apparatus situated posterior to midlevel of trochanters IV. Genital arch shaped as recurved bow, 13 (13–15) in length and 30 (28–36) in width. Aedeagus dagger-like, 18 (18–22) in length, reaching level of setae <i>g</i> (Fig. 36 A, B). Both pairs of genital papillae on single bow-shaped transverse sclerite at level of genital arch apex. Distance from genital arch apex to bases of setae <i>ps1</i> 100 (100–105). Pregenital apodemes absent. Setae <i>4a</i> on soft tegument, setae <i>4b</i> on sclerotized areas on inner tips of epimerites IIIa. Adanal suckers 13 (13–14) in diameter, corolla with 13–14 denticles. Adanal shields represented by a pair of roughly L-shaped sclerites situated anterior to anal suckers. Setae <i>ps3</i> situated on transverse branches of adanal shields. Opisthoventral shields narrow, with small triangular extensions at level of anal opening. Setae <i>ps2</i> and <i>f2</i> situated submarginally. Distance between ventral setae: <i>3a:4b</i> 8 (8–10), <i>4b:4a</i> 27 (27–30), <i>4a:g</i> 33 (32–35), <i>g:g</i> 13 (13–15), <i>g:ps3</i> 20 (17–20), <i>ps3:ps3</i> 25 (25–28), <i>ps3:h3</i> 65 (58–65).</p> <p> Femora I, II with narrow ventral crest. Solenidion <i>σ1</i> of genu I longer than this segment and situated at its midlevel (Fig. 36 C, D). Solenidion <i>σ</i> of genu III situated at midlevel of this segment. Legs III, IV subequal in size, legs IV with ambulacral discs extending to level of setae <i>h3</i>. Tarsus IV 28 (25–28) in length, with apicoventral spine-like process bearing seta <i>w</i>; modified setae <i>d</i> and <i>e</i> button-like, seta <i>d</i> situated at midlength of this segment (Fig. 36 E, F). <i>Seta</i> d of tarsus II longer than corresponding seta <i>f</i>; seta <i>d</i> of tarsus III shorter than corresponding seta <i>f</i>. Length of solenidia: <i>σ 1</i> I 30 (30–32), <i>σ</i> III 24 (20–25), <i>φ</i> IV 35 (32–35).</p> <p> FEMALE (range for 10 paratypes). Idiosoma, length × width, 400–415 × 170–180, length of hysterosoma 280–290. Prodorsal shield: form and ornamentation as in male, 95–100 in length and 120–130 in width. Setae <i>se</i> separated by 75–80. Setae <i>c2</i> and <i>cp</i> on humeral shields. Setae <i>c3</i> lanceolate, 19–20 × 6–6.5 in width. Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 20–25. Anterior hysteronotal shield: 200–210 in length and 105–115 in width, anterior margin straight or slightly concave, posterior margin with short and wide median extension, surface without ornamentation (Fig. 35 A). Lobar region: 80–88 in length and 105–110 in width, lateral margins strongly convex, without noticeable extensions bearing setae <i>h2</i>; lobar shield entire, anterior margin with small median extension and a pair of shallow concavities. Terminal cleft narrow, with lateral margins slightly divergent posteriorly, 57–62 in length, 22–24 in width at level of setae <i>h3</i>. Supranal concavity absent. Setae <i>h2</i> lanceolate in basal part and with filiform apex, 80–90 in length, 7–8 in width; setae <i>h3</i> 68–75 in length, approximately half the length of terminal appendages. Setae <i>h1</i> inserted on striated tegument between the anterior hysteronotal and lobar shields. Setae <i>h1</i> and <i>f 2</i> in trapezoidal arrangement. Setae <i>ps1</i> on inner margins of opisthosomal lobes, close to level of setae <i>h3</i>. Distance between dorsal setae: <i>c2:d2</i> 85–90, <i>d2:e2</i> 110–120, <i>e2:h2</i> 40–45, <i>h2:h3</i> 35–40, <i>h1:h2</i> 35–38, <i>d1:d 2</i> 25–28, <i>e1: e2</i> 35–38, <i>h1:h1</i> 32–34, <i>h2:h2</i> 87–92, <i>h2:ps 1</i> 23–28.</p> <p> Epimerites I, II as in male, with narrow surface sclerotized fields. Epimerites IVa large, roughly triangular, with long and heavily sclerotized posterior extension (Fig. 35 B). Epigynum horseshoe-shaped, thick, with rounded tips extending to level of genital papillae, 47–50 in length, 66–70 in width. Genital papillae of each side on small ovate sclerotized plate. Setae <i>ps2</i> at midlevel of anal opening. Translobar apodemes not fused to each other anterior to terminal cleft. Copulatory opening situated in anterior end of terminal cleft. Head of spermatheca short; proximal part of primary spermaduct with cone-shaped enlargement 10–15 long; secondary spermaducts 30–35 long (Fig. 36 G). Distance between pseudanal setae, <i>ps2:ps2</i> 45–48, <i>ps3:ps 3</i> 18–22, <i>ps2:ps 3</i> 15–16.