17 research outputs found

    Pentingnya Pengawasan Kontaminasi Radioanuklida dalam Makanan, Produk Rumah Tangga dan Lingkungan

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    PENDAHULUANUpaya proteksi terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan dari efek radiasi terus menerus mengalami penyempurnaan sejak awal abad ke 20 seiring dengan meningkatnya apli- kasi iptek nuklir di berbagai bidang seperti industri, kesehatan, pertanian, penelitian dan lain sebagainya. Terlebih lagi dalam era globalisasi dimana setiap negara akan di- hadapkan pada tantangan yang semakin berkembang dan komplek baik pada tingkat regional maupun tingkat Internasional. Salah satu permasalahan dan tantangan yang akan dihadapi adalah pencemaran global baik pencemaran bahan radioaktif maupun non radioaktif. Cemaran radioaktif yang telah terjadi sepanjang perjalanan sejarah pengembangan iptek nuklir di beberapa tempat tidak bisa diabaikan begitu saja. Cepat atau lambat baik langsung ataupun tidak langsung tidak tertutup kemungkinan akan berpindah dari satu tempat ke tempat lain. Sejak tahun 1945, khususnya pada waktu dua bom atom hasil proyek Manhattan Amerika Serikat diledakan di dua kota di Jepang, sejarah pencemaran radionuklida buatan di lingkungan dimulai dengan cara yang sangat mengejutkan dan mengerikan umat manusia. Cemaran bahan radioaktif tersebut terus terjadi sejak iptek nuklir dikembangkan oleh negara-negara maju ke arah yang negatif yaitu untuk kepentingan persenjataan. Sampai tahun 1970 lebih dari 400 uji coba senjata nuklir dilakukan dan umumnya uji coba dilakukan di atmosfer. Dengan uji coba di atmosfer pencemaran radionuklida meluas ke angkasa dan kemudian jatuh ke seluruh permukaan bumi secara global. Perlombaan uji coba nuklir di atmosfer, serta jatuhan debu radioaktif akibat uji coba itu, menyempurnakan citra buruk pengembangan iptek nuklir di masalalu. Sekarang ini uji coba senjata nuklir di atmosfer sudah tidak dilakukan lagi, akan tetapi manusia masih tetap berhadapan dengan resiko radiasi. Kegiatan-kegiatan industri non nuklir seperti pertambangan atau industri-industri yang menggunakan bahan baku dari dalam kulit bumi ternyata juga dapat menambah tingkat radiasi disekitar kehidupan manusia. Radionuklida alam yang terkandung dalam kulit bumi ikut terangkat ke permukaan dan kemudian terakumulasi menjadi material yang disebut dengan istilah TENORM (Technologically Enhanced Naturally Occurring Radiactive Materials)

    Radon and Thoron Exhalation Rates From Surface Soil of Bangka - Belitung Islands, Indonesia

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    DOI:10.17014/ijog.2.1.35-42Radon and thoron exhalation rate from soil is one of the most important factors that can influence the radioactivity level in the environment. Radon and thoron gases are produced by the decay of the radioactive elements those are radium and thorium in the soil, where its concentration depends on the soil conditions and the local geological background. In this paper, the results of radon and thoron exhalation rate measurements from surface soil of Bangka Belitung Islands at thirty six measurement sites are presented. Exhalation rates of radon and thoron were measured by using an accumulation chamber equipped with a solid-state alpha particle detector. Furthermore, the correlations between radon and thoron exhalation rates with their parent nuclide (226Ra and 232Th) concentrations in collected soil samples from the same locations were also evaluated. The result of the measurement shows that mostly the distribution of radon and thoron is similar to 226Ra and 232Th, eventhough it was not a good correlation between radon and thoron exhalation rate with their parent activity concentrations (226Ra and 232Th) due to the environmental factors that can influence the radon and thoron mobilities in the soil. In comparison to a world average, Bangka Belitung Islands have the 222Rn and 220Rn exhalation rates higher than the world average value for the regions with normal background radiation

    Natural Radioactivity in Some Food Crops From Bangka-Belitung Islands, Indonesia

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    Natural radioactivities of food crops are the main sources of internal radiation exposure in humans. Bangka-Belitung islands of Indonesia has a higher natural background radioactivity than typical areas because of tin mining activities.The study was carried out to evaluate the natural radioactivity concentration in several food crops grown in Bangka and Belitung Islands. Food samples collected from Bangka and Belitung Islands were analyzed by means of a gamma spectroscopy for natural radionuclides 226Ra, 232Th and 40K. The annual intake of the food was estimated on the basis of their average annual consumption. Calculations were also made to determine the effective dose to an individual consuming such diets. The intakes of these radionuclides were calculated using the concentrations in Bangka-Belitung foods and annual consumption rates of these food. Annual intakes of these radionuclides were as follows: 226Ra = 190.00; 232Th = 633.79 and 40K = 2065.10 Bq/year. The annual internal dose resulting from ingestion of radionuclides in food was 0.205 mSv/year which is much lower than annual dose limit of 1 mSv for general public. The radionuclides with highest consumption is 40K followed by 232Th and 226Ra.Received: 21 October 2013; Revised: 22 April 2014; Accepted: 28 April 201

