16 research outputs found

    Tahap kefahaman, penerimaan dan integrasi golongan mualaf cina terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat Melayu di Negeri Selangor

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    Masyarakat di Malaysia masih terperangkap dengan sifat ‘assabiyah’ antara kaum akibat daripada polisi dan sistem pendidikan yang diperkenalkan oleh pihak British. Justeru, kajian tinjauan deskriptif ini bertujuan untuk mengenal pasti tahap kefahaman, penerimaan dan integrasi golongan Mualaf Cina terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat Melayu di Negeri Selangor. Soal selidik diedarkan kepada 408 MC di Negeri Selangor. Dapatan kajian telah mendapati nilai min bagi tahap kefahaman golongan Mualaf Cina terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat Melayu (min = 2.85) berada pada tahap yang sederhana. Di samping itu, nilai min bagi tahap penerimaan golongan MC terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat Melayu di Negeri Selangor (min = 2.75) berada pada tahap sederhana. Manakala, min tahap integrasi golongan Mualaf Cina terhadap budaya masyarakat Melayu (min = 2.80) berada pada tahap sederhana. Dapatan ini menunjukkan bahawa kesemua tahap menunjukkan golongan Mualaf Cina memberi respons yang positif terhadap kebudayaan masyarakat Melayu di Negeri Selangor

    Role of Islamic economic and finance in renewable energy: some quotation from Quranic verses and Indonesia experiences: Peranan ekonomi dan kewangan Islam dalam program-program tenaga boleh diperbaharui: beberapa petikan dari ayat-ayat al-Quran dan pengalaman Indonesia

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    This study aims to describe the role of Islamic economic and finance in renewable energy programs in Indonesia. This research is a qualitative descriptive research through library research and content analysis method. The results show that the role of Islamic economic and finance in renewable energy programs in Indonesia is realized in several forms. First, sharia financial sector can be one of the options for renewable energy investment financing instruments. Second, the utilization of renewable energy can be the supporter and spearhead of the halal industry. Third, in a religious social context, renewable energy financing can be done with the concept of ta‘āwun and jāriyah alms through crowd funding and waqf. In order to optimize the role of sharia economy and finance in renewable energy programs in Indonesia, several steps and activities that can be done include: (1) intensifying the campaign against the excellence of renewable energy; (2) providing easy access and renewable energy financing schemes; (3) conducting research and publication on renewable energy and potential collaboration with other industries in the halal value chain that can be perceived in Indonesia

    The Converts and Zakat Distribution in State of Selangor

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    The knowledge about zakat distribution method is a vital issue because it leaves an impact to the converts regarding fairness and satisfaction. The aim of the study is to analyze the zakat distribution method in the state of Selangor. In addition, the study is to delve the statisctics in the form of assistance programs received by the converts in Selangor. The study employs mixed method which adopts both quantitative and qualitative studies. The quantitative study employs the questionnaire instrument to 454 converts in Selangor. Meanwhile, the qualitative study employs the library study. The finding of the study indicates that there are twelve zakat distribution methods. The study also shows the statistics in the form of assistance program received by converts.There are fifteen forms of aid received by converts. In the one hand, the highest form of assistance program received by converts are hari raya allowance and monthly financial assistance which are amounted to 54.4% and 47.6% respectively. On the other hand, the lowest form of assistance program is printing and publication assistance which is amounted to 7%. The implication signifies that the zakat distribution method is dessiminated either in the form of money as well as services. Thus, the study finds that the zakat authority in Selangor has fairly distributed the funds into 1/8 of the right of zakat recipients

    Dispersion of Islamic Preaching: some Quranic Viewpoints on the Idea of Tourism

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    The spread of Islamic preaching and all efforts towards this direction should be done in their entirety because this represents the nature of Islam itself. As a result, Islamic preaching should be a part of everyday life as a human being, which is not limited to a person's lifestyle. Islamic preaching requires a great deal of man's power of quality and quantity, excellent in spiritual strength, open-mindedness and professionalism. This article seeks to analyze the factors of how the Islamic preaching spread across the globe while making tourism one of the most common mediums for preaching. Using a descriptive qualitative approach and evidence of history, this article reveals the impact of Islamic tourism on the spread of religion on a global scale, as it is crucial to take this result seriously and pay close attention to making Islam the centre of attraction