</p> <p> Legs I, II as male. Legs IV with distal margin of ambulacral disc extending to level of setae <i>h2</i>. Solenidion <i>σ1</i> of genu I longer than this segment and situated slightly closer to its base. Solenidion <i>σ</i> of genu III approximately at midlevel of this segment. Solenidion <i>φ</i> of tibia IV shorter than corresponding tarsus. Seta <i>d</i> of tarsus II longer than corresponding seta <i>f</i>, setae <i>d</i> of tarsi III, IV slightly shorter than corresponding setae <i>f.</i> Length of solenidia: <i>σ 1</i> I 36– 38, <i>σ</i> III 27–29, <i>φ</i> III 54 –57, <i>φ</i> IV 32 –38.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> The new species <i>Nycteridocaulus attila</i> sp. n. is close to <i>N. foliatus</i> Atyeo, 1966 in having foliform terminal lamellae in males. The new species differs from <i>N. foliatus</i> by the following features: in males, the apices of the terminal lamellae are attenuate, the pregenital apodemes are absent, and the opisthoventral shields are narrow, with small triangular extensions at the level of the anal opening. In males of <i>N. foliatus</i>, the apices of the terminal lamellae are widely rounded, the pregenital apodemes are fused into an H-shaped sclerite, and the opisthoventral shields are half as wide as the opisthosomal lobes and have narrow and acute extensions posterior to the level of the adanal suckers. Females of <i>N. foliatus</i> are unknown; among previously described species, females of <i>N. attila</i> are most similar to those of <i>N. bilobatus</i> Atyeo, 1966 in having the lobar region slightly wider than long, with strongly convex lateral margins and a narrow terminal cleft. Females of <i>N. attila</i> are distinguished from those of <i>N. bilobatus</i> in having setae <i>h2</i> shorter than the terminal appendages, the proximal part of the primary spermaduct with a cone-shaped enlargement, and by the absence of ornamentation on the hysteronotal shield. In females of <i>N. bilobatus</i>, setae <i>h2</i> are longer than the terminal appendages, the primary spermaduct lacks a cone-shaped enlargement, and the anterior hysteronotal shield bears small circular lacunae.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The specific epithet is taken from the generic name of the type host and is a noun in apposition.</p>Published as part of <i>Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, pp. 1-105 in Zootaxa 4297 (1)</i> on pages 61-65, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4297.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/840212">http://zenodo.org/record/840212</a&gt

    Platyacarus minor

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    Species group <i>minor</i> <p> <b>Diagnosis.</b> <i>Both sexes</i>. Setae <i>f2</i> present, prodorsal shield entire, prodorsal and hysteronotal shield with lacunae. <i>Male</i>. Adanal suckers toothed, adanal shields represented by 2 pairs of sclerites, adanal apodemes absent, epimerites I Y-shaped, terminal lamellae short tongue-shaped, aedeagus not extending beyond adanal suckers, hysterosoma with small metapodosomal sclerites. <i>Female</i>. Primary spermaduct short, without monotonous proximal enlargement toward spermatheca; head of spermatheca small conical.</p> <p> <b>Remark.</b> This group established herein includes two species: <i>Platyacarus minor</i> (Berla, 1959) and a new species described below.</p>Published as part of <i>Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, pp. 1-105 in Zootaxa 4297 (1)</i> on page 21, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4297.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/840212">http://zenodo.org/record/840212</a&gt

    Nycteridocaulus myiobius Mironov & Literak & Sychra & Capek 2017, sp. n.