    The Investigation of 137Cs Contamination in Soils of Aceh after the Tsunami

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    Cs-137 is one of the most common radionuclides used for analysing man-made radioactive contamination in the environment beside Sr-90. Nangro Aceh Darussalam Province suffered the greatest mortality, with widespread destruction extending along more than 1000 km of coastline on 26 December 2004 due to tsunami. The disaster were affected areas about 220 km long and around 5 km wide along the coastlines of Aceh and North Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to investigate the artificial radioactivity 137Cs in soil samples which have been collected from various locations along the areas affected by tsunami in Aceh. The surface soil samples were collected from 20 sites in this region. The soil samples from the middle area of Aceh which was not exposed to the tsunami have also been investigated for comparison. The activity concentration of137Cs in the samples was measured using a ORTEC P-type coaxial high purity Germanium (HPGe) detector system. The artificial radioactivity level of 137Cs measured from these samples was found in the range of not detected to 2.09 Bq.kg-1 for the affected soil samples and 0.56 to 1.44 Bq.kg-1 for unaffected soil respectively. The radioactivity concentrations of 137Cs within the coastline areas are comparable to that of the middle area, which was not exposed to the tsunami. The results indicate that there are no new inputs of man-made radionuclides into the area at that time and the data obtained could serve as baseline levels of 137Cs in Aceh Region.Received: 29 May 2015 ; Revised: 02 November 2015; Accepted: 25 November 201

    Perkiraan Dosis Radiasi Yang Diterima Publik Di Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung

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    Bangka and Belitung Islands is known to have the geological potential of mineral resources, especially tin along with its accessory minerals which are distributed in almost all land and sea regions. Besides tin, tin mining activities in Bangka Belitung produces a by-product containing radioactive substances which have a risk as one of factor that can affect on the health of publics members. A major contribution of the radiation dose to the publics health comes from natural radionuclides of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in accessory minerals of tin core. The aim of this study was to estimate the total annual radiation dose received by the cmembers of the public in Bangka-Belitung through external and internal exposure. Estimation of external dose was based on the concentration of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K in the soil and gamma exposure rate direct measurement in public houses. While the internal dose was estimated based on intake of 226Ra, 232Th and 40K by ingestion of foodstuffs that were consummed by public of Bangka - Belitung (vegetables, seeds, tubers, fruits, fishes and drinking water). Internal dose also estimated from the inhalation of radon (222Rn) and thoron (220Rn) inside the house. The annual effective external doses of outdoor and indoor ranged between 0,05 to 11,55 mSv (mean=1,17 mSv) and 0,15 to 2,10 mSv (mean=0,69 mSv) per year respectively. The annual effective internal doses by ingestion of foodstuffs and drinking water and inhalation of radon and thoron gases were 0.20 mSv, 0,76 mSv and 2,32 respectively. So that the total annual effective doses received by the member of the public in Bangka-Belitung through external and internal exposure was 5.14 mSv. In conclusion, the members of the public in Bangka – Belitung islands received higher dose of radiation than the worldwide average value for normal areas

    The Investigation of 137Cs Contamination in Soils of Aceh After the Tsunami

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    Cs-137 is one of the most common radionuclides used for analysing man-made radioactive contamination in the environment beside Sr-90. Nangro Aceh Darussalam Province suffered the greatest mortality, with widespread destruction extending along more than 1000 km of coastline on 26 December 2004 due to tsunami. The disaster were affected areas about 220 km long and around 5 km wide along the coastlines of Aceh and North Sumatra. The purpose of this study is to investigate the artificial radioactivity 137Cs in soil samples which have been collected from various locations along the areas affected by tsunami in Aceh. The surface soil samples were collected from 20 sites in this region. The soil samples from the middle area of Aceh which was not exposed to the tsunami have also been investigated for comparison. The activity concentration of137Cs in the samples was measured using a ORTEC P-type coaxial high purity Germanium (HPGe) detector system. The artificial radioactivity level of 137Cs measured from these samples was found in the range of not detected to 2.09 Bq.kg-1 for the affected soil samples and 0.56 to 1.44 Bq.kg-1 for unaffected soil respectively. The radioactivity concentrations of 137Cs within the coastline areas are comparable to that of the middle area, which was not exposed to the tsunami. The results indicate that there are no new inputs of man-made radionuclides into the area at that time and the data obtained could serve as baseline levels of 137Cs in Aceh Region.Received: 29 May 2015 ; Revised: 02 November 2015; Accepted: 25 November 201

    Pengaruh Status Sosial Ekonomi Orangtua terhadap Prestasi Belajar Siswa di SMP Masmur Pekanbaru

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    This research to know the effect social status of parent's economics to student study achievement in Masmur Junior high school at Pekanbaru. This research location in Masmur Junior high school at Pekanbaru. This research start from on April until November 2016. The variants of research is quantitative descriptive research. The data from this research to get validity and reliability data account technique is using sampling technique and sample used 25 people. Result of research is status social of parent's economics give the effect significant to student study achievement in Masmur Junior high school at Pekanbaru. Because student from social status of high parent's economics will enough need,their study and high study achievement. And student from low social status of parent's economics nothing high in study achievement

    Design and Development of Carborne Survey Equipment

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    In most nuclear and radiological emergencies involving the release of radioactive materials to environment, it is important that data on the geographic distribution of potentially hazardous radioactive materials be quickly presented to the authorities. The mobile radiation detection system makes it possible to measure radioactive materials in the environment at random places because of its easy mobility from place to place. The purpose of the work is to develop a mobile radiation detection system to measure gamma exposure rate, radioactive material on the ground and airborne radioactive particulate in the environment quickly. In this work, we have developed a carborne survey equipment system consisting of three gamma ray detectors, one airbome radioactive particulate sampler, a GPS (Global Positioning System), meteorological sensors, a data acquisition system and an operation software. Performance of the carborne survey equipment has been successfully demonstrated to measure iodine and argon release from medical isotope production facility on Serpong in western Java, Indonesia.Received: 04 October 2014; Revised:16 March 2015; Accepted: 23 March 2015 