    Humanism In Islamic Education: Indonesian References

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    In the context of nationality, the role of education is to prepare students to face the future and promote a sense of dignity among other nations. For Indonesia, humanistic values were incorporated and formulated into Pancasila, which is often referred to as humanistic-universalistic. This paper aims to review the formulation of national education goals that are in sync with the concept of universal humanistic education. It investigates an Islamic education as an integral part of Indonesian national education can achieve both national and humanistic education goals without contradicting each other or the teachings of Islam. The finding implies that orientation of the education system in Islamic educational institutions starts with a theocentric philosophy, which emphasises the importance of the afterlife over life in this world. Throughout the educational process, students intensively explore the comprehensive teachings and practices of Islam

    Analisis literatur sistematik: impak elemen spiritual terhadap kejayaan usahawan Muslim: Systematic literature review: the impact of spiritual elements on successful Muslim entrepreneur

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    The world of entrepreneurs in Malaysia has been led by Muslims. This has contributed to the growth of the Muslim economy. There are issues of failure in business management based on Islamic spiritual values. Spirituality is the process of the internal development of the soul. In Islam, it is based on faith in life, believing and trust in Allah Almighty, while application of the tauhid paradigm in both in this world and hereafter are related affairs. The purpose of the study is to analyze the potential of spiritual elements in the success of Muslim entrepreneurs. In this article, the researchers applied the Systematic Literature Review methodology, which focuses on research objectives. This article uses three (3) steps to analyze selected articles, i.e., by identification, screening, and eligibility. The outcome of this study had established five (5) journal articles that discussed spiritual elements that played an important role in the success of Muslim entrepreneurs, based on religious practices and values that were applied in entrepreneurship. The analysis found that the belief in Allah and the practice of religious values helped to enhance confidence and build the strong personality and traits of successful entrepreneurs. This is contributed by the elements of gratitude (Shukr), approval (riḍā), and reliance (tawakkal) after the best effort. Therefore, this study is expected to contribute to the research on entrepreneurship in Malaysia, especially for the Muslim community

    Maqam Sabar dalam Psikoterapi Pemulihan Pedofilia: Kajian Terhadap Qūt al-Qulūb Syeikh Abū Ṭālib Al-Makkī (W. 996 M): Maqām al-Ṣabr in the Paedophilia Rehabilitation Psychotherapy: A Study on Qūt al-Qulūb by Syeikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī (D. 996 CE)

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    Sheikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī was a scholar of Sufism respected in the Islamic world. His work, Qūt al-Qulūb, is a major source of reference to sages of the past and present. Many Islamic scholars use Maqamāt al-Aḥwāl's theory as a module and rehabilitation guideline for a number of diseases that affect the human soul. Paedophilia, according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder (DSM-5) falls into a category of mental disorders, with some experts considering paedophiles as being mentally insane. In this regard, the main objective of this study was to analyse the implementation of maqām al-ṣabr (stage of patience), according to al-Makkī, as a concept of paedophilia rehabilitation psychotherapy. Using qualitative methods, this study found maqām al-ṣabr to be a crucial element in the recovery from paedophilia. Therefore, this article hopes to integrate the elements of patiencee stage with rehabilitation psychotherapy to develop one of the best treatment modules in the rehabilitation of paedophilia in Malaysia.   ABSTRAK: Syeikh Abū Ṭālib al-Makkī merupakan ulama tasawuf yang disegani dunia Islam, malah karyanya Qūt al-Qulūb menjadi sumber utama golongan sufi mutaqaddimīn dan muta’akhkhirīn. Sebahagian besar sarjana Islam menggunakan teori maqamat al-Ahwal sebagai modul dan rehab untuk beberapa penyakit melibatkan kejiwaan manusia. Pedofilia pula menurut Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Disorder (DSM-5) termasuk dalam kategori gangguan mental, malah sebahagian pakar menganggap pedofil sebagai orang gila. Sehubungan dengan itu, objektif utama kajian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi maqam sabar menurut al-Makkī sebagai konsep psikoterapi pemulihan pedofilia. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif, kajian ini mendapati maqam sabar antara elemen penting dalam pemulihan pedofilia. Justeru artikel ini diharap dapat menyatupadukan elemen maqam sabar dan psikoterapi pemulihan, sekali gus menjadi satu modul rawatan yang terbaik dalam pemulihan ketagihan seksual golongan pedofilia di Malaysia