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    <i>Nycteridocaulus myiobius</i> Mironov sp. n. <p>(Figs. 19–21)</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Male holotype (ZISP 6 148), 8 male and 12 female paratypes from <i>Myiobius sulphureipygius</i> (Sclater, PL, 1857) (Tyrannidae), <b>COSTA RICA</b>, Rincón de la Vieja National Park, Cordillera de Guanacaste Mts., 10°46'N, 85°18'W, 24 August 2009, collectors I. Literak, O. Sychra and M. Capek.</p> <p> <b>Depository.</b> Holotype, 6 male and 8 female paratypes (ZISP 6149–6165)—ZISP; 1 male and 1 female paratype—UMMZ (BMOC-15-1028-015), 1 male and 1 female paratype—IMUCR.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> MALE (holotype, range for 8 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma, length × width, 295 (290– 310) × 140 (140–150), length of hysterosoma 195 (190–200). Prodorsal shield: anterolateral extensions with rounded tips, lateral margins entire, posterior margin straight, 100 (95–105) in length and 100 (100–110) in width, entire surface with numerous circular lacunae up to 10 in diameter (Fig. 19 A). Setae <i>ve</i> rudimentary. Scapular setae <i>se</i> separated by 65 (65–75). Setae <i>c2</i> and <i>cp</i> on humeral shields. Setae <i>c3</i> lanceolate, 18 (17–19) × 4 (4–5). Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 10 (10–15). Hysteronotal shield: 190 (190–200) in length and 110 (105–115) in width; anterior margin slightly concave, surface with numerous circular lacunae as on prodorsal shield. Opisthosoma slightly attenuate posteriorly. Opisthosomal lobes short, roughly rectangular, posterior margin almost straight; terminal lamellae short rectangular, 11 (10–11) in length and 15 (15–18) in width. Terminal cleft small triangular, with anterior end extending to level of setae <i>h2</i>, 15 (15–17) in length, 11 (10–13) in width at level of setae <i>ps1</i>. Supranal concavity present, narrowed posteriorly. Setae <i>h2</i> situated on truncate lateral extensions of opisthosomal lobes; setae <i>h3</i> situated in posterolateral angles of lobes; setae <i>ps 1</i> in posteromedial angles of lobes, slightly anterior to level of setae <i>h3</i>; setae <i>h1</i> situated slightly anterior to setae <i>ps2</i>. Distance between dorsal setae: <i>c2:d2</i> 72 (70–75), <i>d2:e2</i> 65 (65–70), <i>e2:h3</i> 50 (50–60), <i>h2:h2</i> 65 (65–70), <i>h3:h3</i> 48 (48–55), <i>ps2:ps2</i> 72 (72–78), <i>h1:h3</i> 37 (30–38), <i>d1:d2</i> 22 (18–22), <i>e1: e2</i> 28 (23–28).</p> <p> Epimerites I free, close to each other, posterior tips divergent; epimerites I, II with narrow surface fields; epimerites IVa absent (Fig. 19 B). Rudimentary sclerite rEpIIa present. Trochanters III flanked by sclerotized bands going from bases of epimerites IIIa. Epimerites IIIa wide, with sclerotized areas around their inner tips with acute anterior extensions almost touching at midline and with short posterior extensions. Trochanters IV flanked by sclerotized bands stretching from bases of epimerites IV. Genital apparatus situated slightly posterior to level of trochanters IV. Genital arch shaped as recurved bow, 10 (9–11) in length and 38 (38–42) in width. Aedeagus styletlike, 18 (15–18) in length, reaching level of setae <i>g</i> (Fig. 21 A). Genital papillae of each side on small oval plates at level of genital arch apex. Distance from genital arch apex to bases of setae <i>h3</i> 88 (85–92). Pregenital apodemes absent. Setae <i>4a</i> on soft tegument, setae <i>4b</i> on sclerotized areas of epimerites IIIa. Adanal suckers 15 (15–16) in diameter, corolla with 9 denticles. Adanal shields represented by a pair of roughly L-shaped sclerites situated anterior to anal suckers. Setae <i>ps3</i> situated on transverse branches of adanal shields. Opisthoventral shields shaped as small roughly triangular extensions at level of anal opening. Distance between ventral setae: <i>3a:4b</i> 10 (10–13), <i>4b:4a</i> 30 (30–33), <i>4a:g</i> 33 (32–35), <i>g:g</i> 11 (11–12), <i>g:ps3</i> 25 (25–28), <i>ps3:ps3</i> 25 (25–28), <i>ps3:h3</i> 48 (45–50).