42 research outputs found

    Ethical committee as a form of institutionalisation of academic ethics

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    Ethical committee is an effective instrument for resolving moral problems of contemporary university and a form of institutionalisation of its social responsibility. Different models of ethical committees are discussed in the article. Namely, the corporate model, where a university is regarded as a big business entity; the legal model, which settles different intra-organisational conflicts; the expert model, which evaluates the conformity of research projects with universal moral norms; the enlightening model, where the university is regarded as an instrument of insemination of moral values. The choice of the model defines procedural questions, the number of committee members, its representativeness, functions and periodicity of meetings.Vieningų veiksmų ėmimosi esant vertybių konfliktui problema gali būti vertinama kaip vienas svarbiausių šiuolaikinės etikos klausimų. Etikos komitetas, regis, yra vienas efektyviausių konsensuso siekimo instrumentų, nes sprendimų priėmimo procesui jis gali suteikti būtiną atstovavimą ir lankstumą. Nors moralinės problemos diskusijos etikos komitete per se negarantuoja jos galutinio išsprendimo, tai gali bent jau nurodyti konkrečias priemones, kuriomis susijusios šalys gali pasiekti konsensuso dėl svarstomos problemos. Pirmieji etikos komitetai buvo įsteigti medicinos institucijose (bioetikos komitetai) ir komercinėse organizacijose (korporaciniai etikos komitetai) XX a. viduryje, kai šiose srityse iškilo patys aštriausi konfliktai tarp deklaruojamų ir tikrų tikslų. Šiuo metu itin aštrias moralines kolizijas išgyvena švietimo sistema. Šiuolaikinis universitetas yra sudėtinga daugybės lygmenų struktūra, orientuota į simultanišką įvairių edukacinių, mokslinių, ekonominių, politinių uždavinių sprendimą. Universitetai susiduria tiek su unikaliais moraliniais iššūkiais, tiek su tradiciniais iššūkiais, panašiais į korporacijų ir mokslinių tyrimų institucijų problemas. Etikos infrastruktūros plėtojimas edukacinės organizacijos lygmeniu ir universiteto etikos komiteto kaip jos koordinacinio centro kūrimas atrodo kaip logiškas šios problemos sprendimas. Vis tik tebelieka klausimų, susijusių su tinkamiausio universiteto komiteto modelio pasirinkimu. Šis pasirinkimas iš esmės priklauso nuo uždavinių, universiteto keliamų komiteto nariams. Komitetas gali būti sukurtas kontroliuoti moralinių normų institucionalizavimą organizaciniu lygmeniu, spręsti vidinius organizacinius konfliktus, rengti etinį mokslinės veiklos tyrimą, vykdyti informacinę ir šviečiamąją veiklą etikos srityje ir t. t. Taigi gali būti išskiriami skirtingi komitetų modeliai: korporatyvinis modelis, kai universitetas vertinamas kaip didelis verslo vienetas; teisinis modelis, kuris sprendžia ginčus tarp darbuotojų; ekspertinis modelis, kuris tinkamas vertinti mokslinių tyrimų projektų atitiktį moralinėms normoms; šviečiamasis modelis, kai universitetas suvokiamas kaip moralinių vertybių skleidimo įrankis. Taigi pirmasis būtinas žingsnis etikos komiteto organizavimo procese yra ne nekūrybingas kitose institucijose egzistuojančių mechanizmų kopijavimas, bet aiškus konkretaus universiteto specifinių tikslų apibrėžimas. Universiteto etikos komitetas gali susitelkti ties vienu iš apibrėžtų tikslų arba mėginti pasiekti kelis iš jų. Kadangi pastarasis variantas ne visuomet įmanomas, viena galimų išeičių yra steigti kelis komitetus pagal skirtingas paskirties sritis

    Development of risk-oriented technologies of the corporate financial controlling system

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    Financial controlling is one of the functions of financial relations of management system whose main task is to monitor the correct functioning of these relations at the level of a certain managed object with the purpose to decide on sufficiency and effectiveness of managerial decisions. The article considers some peculiarities of creation of a corporate system of financial controlling on the basis of systematization of the existing theoretical and methodical approaches. Also the article presents some directions of improvement of financial controlling tools as well as the results of development of risk-oriented technologies which are aimed at providing financial stability of modern corporations.peer-reviewe

    Light-matter interaction between photonic bound states in the continuum and bright excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides

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    Being motivated by recent achievements in the rapidly developing fields of optical bound states in the continuum (BICs) and excitons in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides, we analyze strong coupling between BICs in Ta2O5 periodic photonic structures and excitons in WSe2 monolayers. We demonstrate that giant radiative lifetime of BICs allow to engineer the exciton-polariton lifetime enhancing it three orders of magnitude compared to a bare exciton.The work has been supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (3.1668.2017/4.6), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (16-37-60064) and the President of Russian Federation (Grant MK-403.2018.2)

    Strong coupling between excitons in transition metal dichalcogenides and optical bound states in the continuum

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    Being motivated by recent achievements in the rapidly developing fields of optical bound states in the continuum (BICs) and excitons in monolayers of transition metal dichalcogenides, we analyze strong coupling between BICs in Ta 2 O 5 periodic photonic structures and excitons in WSe 2 monolayers. We demonstrate that giant radiative lifetime of BICs allows to engineer the exciton-polariton lifetime enhancing it three orders of magnitude compared to a bare exciton. We show that maximal lifetime of hybrid light-matter state can be achieved at any point of k-space by shaping the geometry of the photonic structure.This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (16-37-60064, 17-02- 01234), the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (3.1668.2017/4.6), the President of Rus- sian Federation (MK-403.2018.2

