12 research outputs found
The Correlation Between the Second Year Students' Critical Thinking Disposition and Their Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition Texts at Man 1 Pekanbaru
This research is aimed at discovering the correlation between the second year students' critical thinking disposition and their ability in writing analytical exposition texts at MAN 1 Pekanbaru. The problem needs to be addressed in this research is : is there any significant correlation between MAN 1 Pekanbaru second year students' critical thinking disposition and their ability in writing analytical exposition texts The research data were collected in April 2017. The population of this research was 301 second year students of MAN 1 Pekanbaru. The cluster random sampling technique was applied to determine the sample. The sample of this research is class 31 students of XI MIA 3. The data were collected by using two kinds of instruments in the form of a questionnaire and a writing test which are assessed by using Product Moment's formula that are analyzed by using SPSS 16.0 Statistic Program. Based on the data analysis, it shows that there is a significant and positive correlation between MAN 1 Pekanbaru second year students' critical thinking disposition and their ability in writing analytical exposition texts. The correlation is categorized as moderate level. This study suggests the teacher to promote critical thinking in English classrooms. The implication of the finding is that the students should increase their disposition towards critical thinking to improve their writing
The Effect of Three Stage Fishbowl Decision Strategy in Comprehending Narrative Texts by the Second Year Students of Sman 2 Kuantan Hilir
The aim of this experimental research was to know the effectiveness of the Three Stage Fishbowl Decision Strategy in comprehending such a reading text as narrative texts. The subject of this research were 46 second year students of SMAN 2 Kuantan Hilir, it consisted of two classes; Experimental class and control class. In this research, the data were collected through two ways: Pre-test and Post-test. The findings showed that the application of three stage fishbowl decision strategy can affect the students in comprehending narrative texts. At the pre-test, the average score of students in experimental class and control class was 58.61 and 58.78. At the post-test, the average score of experimental class and control class was 75.13 and 61.39.It showed us that the post-test of experimental class was higher than control class. Based on the result of the research, English teacher are suggested to use three stage fishbowl decision strategy to affect the students in comprehending narrative texts
Pengaruh Suhu dan Persen Katalis Zeolit terhadap Yield Pirolisis Limbah Plastik Polypropylene (PP)
Increasing population growth leads to increased plastic waste resulting in adverse environmental impacts, If not further processed. This research was conducted to convert plastic waste into fuel oil using synthetic zeolite catalyst. The purpose of this research is to see the influence of temperature variation and percent catalyst / plastic. A total of 100 grams of polypropylene plastic type were crushed in a batch reactor at a temperature of 300 ° C, 350 ° C, and 400 ° C for 60 minutes with percent catalyst / plastic variations 5; 6; 7 (% weight). The highest yield was obtained at 400 ° C with 7% catalyst / plastic percent of 75.69%. While the highest yield without catalyst was obtained at 400 ° C at 65.57%. The product result obtained is density 0,87 gr / ml, kinematic viscosity value 2,140 cSt, flash point value 52 ° C, calorific value 44.673 kJ / kg. The analysis results show that (%) yield of the product meets the diesel (solar) standard
Sebuah Analisa Kemampuan Siswa Tahun Kedua di Sman 1 Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis dalam Menguasai Teks Report
This research was designed to describe the student's ability in comprehending report texts and aimed to find out the students ability in comprehending report texts for each component and the level of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy indicated in the ability. This research took place in SMAN 1 Bantan Kabupaten Bengkalis that collected from February to April 2017. The try out class was XI IPS 3 (26 students) and the sample was XI IPA 1 (29 students) chosen by cluster random sampling. The result showed that the ability of the second year students of SMAN 1 Bantan in comprehending report texts for each component is in good level which the mean score was 60.0, however, the students have not passed the minimum score of the school which is 76. For the level of remembering; finding factual information the mean score was 73.4, finding references was 42.5, finding meaning of difficult words was 42.2. The level of understanding (finding restatement) the mean score was 62.0, for the analyzing level (finding main idea) the mean score was 72.7. and the level of evaluating (finding social function) was 64.8. Therefore, this research suggested the English teachers to focus on the level and components that students still find difficulities and categorized them into poor level. Students should learn the components in report texts and other text types. Further researchers are expected to find the standard guidance of classification of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy indicated the components of reading comprehension
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Chemical Cleaning Agen (HCI dan Detergen) Serta Tekanan Trans-Membran dalam Meregenerasi Kinerja Membran Ultrafiltrasi pada Penyaringan Air Gambut
The main challenge in the use of membrane technology is fouling. This research aims to study the trans-membrane pressure on the flux, studied the effectiveness and efficiency of HCl as chemical cleaning agent and detergents in the regeneration of ultrafiltration membranes in water filtration surgery peat. The study was conducted using ultrafiltration membranes with water bait peat. The method used is by varying the operating pressure of 1 bar and 1.5 bar, variations in the concentration of HCl and detergents 1%, 1.5% and 2%. Peat water filtration process lasted 120 minutes and wash each time is 30 minutes, the highest level of effectiveness of washing detergent obtained 20.77% using 2% and trans-membrane pressure of 1 bar, the highest leaching efficiency based on the value of the flux recovery 82.89 % and based on the resistance value of 22.73% removal. Value highest average flux after chemical leaching obtained 0.48 ml / menit.cm2 using detergent
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Chemical Agent (Detergen, NaOH) dan Tekanan Trans-Membran pada Pencucian Membran dari Proses Pengolahan Air Gambut secara Cross Flow
Peat water is the kind of surface water that which widely available in the swampy area and lowlands that require more treatment so that can beclassified as a clean water and can be drunk. One of the alternative technology that can be used for peat water treating is membrane technology. The first challenge of the membrane technology is fouling. The purpose of this research is to learn the affectivity and efficiency of the cleaner materials likeNaOH and detergent in the regeneration process of ultrafiltration membrane at the peat water filtering operation. This research was done by using ultrafiltration membrane that the peat water as the feed. The used methodwas cross flow system with variations were pressing operation 1 bar and 1,5 bar and concentration of NaOH and detergent 1%, 1,5%, and 2%. The filtering process of peat water carried on for 120 minutes and the each cleaning time was 20 minutes. The highest of cleaning affectivity was reached 21,14% using detergent 2%. The highest of cleaning efficiency based on recovery flux was 84,88% and based on resistance removal was 21,09%
Pre Treatment Air Gambut dengan Tanah Lempung Lahan Gambut dan Aplikasi Membran Ultrafiltrasi Sistem Aliran Cross Flow untuk Menyisihkan Zat Organik dan Kekeruhan
Usage of peatland clays as liquid coagulant in pre treatment process still have a problem, so needed a process using ultrafiltration membranes. The purpose of this study was to determine the removal efficiency of organics matter and turbidity in pre treatment process using liquid coagulant of peatland clays with variation coagulant doses and learn the flux and rejection of organics matter and turbidity in peat water in processing using cross flow system ultrafiltration membrane without and with pre treatment. This research was conducted by varying the dose of liquid coagulant by 40 ml, 50 ml and 60 ml to 1000 ml of peat water and variations ultrafiltration membrane operating pressure of 0.5 bar, 1 bar and 1.5 bar. The result showed the best coagulant dosage is 40 ml, the highest flux obtained at processing using ultrafiltration membranes with a pre treatment at a pressure of 1.5 bar and highest rejection of organic matter and turbidity obtained on processing using ultrafiltration membranes with a pre treatment at a pressure of 0.5 bar respectively amounted to 96.34% and 100%