</p> <p> Femora I, II with ventral crest. Solenidion <i>σ1</i> of genu I slightly longer than this segment and situated at its midlevel (Fig. 21 B, C). Solenidion <i>σ</i> of genu III situated at midlevel of this segment. Legs III, IV subequal in size, legs IV with ambulacral discs extending to level of setae <i>h3</i>. Tarsus IV 20 (20–24) in length, with apicoventral spine-like process bearing seta <i>w</i>; modified setae <i>d</i> and <i>e</i> button-like, both situated in distal half of this segment (Fig. 21 D). Seta <i>d</i> of tarsus II longer than corresponding seta <i>f</i>; setae <i>d</i> of tarsus III shorter than corresponding seta <i>f</i>. Length of solenidia: <i>σ 1</i> I 28 (25–28), <i>σ</i> III 15 (12–15), <i>φ</i> IV 30 (30–35).</p> <p> FEMALE (range for 10 paratypes). Idiosoma, length × width, 390–420 × 165–185, length of hysterosoma 280–300. Prodorsal shield: form and ornamentation as in male, 105–120 in length and 130–140 in width. Setae <i>se</i> separated by 86–92. Setae <i>c2</i> and <i>cp</i> on humeral shields. Setae <i>c3</i> lanceolate, 20–22 × 4–5. Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 8–10. Anterior hysteronotal shield: 195–205 in length and 125–145 in width, anterior margin almost straight, posterior margin with small rounded median extension and a pair of shallow concavities, entire surface with numerous circular lacunae; in posterior part these lacunae noticeably larger, up to 10 in diameter (Fig. 20 A). Lobar region: 90–95 in length and 90–98 in width, lateral margins strongly convex, without noticeable extensions bearing setae <i>h2</i>; lobar shield entire, its anterior margin concave, with small median extension. Terminal cleft narrow, almost parallel-sided, 55–64 in length, 12–17 in width at midlevel. Supranal concavity absent. Setae <i>h2</i> lanceolate without filiform apex, 50–55 in length, 7–8 in width; setae <i>h3</i> 70–75 in length, approximately half the length of terminal appendages. Setae <i>h1</i> inserted on striated tegument between anterior hysteronotal and lobar shields. Setae <i>h1</i> and <i>f 2</i> in trapezoidal arrangement. Setae <i>ps1</i> on inner margins of opisthosomal lobes, close to level of setae <i>h3</i>. Distance between dorsal setae: <i>c2:d2</i> 86–95, <i>d2:e2</i> 105–115, <i>e2:h2</i> 37–40, <i>h2:h3</i> 35–38, <i>h1:h2</i> 37–45, <i>d1:d 2</i> 25–34, <i>e1: e2</i> 52–55, <i>h1:h 1</i> 22–25, <i>h2:h2</i> 72–78, <i>h2:ps 1</i> 25–30. \ Epimerites I as in male; epimerites I, II with narrow surface fields. Epimerites IVa large, roughly triangular, with heavily sclerotized posterior extension (Fig. 20 B). Epigynum horseshoe-shaped, thick, lateral margins with blunt-angular extensions, tips acute extending beyond level of setae <i>g</i>, 47–55 in length, 75–85 in width. Genital papillae of each side on small ovate sclerotized plate. Setae <i>ps2</i> situated at midlevel of anal opening. Translobar apodemes not fused to each other anterior to terminal cleft. Copulatory opening ventral, situated near anterior end of terminal cleft. Head of spermatheca short; primary spermaduct without enlargement; secondary spermaducts 35–38 long (Fig. 21 F). Distance between pseudanal setae, <i>ps2:ps2</i> 47–50, <i>ps3:ps 3</i> 21–25, <i>ps2:ps 3</i> 13–15.</p> <p> Legs I, II as male. Legs IV with distal margin of ambulacral disc extending to level of setae <i>h2</i>. Solenidion <i>σ1</i> of genu I slightly longer than this segment and situated at its midlevel. Solenidion <i>σ</i> of genu III in proximal half of this segment. Solenidion <i>φ</i> of tibia IV equal to corresponding tarsus. Seta <i>d</i> of tarsus II longer than corresponding seta <i>f</i>, setae <i>d</i> of tarsi III, IV slightly shorter than corresponding setae <i>f.