24 research outputs found

    Model Bioekonomi Eksploitasi Multispesies Sumber Daya Perikanan Pelagis Di Perairan Selat Bali (Bio-economic Model of Multispecies Exploitation of Pelagic Fishery Resources in the Bali Strait)

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    Bali Strait has potential abundance of pelagic fishery resources such as Indonesian oil sardine (lemuru), frigate mackerel (tongkol), scad mackerel (layang), short-bodied mackerel (kembung) and others which can be caught mostly using purse seine. Fishery resources are combined and also known asmultispecies; therefore this research aimed to analyze the model of bio-economic multispecies exploitation of pelagic fishery resources in Bali Strait. The analytical methods that used in this research were estimated dynamic model of Walters and Hilborn (1976) and analysis of bio-economic model. The results showed that actual production of exploitation of pelagic fishery resources in Bali Strait, was lower than the rate of sustainable production especially Indonesian oil sardine and short-bodied mackerel. Production and fishing effort were below the actual optimal value. The management of pelagic fishery resources in Bali Strait did not show a good level of economic efficiency. Thus the exploitation of pelagic fishery resources in Bali Strait using purse seine could still be increased

    Pola Bagi Hasil Usaha Garam Rakyat di Kabupaten Pamekasan, Jawa Timur

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    Sharecropping system is wellknown as a disincentive agricultural system (Marshall 1920). It has been a culture that is very difficult to be deleted in rural area. Almost 70,5% of salt production business in Pamekasan regency applied this system, although it does not give more adventages to the sharecroppers. This study aimed to analyze the sharecropping system in salt production by estimating the profit taken by landlords and sharecroppers. Beside that, this study aimed to identify the factors affecting sharecropper's decission by using binery logistic regression. The results showed that the landlords and the sharecroppers have a significant difference in the mean of their profit. This result is significant for α=5%. Sharecropper's decission is affected significantly by the last education of sharecropper, number of sharecropper's family, and cost of fund. This study recommended the government, landlords, sharecroppers, middleman, and the stakeholder to cooparate and make a forum that can give a better welfare to the sharecroppers

    Pengaruh Variabel Makroekonomi terhadap Penyaluran Transaksi Ekspor dan Impor dengan Metode Pembayaran Letter Of Credit

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    Letter of credit (LC) is one of term of payments on export import transaction. The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact ofmacroeconomic variables changes i.e exchange rate, inflation and the Bank Indonesia (BI) rateto value of LC, with study case in one of Bank in Indonesia.This study also analyze the differences in impact of the commodity on export import by using LC between agricultural and non-agricultural products. The data is analyzed by using Error Correction Model (ECM) to investigate the long run and short run relationship between macroeconomic variables and value of LC over the period of 2013–2016. The result show that the long run relationship between macroeconomic variables changes and value of LC is significant. Over all, the result show that allof the macroeconomic in this study was significantly influence the value of LC export, whereas the value of LC import was not influence by inflation variable. Differences of the commodity on export import by using LC also showing the different impact to the value of LC especially for inflation variable. The value of LC export and import of agricultural products was not influence by inflation variable. The recommendation for the bank to optimize the LC transaction is when domestic currency have depreciation, then the bank can increasethe LC transaction on export side either on agricultural or non-agricultural products. And then for BI rate factor, the bank should be wary of increase of the BI Rate because it can be impact to decrease the LC transaction

    Analisis Efisiensi Ekonomi USAhatani Padi Organik dan Konvensional di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the economic efficiency of organic rice farming compared conventional rice farming. This study conducted using a cross section data from 100 farmers in Tasikmalaya Regency. The farmers are selected using proportionate stratified random sampling technique which is divided into equal size of two levels. Study was performed using stochastic frontier production function and estimated by Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) method. The result showed that the mean economic efficiency of the organic farmers (0,53) is higher compared conventional farmers (0.43). Cost saving of seed and high production in organic farming as a source of gain in economic efficiency. Knowledge on the factors influencing farm efficiency is crucial for policy makers to improving efficiency levels

    Determinan Intensitas Energi Di Indonesia

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    Studi ini memperkaya kajian energi di Indonesia dengan menganalisis konsumsi dan intensitas energi, sertafaktor-faktor yang memengaruhi intensitas energi di Indonesia baik secara agregat (nasional) maupunsektoral. Indeks Ideal Fisher digunakan untuk mendekomposisi Perubahan intensitas energi (esiensi danperubahan aktivitas ekonomi). Analisis Vector Autoregressive (VAR) atau Vector Error Correction Model(VECM) digunakan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel-variabel ekonomi terhadap intensitas energi.Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa intensitas energi di Indonesia meningkat selama periode 1977-2010. Faktorutama yang memengaruhi intensitas energi di tingkat nasional adalah Perubahan aktivitas ekonomi,sedangkan di tingkat sektoral adalah efek esiensi

    Optimasi Produksi USAhatani Sayuran Organik (Studi Kasus Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti, Cisarua, Bogor)

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    The organic farming potential is relatively large because of the high economic benefits for farmers and it is beneficial to operate. The research carried out as an idea or information to change the paradigm of organic farmers through an approach towards research on the income aspects of organic farming by production analysis. Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti (YBSB) is the selected organic companies in the study. The objectives of this study are (1) analyze the level of organic vegetable production optimization Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti and the level of use of resources (2) identify changes in profit in optimal conditions Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti (3) analyze the effect of changes in prices of production inputs and outputs to the optimal production conditions. Production optimalization analysis of organic farming in view ofincome changes is aright thing to do. Linear programming analysis was used in this research. The resultsshowed that Yayasan Bina Sarana Bakti as an agribusiness company in organic vegetable production has yet to produce optimally. Optimal conditions of the company turned out to show the change in resources optimal use of resources which have not occurred on the land surplus amounted to 10.06 percent and profits at optimal conditions which is higher than the actual which profits can be increased 57,86 percent