    Hate rhetoric vs trust rhetoric in contemporary public discourse

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    Modern public discourse is so closely related to power that we can talk about the power of discourse. The value-normative basis of public discourse in most modern societies is human rights and fundamental freedoms. This leads to a high level of not only discursive diversity, but also communicative aggression, one of the most dangerous manifestations of which is the rhetoric of hatred. Although hatred rhetoric in certain communicative contexts and situations can perform useful functions based on violence, it hinders the achievement of such ideals of public discourse as the public good and justice. For this reason, in most states, the use of hate speech in public discourse is prohibited or restricted. However, the state, as a rule, finds itself in a difficult situation of a compromise between freedom of speech and social equality. On the one hand, it should ensure freedom of speech, especially in political debate; on the other hand, the state has a duty to protect discriminated and stigmatized groups. It is extremely difficult to find such a compromise using exclusively legal mechanisms, therefore, other strategies are required to squeeze out the rhetoric of hatred from public space. One of these strategies is the expanded reproduction of social trust, the accumulation of social capital, entailing a natural transition from the rhetoric of hatred to the rhetoric of trust. It is hardly possible to make such a transition without conflict, therefore, the use of compromise and consensus mechanisms is required (compromise is preferable)


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    В статье дается оценка миграционного настроения молодежи в Республике Мордовия. Акцентируется внимание на миграционных намерениях и настроениях как составной части миграционного поведения, выступающих в качестве стимула к переезду. Представлены результаты анкетного опроса молодежи и структурированного интервью, предложены меры, направленные на снижение исходящей миграции в регионе.С целью изучения миграционных настроений населения в 2015 г. были проведены анкетный опрос молодежи (тип выборки – квотная, отбор осуществлялся с учетом пола, возраста от 18 до 35 лет и района проживания, опрошено 383 человека, погрешность 5%) и структурированное интервью (опрошено 9 человек, отбор информантов происходил по принципу интенсивной выборки).Результаты исследования показали, что молодые люди в Республике Мордовия демонстрируют явные миграционные намерении, из них около половины ориентированы на миграцию в ближайшее время. Если эти намерения будут реализованы, республике угрожает увеличение темпов оттока молодого трудоспособного населения. Данное явление может повлечь за собой ряд негативный последствий, в числе которых нехватка рабочей силы на рынке труда, снижение уровня рождаемости, старение населения и др.На основе результатов исследования предложены рекомендации, направленные на решение миграционных проблем в регионе.The article assesses the migration intentions of young people living in the Republic of Mordovia. The attention is focused on the migration intentions and moods as elements of the migratory behavior which act as an incentive to migrate. The authors analyze the results of the survey of young people and the structured interview and propose the measures aimed at reducing the outbound migration level in the region.In order to study the migration attitudes of the population in 2015 the survey of young people was carried out (quota type of sample, the selection was carried out by sex, age from 18 to 35, area of residence, 383 people were interviewed, with a 5% error) supplemented with structured interview (9 persons interviewed, the selection of informants was based on the principle of intensive sampling).The results show that people in the Republic of Mordovia show clear migration intentions, and about half of them are focused on migration in the nearest future. If these intentions are realized, the region will face the increase of the rate of outflow of young working-age population. This phenomenon can entail a number of negative consequences, including shortages on the labor-markets, decline in the birth rate, population aging and others.Based on the results of the study recommendations are made to address the problems of migration in the region

    The Frequency of CYP2C9, VKORC1, and CYP4F2 Polymorphisms in Russian Patients With High Thrombotic Risk

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    Background and Objective. VKORC1, CYP2C9, and CYP4F2 are known to be responsible for the metabolism of warfarin. The aim was to explore the frequencies of these genotypes in the Russian population and compare the results with those for other populations. Material and Methods. In total, 91 Caucasian subjects with a mean age of 66.17 years (SD, 10.9) were recruited into the study. Of them, 40 patients (48.2%) were men. In order to obtain necessary clinical data, the medical records of the patients were reviewed. Blood (5 mL) was taken from each subject, and DNA was isolated and used for identification of the CYP2C9 allele *1, *2, *3, –1639G/A VKORC1, and CYP4F2 V433M rs2108622 C>T, using the real-time polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism assay. Results. The CYP2C9*1/*1 genotype was detected in 67.0%, CYP2C9*1/*2 in 9.9%, CYP2C9* 1/*3 in 11.0%, CYP2C9*2/*2 in 2.2%, CYP2C9*2/*3 in 8.8%, and CYP2C9*3/*3 in 1.1% of the patients. The results for VKORC1 were as follows: 49.5% (GG), 28.6% (GA), and 22.0% (AA); meanwhile, those for the genotype CYP4F2 were 57.1% (CC), 34.1% (CT), and 7.7% (TT). No significant deviations from the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed. The frequency of the polymorphisms in the Russian population was found to differ from Asian and close to Caucasian. There were no significant interethnic variations in the frequency of CYP4F2 among Russian, Asian, and Caucasian populations. Conclusion. The frequency of CYP2C9, CYP4F2, and VKORC1 polymorphisms in Russian patients is comparable with other European ethnic groups