</i> Length of solenidia: <i>σ 1</i> I 30–35, <i>σ</i> III 15–18, <i>φ</i> III 52 –55, <i>φ</i> IV 37 –40.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> The new species <i>Nycteridocaulus myiobius</i> sp. n. is close to <i>N. guaratubensis</i> Hernandes, 2014 from <i>Phylloscartes kronei</i> Willis and Oniki (Tyrannidae) in having short opisthosomal lobes with nearly rectangular terminal lamellae in males, and the lobar shield with a small median extension on the anterior margin in females. <i>Nycteridocaulus myiobius</i> differs from <i>N. guaratubensis</i> by the following features: in both sexes, the prodorsal and anterior hysteronotal shields are covered with numerous circular lacunae; in males, the antero-lateral and postero-mesal parts of the adanal shields are connected by a very thin commissure; in females, the hysteronotal shield is wider (120–130 µm) and setae <i>h3</i> are 75–85 µm long, about 2/3 the length of the terminal appendages. In both sexes of <i>N. guaratubensis</i>, the prodorsal shield lacks ornamentation, the anterior hysteronotal shields bears minute and sparsely distributed circular lacunae; in males, the adanal shields are thick L-shaped; in females, the hysteronotal shield is 100–108 µm wide and setae <i>h3</i> are 66–72 µm long, about ½ the length of terminal appendages.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The specific epithet is taken from the generic name of the type host and is a noun in apposition.</p>Published as part of <i>Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, pp. 1-105 in Zootaxa 4297 (1)</i> on pages 41-45, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4297.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/840212">http://zenodo.org/record/840212</a&gt

    Nycteridocaulus leptopogoni Mironov & Literak & Sychra & Capek 2017, sp. n.

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    <i>Nycteridocaulus leptopogoni</i> Mironov sp. n. <p>(Figs. 16–18)</p> <p> <b>Type material.</b> Male holotype (ZISP 6356), 10 male and 10 female paratypes from <i>Leptopogon superciliaris</i> Tschudi, 1944 (Tyrannidae), <b>COSTA RICA</b>, Tapantí National Park, Sector Tapantí, Cordillera de Talamaca Mts., 09°46′N, 83°47′W, 31 July 2009, collectors I. Literak, O. Sychra and M. Capek.</p> <p> <b>Depository.</b> Holotype, 8 male and 8 female paratypes (ZISP 6357–6372)—ZISP; 1 male and 1 female paratype—UMMZ (BMOC-15-1028-001), 1 male and 1 female paratype—IMUCR.</p> <p> <b>Description.</b> MALE (holotype, range for 10 paratypes in parentheses). Idiosoma, length × width, 310 (305– 340) × 140 (140–165), length of hysterosoma 210 (210–220). Prodorsal shield: anterolateral extensions with rounded tips, lateral margins entire, posterior margin slightly concave, 95 (95–105) in length and 105 (105–120) in width, surface with numerous circular lacunae up to 10 in diameter (Fig. 16 A). Setae <i>ve</i> rudimentary. Scapular setae <i>se</i> separated by 65 (65–75). Setae <i>c2</i> and <i>cp</i> on humeral shield. Setae <i>c3</i> lanceolate, 18 (18–19) × 5 (5–6). Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 20 (15–20). Hysteronotal shield: 200 (195–220) in length and 115 (110–125) in width; anterior margin slightly concave, surface with numerous circular lacunae as on prodorsal shield. Opisthosoma slightly attenuate posteriorly. Opisthosomal lobes short, roughly rectangular, posterior margin almost straight; terminal lamellae short rectangular, 5 (5–6) in length and 16 (16–19) in width. Terminal cleft small, narrowly triangular, with anterior end extending to level of setae <i>h2</i>, 17 (15–17) in length, 9 (8–10) in width at posterior end. Supranal concavity present, narrowed posteriorly. Setae <i>h2</i> situated on small semiovate lateral extensions of opisthosomal lobes; setae <i>h3</i> situated in posterolateral angle of opisthosomal lobes; setae <i>ps 1</i> in posteromedial angles of lobes, slightly posterior to level of setae <i>h3</i>; setae <i>h1</i> situated slightly anterior to setae <i>ps2</i>. Distance between dorsal setae: <i>c2:d2</i> 75 (72–80), <i>d2:e2</i> 80 (80–85), <i>e2:h3</i> 40 (40–43), <i>h2:h2</i> 58 (55–64), <i>h3:h3</i> 44 (42–50), <i>ps2:ps2</i> 70 (70–75), <i>h1:h2</i> 32 (32–38), <i>d1:d2</i> 15 (15–20), <i>e1:e2</i> 28 (28–35), <i>ps1:h3</i> 3 (3–4).</p> <p> Epimerites I free, close to each other, posterior tips slightly divergent; epimerites I, II with narrow surface fields; epimerites IVa absent (Fig. 16 B). Rudimentary sclerite rEpIIa present. Trochanters III flanked by sclerotized band connecting bases of epimerites III and IIIa. Epimerites IIIa wide, with sclerotized plates around their inner tips almost touching at midline. Trochanters IV flanked by sclerotized bands stretching from bases of epimerites IV. Genital apparatus situated posterior to level of trochanters IV. Genital arch shaped as recurved bow, 13 (13–15) in length and 42 (42–45) in width. Aedeagus stylet-like, 20 (20–22) in length, reaching level of setae <i>g</i> (Fig. 18 A, B). Genital papillae on small oval plates at level of genital arch apex. Distance from genital arch apex to bases of setae <i>h3</i> 100 (100–105). Pregenital apodemes absent. Setae <i>4a</i> on soft tegument, setae <i>4b</i> on sclerotized areas of epimerites IIIa. Adanal suckers 16 (16–17) in diameter, corolla with 9 denticles. Adanal shields represented by a pair of roughly L-shaped sclerites situated anterior to anal suckers. Setae <i>ps3</i> situated on transverse branches of adanal shields. Opisthoventral shields shaped as small roughly triangular extensions at level of anal opening. Distance between ventral setae: <i>3a:4b</i> 15 (13–15), <i>4b:4a</i> 25 (25–28), <i>4a:g</i> 42 (42–45), <i>g:g</i> 18 (18–20), <i>g:ps3</i> 23 (23–25), <i>ps3:ps3</i> 23 (23–25), <i>ps3:h3</i> 53 (52–60).</p> <p> Femora I, II with ventral crest. Solenidion <i>σ1</i> of genu I equal in length to this segment and situated at its midlevel. Solenidion <i>σ</i> of genu III situated in proximal half of this segment (Fig. 18 C–E). Legs III, IV subequal in size, legs IV with ambulacral discs extending to level of lobar apices. Tarsus IV 20 (20–25) in length, with apicoventral claw-like process bearing seta <i>w</i>; modified setae <i>d</i> and <i>e</i> button-like, situated in distal half of this segment (Fig. 18 F). Setae <i>d</i> and <i>f</i> of tarsi II, III subequal in length. Length of solenidia: <i>σ 1</i> I 23 (23–28), <i>σ</i> III 10 (10– 13), <i>φ</i> IV 30 (30–33).</p> <p> FEMALE (range for 10 paratypes). Idiosoma, length × width, 430–450 × 170–180, length of hysterosoma 310–320. Prodorsal shield: form and ornamentation as in male, 110–115 in length and 130–135 in width. Setae <i>se</i> separated by 80–85. Setae <i>c2</i> and <i>cp</i> on humeral shields. Setae <i>c3</i> lanceolate, 18–20 × 5–6. Distance between prodorsal and hysteronotal shields 15–20. Anterior hysteronotal shield: 220–230 in length and 130–140 in width, anterior margin straight, posterior margin with short and widely rounded median extension, entire surface with numerous circular lacunae; in posterior part these lacunae noticeably larger, up to 10 in diameter (Fig. 17 A). Lobar region: 95–105 in length and 108–110 in width, lateral margins convex, without noticeable extensions bearing setae <i>h2</i>; lobar shield entire, its anterior margin with a pair of narrow triangular incisions and small semirounded extension between them. Terminal cleft narrow, almost parallel-sided, 65–73 in length, 12–15 in width at midlevel. Supranal concavity absent. Setae <i>h2</i> lanceolate in basal part and with filiform apex, 80–90 in length, 7–8 in width; setae <i>h3</i> 68–75 in length, approximately half the length of terminal appendages. Setae <i>h1</i> inserted on striated tegument between the anterior hysteronotal and lobar shields. Setae <i>h1</i> and <i>f 2</i> in trapezoidal arrangement. Setae <i>ps1</i> on inner margins of opisthosomal lobes, close to level of setae <i>h3</i>. Distance between dorsal setae: <i>c2:d2</i> 90–95, <i>d2:e2</i> 120–125, <i>e2:h2</i> 50–55, <i>h2:h3</i> 38–45, <i>h1:h2</i> 40–45, <i>d1:d 2</i> 30–35, <i>e1:e2</i> 60–65, <i>h1:h 1</i> 28–30, <i>h2:h2</i> 85–88, <i>h2:ps 1</i> 23–30.</p> <p> Epimerites I as in male; epimerites I–II with narrow sclerotized fields. Epimerites IVa large, roughly triangular, with long posterior extension (Fig. 17 B). Epigynum horseshoe-shaped, thick, with rounded tips extending beyond level of setae <i>g</i>, 55–60 in length, 75–80 in width. Genital papillae of each side on small ovate sclerotized plate. Setae <i>ps2</i> at midlevel of anal opening. Translobar apodemes not fused to each other anterior to terminal cleft. Copulatory opening ventral, situated near to anterior end of terminal cleft. Head of spermatheca short; proximal part of primary spermaduct with strong enlargement 30–35 long, with short collar around base of narrowed part; secondary spermaducts 50–55 long (Fig. 18 H). Distance between pseudanal setae, <i>ps2:ps2</i> 48–50, <i>ps3:ps 3</i> 24–25, <i>ps2:ps 3</i> 13–14.</p> <p> Legs I, II as male. Solenidion <i>σ</i> of genu III in proximal half of this segment. Legs IV with distal margin of ambulacral disc extending to level of setae <i>h2</i>. Solenidion <i>φ</i> of tibia IV slightly shorter than corresponding tarsus. Seta <i>d</i> of tarsus II longer than corresponding seta <i>f</i>, setae <i>d</i> of tarsi III, IV shorter than corresponding setae <i>f.</i> Length of solenidia: <i>σ 1</i> I 28–33, <i>σ</i> III 15–20, <i>φ</i> III 45 –50, <i>φ</i> IV 35 –40.</p> <p> <b>Differential diagnosis.</b> The new species, <i>Nycteridocaulus leptopogoni</i> Mironov sp. n., is most similar to <i>N. tyranni</i> Atyeo, 1966 from <i>Contopus pertinax</i> Cabanis and Heine (Tyrannidae) from Mexico in having numerous large circular lacunae on the dorsal shields in both sexes, and short terminal lamellae of rectangular form and thick L-shaped adanal shields in males. <i>Nycteridocaulus leptopogoni</i> differs from the latter species as follows: in males, the pregenital apodemes are absent, setae <i>ps3</i> are situated on the adanal shields and the terminal cleft extends to the level of setae <i>h2</i>; in females, the terminal cleft is narrow and nearly 5 times longer than wide, and setae <i>h2</i> are distinctly shorter than terminal appendages. In males of <i>N. tyrrani</i>, the pregenital apodemes are represented by small sclerites of irregular form situated anterior to setae <i>4a</i>, setae <i>ps3</i> are situated off the adanal shields, and the terminal cleft barely extends to the level of setae <i>h3</i>; in females, the terminal cleft is 1.5 <i>–</i> 2 times longer than wide at midlength, and macrosetae <i>h2</i> are nearly 2 times longer than the terminal appendages.</p> <p> <b>Etymology.</b> The specific epithet is derived from the generic name of the type host and is a noun in the genitive case.</p>Published as part of <i>Mironov, Sergey V., Literak, Ivan, Sychra, Oldrich & Capek, Miroslav, 2017, Feather mites of the subfamily Proctophyllodinae (Acari: Proctophyllodidae) from passerines (Aves: Passeriformes) in Costa Rica, pp. 1-105 in Zootaxa 4297 (1)</i> on pages 37-41, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4297.1.1, <a href="http://zenodo.org/record/840212">http://zenodo.org/record/840212</a&gt